package org.apache.tuscany.container.js.rhino; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import org.apache.tuscany.core.context.QualifiedName; import org.apache.tuscany.core.context.ScopeContext; import org.apache.tuscany.core.invocation.Interceptor; import org.apache.tuscany.core.invocation.TargetInvoker; import org.apache.tuscany.core.message.Message; public class RhinoTargetInvoker implements TargetInvoker { private ScopeContext container; private QualifiedName name; private String operation; private RhinoScript target; public RhinoTargetInvoker(String serviceName, String operation, ScopeContext container) { assert (serviceName != null) : "No service name specified"; assert (container != null) : "No scope container specified"; assert (operation != null) : "No operation specified"; = new QualifiedName(serviceName); this.container = container; this.operation = operation; } public Object invokeTarget(Object payload) throws InvocationTargetException { if (cacheable) { if (target == null) { target = (RhinoScript) container.getContext(name.getPartName()).getImplementationInstance(); } return target.invoke(operation, payload); } else { return ((RhinoScript) container.getContext(name.getPartName()).getImplementationInstance()) .invoke(operation, payload); } } private boolean cacheable; public boolean isCacheable() { return cacheable; } public void setCacheable(boolean val) { cacheable = val; } public Message invoke(Message msg) { try { Object resp = invokeTarget(msg.getBody()); msg.setBody(resp); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { msg.setBody(e.getCause()); } catch (Throwable e) { msg.setBody(e); } return msg; } public void setNext(Interceptor next) { throw new IllegalStateException("This interceptor must be the last interceptor in an interceptor chain"); } public Object clone() { try { RhinoTargetInvoker invoker = (RhinoTargetInvoker) super.clone(); invoker.container = this.container; invoker.cacheable = this.cacheable; =; invoker.operation = this.operation; = null; return invoker; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; // will not happen } } }