/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.tools.contrib2wsdl; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import javax.wsdl.WSDLException; import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriter; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Binding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Component; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Composite; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Service; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.ws.WebServiceBinding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.ws.wsdlgen.WSDLGenerationException; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCAContribution; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCANode; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCANodeFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.impl.NodeImpl; /** * This class provides the tooling abstraction to Tuscany Contrib2WSDL and can be * invoked from command line with the following options * * java org.apache.tuscany.tools.contrib2wsdl.Contrib2WSDL -c ./MyContribution -o ./myOutputDir * */ public class Contrib2WSDL { private static String contributionPath = "."; private static String outputPath = "."; /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = getCommandLineOptions(); CommandLine cli = parser.parse(options, args); if (cli.hasOption("c")) { contributionPath = cli.getOptionValue("c"); } if (cli.hasOption("o")) { outputPath = cli.getOptionValue("o"); try { new File(outputPath).mkdir(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } SCANodeFactory factory = SCANodeFactory.newInstance(); SCANode node = factory.createSCANode(null, new SCAContribution("contrib2wsdl", contributionPath)); // Print out all generated WSDL // today this means finding all services in the deployment composites // that have a binding.ws configured printWSDL(((NodeImpl)node).getComposite()); } catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } static void printWSDL(Composite composite){ for (Component component : composite.getComponents()){ if (component.getImplementation() instanceof Composite){ printWSDL((Composite)component.getImplementation()); } else { for (Service service : component.getServices()){ for (Binding binding : service.getBindings()){ System.out.println("Processing: " + component.getName() + "/" + service.getName()); if (binding instanceof WebServiceBinding){ WebServiceBinding bindingWS = (WebServiceBinding) binding; String filename = outputPath + "/" + component.getName() + "_" + service.getName() + "_" + binding.getName() + ".wsdl"; try { System.out.println(" Writing file: " + filename); System.out.flush(); File file = new File(filename); file.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); System.out.println("Generated WSDL for " + component.getName() + "/" + service.getName()); WSDLWriter writer = javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLWriter(); writer.writeWSDL(bindingWS.getWSDLDefinition().getDefinition(),stream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLGenerationException(e); } } else { System.out.println(" No binding.ws" ); } } } } } } static Options getCommandLineOptions() { Options options = new Options(); Option opt1 = new Option("c", "contribution", true, "path to the contribution"); opt1.setArgName("contributionPath"); options.addOption(opt1); Option opt2 = new Option("o", "output", true, "path to the output directory"); opt2.setArgName("outputPath"); options.addOption(opt2); return options; } public static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage contrib2wsdl -c : path to contribution"); System.out.println("-o : output files location"); System.exit(0); } }