Interface IntentAttachPoint

All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractContract, AbstractProperty, AbstractReference, AbstractService, Binding, Callback, Component, ComponentProperty, ComponentReference, ComponentService, ComponentType, Composite, CompositeReference, CompositeService, ConstrainingType, Contract, Implementation, PolicySetAttachPoint, Property, Reference, RuntimeComponent, RuntimeComponentReference, RuntimeComponentService, SCABinding, Service, Wire

public interface IntentAttachPoint

Base interface for all assembly model objects that can be have policy intents attached to them.

Method Summary
 java.util.List<Intent> getRequiredIntents()
          Returns a list of policy intents.

Method Detail


java.util.List<Intent> getRequiredIntents()
Returns a list of policy intents. See the Policy Framework specification for a description of this attribute.

a list of policy intents.