These sample projects will build: A basic calculator SCA service. A client to test that service. A WSClient to test the service as exposed by AXIS2C as a web service. The sample depdends on the current versions of Tuscany SDO and Tuscany SCA, which in turn depend on axis2c version 0.92, and libxml2. See the SCA and SDO project installation details. The sample already has the pre-generated proxy and wrapper code in it, but should you need to regenerate these, you will need the command line tool "scagen" which is part of the Tuscany SCA project. The projects expect to following environment variables to be set: TUSCANY_SCACPP: The directory in which the sca runtime is deployed - probably something ending in sca/deploy. TUSCANY_SDOCPP: The directory where the sdo runtime is deployed - probably something ending in sdo/deploy. TUSCANY_SCACPP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT=CalculatorSubsystem This is the default composite to be loaded by SCA. It consists of / TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT This is the point from which SCA will start looking for composites to load. Again this is set programmatically by the sample. AXIS2C_HOME: This is where axis2c is deployed- this is only required by the WSClient project. The Calculator project contains a simple calculator service, and the descriptive files which help the runtime to find the service. Rebuilding the proxy and wrapper classes ======================================== If required, go to the Calculator sample main directory, and type: "scagen -dir CalculatorComposite -output CalculatorComposite" The generated code is put into the CalculatorComposite subdirectory. Building the Client project =========================== Set the active project to be "Client", and then build all. This will re-build Calculator, then rebuild the Client, The final step of the build will call a batch file "deploy.cmd", which copies all the required files to the directory samples/Calculator/deploy Use Project..Settings..Debug and check the path to the executable, check also the path to the working directory. Alter these to match your configuration. Run the project, and your SCA service should be called. Building the WSClient project ============================= Modify the services.xml file, and make the SCA system root defined within it comply with your SCA system root. Set the active project to WSClient and build all. The last step of the build will run a wsdeploy script, which tries to use the environment variable AXIS2C_HOME, to create a services/Calculator directory, and deploy the services.xml file. The dll which resolves SCA services is called tuscany_sca_ws_service.dll - this will be copied to the axis tree by the same script file. To run the axis2 http server, go to the %AXIS2C_HOME%/bin directory, and launch the executable. Now verify that the path to the WSClient executable makes sense in your project settings, and run the project. Note ==== It can be quite hard to debug services which are invoked through axis, as the dll including the service is loaded on call. One useful technique is to load the axis http server in visual studio (create an empty project and make the executable path point to axis2_http_server.exe). Now use the Project..Settings..Debug..Addition DLLs option and add services/Calculator/tuscany_sca_ws_service.dll. You will now be able to set breakpoints in the dll (Axis2EntryPointService_invoke is a good place - in Axis2EntryPointService_skeleton.cpp). Run your WSclient from another debugger, and the server debugger will break on the service code.