git-svn-id: http://svn.us.apache.org/repos/asf/tuscany@668359 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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Apache Tuscany Status
Tuscany provides multiple language implementations of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specifications and related technologies such as SDO.
Tuscany is being incubated at the request of the Apache Web Services PMC.
For information on incubation please visit the project page at
Pending Issues
2005-12-28 CCLA received for IBM's contribution of a C++ implementation
2005-12-28 CCLA received for BEA and IBM joint contribution of a Java implementation
2007-02-09 CCLA received for IBM's contribution of a EJB Binding
2008-03-26 Vote to add Giorgio Zoppi as Tuscany committer
2008-03-06 Andrew Borley resigned as Tuscany PPMC member
2008-02-10 Vote to add Mark Combellack as Tuscany PPMC Member
2007-11-19 Vote to add Rajini Sivaram as Tuscany committer
2007-11-01 Vote to add Mark Combellack as Tuscany committer
2007-10-21 Vote to add Michael Yoder as Tuscany committer
2007-10-08 Vote to add Amita Vadhavkar as a new committer
2007-09-19 Vote to add Simon Nash as a new committer
2007-09-11 Dims steps down as mentor, Paul Fremantle and Matthieu Riou take his place
2007-08-21 Vote to add Brady Johnson as a new committer
2007-07-14 Tuscany PPMC formally created
2007-07-12 Vote to add Fuhwei Lwo as a new committer
2007-05-01 Vote to add Andy Grove as a new committer
2007-04-03 Vote to add Adriano Crestani as a new committer
2007-03-14 Change name of Tuscany SCA for C++ project to Tuscany SCA Native
2007-02-09 CCLA sent for IBM's contribution of EJB Binding
2007-01-22 Vote to add Simon Laws as a new committer
2006-11-15 Vote to add Geoffrey Winn as a new committer
2006-11-10 Vote to add Luciano Resende as a new commiter
2006-11-07 Vote to add Rajith Attapattu
2006-09-29 Vote to add Ignacio Silva-Lepe as a new committer
2006-09-18 Vote to add Venkata Krishnan as a new committer
2006-08-10 Vote to add Andrew Borley as a new committer
2006-08-07 Vote to add Meeraj Kunnumpurath as a new committer
2006-08-07 Vote to add Kelvin Goodson as a new committer
2006-08-06 Vote to add Brent Daniel as a new committer
2006-08-04 Vote to add Raymond Feng as a new committer
2006-05-02 Vote to add Dan Kulp as a new committer
2006-03-01 Vote to add Ant Elder as a new committer
2006-01-05 Contribution of Java implementation by BEA and IBM committed
2006-01-05 Contribution of C++ implementation by IBM committed
2008-02-05 Java SCA 1.1 released
2007-11-07 Java SCA 1.0.1 released
2007-10-06 Java DAS Beta2 released
2007-09-24 Java SCA 1.0 released
2007-08-31 Java SCA 0.99 released
2007-08-22 Java DAS Beta1 released
2007-08-09 Java SDO 1.0 released
2007-07-23 Java SCA 0.91 release
2007-06-05 Java SCA 0.90 release
2007-05-16 Java SDO Beta 1 release
2006-12-24 Java SCA Milestone 2 release
2006-11-20 Java DAS Milestone 2 release
2006-11-14 Java SDO Milestone 2 release
2006-11-03 C++ Milestone 2 release
2006-10-19 Voted to release pom and buildtools for Java M2 release
2006-08-01 C++ Milestone 1 release
2006-06-07 Java Milestone 1 release
Status file http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/STATUS
User List tuscany-user@ws.apache.org
Developer List tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org
Commits List tuscany-commits@ws.apache.org
Source Code http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/
Issue Tracking http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY
geirm Geir Magnusson Jr.
rubys Sam Ruby
pzf Paul Fremantle
mriou Matthieu Riou
adrianocrestani Adriano Crestani
amita Amita Vadhavkar
agrove Andrew Grove
ajborley Andrew Borley
antelder Ant Elder
bjohnson Brady Johnson
bdaniel Brent Daniel
dkulp Dan Kulp
dims Davanum Srinivas
edslattery Ed Slattery
frankb Frank Budinsky
fuhwei Fuhwei Lwo
geirm Geir Magnusson Jr
giorgio Giorgio Zoppi
gwinn Geoffrey Martin Winn
isilval Ignacio Silva-Lepe
jsdelfino Jean-Sebastien Delfino
jboynes Jeremy Boynes
jmarino Jim Marino
kelvingoodson Kelvin Goodson
kentam Ken Tam
kwilliams Kevin Williams
lresende Luciano Resende
mcombellack Mark Combellack
myoder Michael Yoder
edwardsmj Mike Edwards
meerajk Meeraj Kunnumpurath
nash Simon Nash
rsivaram Rajini Sivaram
rajith Rajith Attapattu
rfeng Raymond Feng
robbinspg Pete Robbins
rineholt Rick Rineholt
slaws Simon Laws
svkrish Venkata Krishnan