Tuscany Hello World Async Sample


The Tuscany Tuscany Hello World Aysnc sample application  shows the use of the Tuscany SCA runtime in a web service application. The service implements a bi-directional (asynchronous) interface that is supported by the web services binding (binding.ws) that it specifies. The component definition is given implicitly by the Java code and the use of the @Callback annotation.


This sample is located in the  samples\webapp\helloworldws-async directory.  All the following commands should be issued while working in the sample directory. 


Obtain the following prerequisites and install according to their documentation.


To build the sample issue :


This should result in the creation of the war file target\sample-helloworldws-async-1.0-incubator-M2.war


If you have enabled remote deployment in Tomcat by adding the line:

<user username="admin" password="" roles="manager"/>

into <tomcat dir>\conf\tomcat-users.xml you can deploy the WARs to Tomcat using the tomcat-maven-plugin:

mvn tomcat:deploy

Alternatively you can copy the WAR files to Tomcat's webapps directory. Copy target\sample-helloworldws-async-1.0-incubator-M2.war <tomcat dir>/webapps/.


Start the tomcat server by issuing the following command ind the <tomcat dir>\bin directory:


Once you've started your web server, following the directions in client side demo to execute the service.