## #set ($pageContentHeaderEnabled = false) ## #macro (spacer $width $height) ## ## Note: Replaced the spacer.gif with a table because IE wont honor the image height ## ## ##
#end ## #macro (renderPage $title) #set($globalHelper = $action.getGlobalHelper()) #set($renderer = $globalHelper.getWikiStyleRenderer()) ## ## FIXME: Must be a more efficient way to find a page... ## #foreach ($child in $page.space.pages) #if ($child.title.equals($title)) #set ($content = $renderer.convertWikiToXHtml($child.toPageContext(), $child.content).trim()) ## ## HACK: Remove the leading

and trailing

## #set ($content = $content.substring(3, $content.length())) #set ($end = $content.length() - 4) #set ($content = $content.substring(0, $end)) $content #end #end #end ## #macro (generateKeywords) #end ## #macro (topNav)
#end ## #macro (pageControls)
#end ## #macro (breadCrumbs)
 $autoexport.breadcrumbs($page) Tuscany Home | User List | Dev List | Issue Tracker  
#end ## #macro (pageOutline)
Table of Contents
#end ## #macro (pageContent)
#if ($pageContentHeaderEnabled) #end
#end ## #macro (footer) ## Google Analytics script ## StatCounter script website stats #end ## #generateKeywords() $page.title : Apache Tuscany #topNav() #breadCrumbs()
#pageOutline() #pageContent()