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        <title>Tuscany Java Runtime Overview</title>
        <h1>Tuscany Java Runtime Overview</h1>
        <p>This document is intended to provide a high level view of the Tuscany Java Runtime. At
            the most general level, the Tuscany Java Runtime is organized into a series of artifacts
            which can be loosely defined as units of management. Runtime artifacts can vary from the
            bootrap container, component containers to application components. Runtime artifacts are
            managed by implementations of <i>o.a.t.core.context.Context</i>. which, at a minimium,
            control their lifecycle state . The most prevalent type of context is
                <i>o.a.t.core.InstanceContext</i>, which manages instances of a runtime artifact.
            There are several types of instance context: </p>
            <li><i>SimpleComponentContext:</i> Manages implementation instances of a leaf
                appplication component such as an SCA component, i.e. a component that has no
                children. There is generally a 1:1 relationship between a simple context and a
                component implementation instance.</li>
            <li><i>AggregateContext:</i> Manages a context which contains child contexts such as an
                SCA module component. Aggregates may contain SimpleComponentContexts,
                EntryPointContexts and ExternalServiceContexts.</li>
            <li><i>EntryPointContext:</i> Manages the public access point of a service offered by a
                component or external service in a an aggregate context over a transport binding.</li>
            <li><i>ExternalServiceContext:</i> Manages a local representation of a service external
                to an aggregate context.</li>
            <li><i>ScopeContext:</i> Manages a scope which defines the lifecycle and visibility of
                component instances. SimpleComponentContexts, EntryPointContexts, External Services,
                and AggregateComponentContexts are associated with a scope context. Further,
                aggregate contexts contain scope contexts to manage the visibility of their
                <i>RuntimeContext:</i>Manages a runtime instance. A runtime context is an aggregate
                context that contains a root aggregate context and a system aggregate context.</li>
        <p>The relationship between contexts is described in the following diagram:</p>
        <img alt="context.uml" src="overview/Slide1.png"/>
        <p>Runtime artifacts are defined by configuration artifact. The set of configuration
            artifacts and their inter-relations are described by a Logical Configuration Model (LCM)
            located in o.a.t.model.assembly. The LCM is an in-memory representation of configuration
            information derviced from some external source (e.g. XML, programmatically, etc.). The
            runtime uses an LCM to generate the appropriate context objects. For example, a
            SimpleComponentContext is generated from a Component, an AggregateContext from a
            ModuleComponent, etc. This is done through a multistep configuration process described
            further on.</p>
        <h2>The Runtime Bootstrap</h2>
        <p>Contexts are assembled in hierarchical fashion, starting with the RuntimeContext:</p>
        <img alt="context.uml" src="overview/Slide2.png"/>
        <p>A host environment is responsible for bootstrapping the runtime, providing "core"
            capabilities such as classloader semantics, and loading configuration artifacts. For
            example, a host runtime will typically boostrap the runtime according to the following
            <li>Instantiate a runtime context (the default implementation is
                o.a.t.core.system.context.RuntimeContextImpl) with a collection of boostrap runtime
                configuration builders (.cf the description of configuration processing), and an
                implementation of o.a.t.common.monitor.MonitorFactory for logging. This context
                serves as the runtime bootstrap.</li>
            <li>Load system module components and register them with the runtime context. System
                module components contain system components that provide core runtime functionality
                such as support for the SCA Java Client and Implementation model, transport
                bindings, configuration builders, and data binding.</li>
            <li>Recursively load susbsystems, module components and other artifacts, registering
                them with the runtime context as parts of an LCM. The runtime context will modify or
                complete the LCM during this registration phase. Note that additional components and
                other artifacts may be registered dynamically after the runtime has been brought
            <li>Bring the runtime online.</li>
        <p>This design allows the Tuscany runtime to be hosted on a variety of technology platforms
            such as J2SE, a Servlet engine, a J2EE container, or an OSGi container.</p>
        <h2>Registering and Building Configuration</h2>
        <p>A configuration is registered with its parent context which is always an
            AggregateContext. For example, a SimpleComponent is registered with its parrent
            AggregateContext. Similarly, an AggregateContext is registered with its parent context
            which will be another AggregateContext. All registered aggregates form a hierarchy
            descending either from the root or system aggregate contexts (whose parent is the
            runtime context). When a component configuration is registered with its parent context,
            the configuration is passed up the hierarchy for completion. At this point, a second
            pass termed the build phase is made over the configuration and it is decorated with
            factories that create Context instances (the specifics of this process are detailed in a
            separate document; in brief, however, a pass is made over the configuration by
            implementations of o.a.t.core.builder.RuntimeConfigurationBuilder, which are configured
            system components).</p>
        <h3>Runtime Configuration</h3>
        <p>The core Tuscany runtime is also built in the same manner as described above. In this
            case, the host environment registers system components with the system context (or one
            of its children). These system component configurations are processed and decorated by a
            series of bootstrap builders (c.f. o.a.t.core.system.builder). The system context is
            then started and appropriate child contexts are created from the decorated model. These
            contexts manage implementation instances which provide core runtime functionality.
            System entry points may be wired to external services in other modules, thereby
            providing a way to access system capabilities from other components. </p>