
Interface Summary
AbstractContract Interface contracts define one or more business functions.
AbstractProperty A property allows for the configuration of an implementation with externally set data values.
AbstractReference Represents a reference contract.
AbstractService Represents a service contract.
AssemblyFactory A factory for the assembly model
Base Base interface for all assembly model objects.
Binding Represents a binding.
BindingRRB TODO RRB experiment.
Callback Represents a callback object describing the bindings to use for callbacks.
Component Represents a component.
ComponentProperty Represents a configured property of a component.
ComponentReference An instance of a reference associated with a particular component.
ComponentService An addressable instance of a service associated with a particular component.
ComponentType Describes an implementation and represents its configurable aspects.
Composite Represents a composite.
CompositeReference Represents composite reference.
CompositeService Represents a composite service.
ConfiguredOperation Represents an Operation.
ConstrainingType A constrainingType provides the "shape" for a component and its implementation.
Contract Represents a contract.
Endpoint Represents an endpoint (primarily a combination of a target service name and a set of candidate bindings)
EndpointFactory A factory for the endpoint model
Extensible Base interface for extensible assembly model objects.
Implementation Represents a component implementation.
OperationsConfigurator Interface to be implemented by SCA artifacts that support configuration of 'operation' child elements for policies etc.
OperationSelector Represents an operationSelector
OptimizableBinding Represent a reference binding that supports optimized SCA local wiring between component references and services
Property A property allows for the configuration of an implementation with externally set data values.
Reference Represents a reference.
SCABinding Represents an SCA binding.
SCABindingFactory A factory for the SCA binding model
Service Represents a service.
Wire Represents a wire.
WireFormat Represents a wireFormat.

Class Summary
DefaultAssemblyFactory A factory for the assembly model.
DefaultEndpointFactory A default factory for the Endpoint model.

Enum Summary
Multiplicity Enumeration for multiplicity.