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Added by haleh mahbod, last edited by haleh mahbod on Apr 13, 2007  (view change)
Apache Tuscany SCA Java Architecture

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This architecture guide reflects the state of Tuscany SCA Java kernel.

Kernel Structure

The following diagram is a high level view of the kernel structure.
this diagram needs to be fine tuned an is under discussion, but gives you an idea of the main modules in kernel. For example, the diagram shows the whole Tuscany instead of just the Kernel. As an example, runime block should not be shown as part of the Kernel.


Data Binding

Data provides transparent data mapping between different types of data that can be exchanged between caller of a service and the service itself given the format of the data that will be supplied by the client. Data Mediator will do this transformation given the following information:

  1. format of the data that can be consumed by the service
  2. format of the data that will be sent by the client

You can find more detailed information about databinding at this link

Module 1