
Class Summary
BaseConfigurationBuilderImpl Base class for Builder implementations that handles configuration.
ComponentConfigurationBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the configuration of components.
ComponentReferenceBindingBuilderImpl A composite builder that performs any additional building steps that component reference bindings may need.
ComponentReferencePromotionWireBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the creation of promoted composite services.
ComponentReferenceWireBuilderImpl A composite builder that wires component references.
ComponentServiceBindingBuilderImpl A composite builder that performs any additional building steps that component service bindings may need.
ComponentServicePromotionBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the creation of promoted services.
CompositeBindingURIBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the configuration of binding URIs.
CompositeBuilderImpl A builder that handles the configuration of the components inside a composite and the wiring of component references to component services.
CompositeCloneBuilderImpl A composite builder that clones nested composites.
CompositeIncludeBuilderImpl Implementation of a CompositeBuilder.
CompositePolicyBuilderImpl A composite builder that computes policy sets based on attached intents and policy sets.
CompositePromotionBuilderImpl A composite builder that makes the connections between composite services and references and the services and references that they promote
CompositeReferenceConfigurationBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the configuration of composite references.
CompositeReferenceWireBuilderImpl A composite builder that wires composite references.
CompositeServiceBindingBuilderImpl A composite builder that performs any additional building steps that composite service bindings may need.
CompositeServiceConfigurationBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the configuration of composite services.
CompositeServicePromotionBuilderImpl A composite builder that handles the creation of promoted composite services.
EndpointBuilderImpl A factory for the Endpoint model.
ProblemImpl Reports a composite assembly problem.

Exception Summary
PolicyConfigurationException Exception to be throw for invalid policy intents / policysets