Tuscany Java projects Tuscany Java projects

  1. System requirements
  2. Environment Scripts- template scripts to setup your environment.
  3. Checkout and build Tuscany Java project
  4. Running samples
  5. Create and submit a patch
  6. Java Coding Guidelines
  7. Using Eclipse for IDE
  8. Using IDEA style templates
  9. Logging

Next, please download the following in order to get your machine ready for Java development.

Software Download Link Download Instructions
JDK 5.0 Update 6 or later jdk 5.0 Steps for Java setup is here.
Apache Maven 2.0.4 or later Maven 2.04
  • We are using Maven 2 to build Tuscany, plus a few Ant scripts. Steps for Maven setup is here.
  • A quick reference on Maven is available here
Apache Ant 1.6.5 or later Ant Steps for Ant setup is here.
Subversion 1.3.0 or later Subversion
  • Tuscany source code is stored in a Subversion (SVN) repository, you need Subversion to download it. Steps for svn setup is here.
  • A quick reference for subversion commands is here
  • Note: Some linux distributions may already have a subversion client installed. try executing "svn --version"
Apache Tomcat 5.5.17 apache tomcat 5.5 This is the Web container that we integrate with, to allow you to use the SCA programming model in Web applications. Steps for Tomcat setup is here.

Open a Command Prompt window, then from the command prompt create a directory named "tuscany": This is the directory where we're going to check out the Tuscany code from subversion.

There is a windows setenv.bat and a linux setenv.sh script that you can download by right clicking and "selecting save as..." You can edit these scripts with the below described environment variables to set up your environment any time by running them. On linux you invoke the shell script with

 . ./setenv.sh

A quick reference for subversion commands is here

Check out Tuscany Java

From the command prompt, in the tuscany directory do the following:

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java

This should check out all the source code from the Tuscany SVN repository into java sub directory.

Build Tuscany Java

When the check out completes change to the java subdirectory. From the command prompt do the following build tuscany using maven:

This will build the Tuscany runtime with Maven. Maven will download all the JAR dependencies, build all the Tuscany sub-projects and run the unit tests.

Note: Depending on the load of remote Mavan 2.0 repositories you may have to execute mvn several time until required dependencies are all located in your local maven repository. After you have completed a full successful build you can use "mvn -o" which is much faster.

Run the samples by building the distribution.

Link to Eclipse download : http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index.php

Getting Started documentation: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index.php

To create the eclipse projects to use for SCA development:

1) When checking code out from subversion, checkout the subversion trunk to a location outside your eclipse workspace (it has to be outside because Eclipse will not allow you to import projects from a location overlapping with your workspace)

2) Go to Import / Existing projects into workspace. Select either the runtime, spec, tools or samples directory. The wizard proposes the list of Eclipse projects under that directory. Importing the projects does not copy the files; it just makes the files at that location visible under an Eclipse project.

3) If you need to use Eclipse to edit files outside of these projects (for example the etc directory, or the maven files at the root of the trunk), then delete the Eclipse projects, with the option to not delete the files, and import the whole trunk as a project.

If you are using Eclipse, Tuscany has a preferred Java coding style. Please use the tuscany-eclipse-codestyle.xml in Eclipse.
Download this file. You may need to right click and save. Then in Eclipse:
                (Specify path and file to the tuscany-eclipse-codestyle.xml just downloaded. 

Install the Subversion Eclipse Plugin as described here: http://subclipse.tigris.org/

  1. Open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective
  2. Right click in the SVN Repository view.
  3. Select "New" and "Repository Location"
  4. Url: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany

    Use URL https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany if you have committer rights and need to commit changes back to the repository.

  5. Select the "Finish" button and allow Subeclipse time to access the repository and display its contents in the SVN Repository explorer. Once the repository is displayed in the explorer, you will see a number of subfolders displayed. The ones that are relevant are "java", "cpp" and "site" - which contain the Tuscany Java runtime, the Tuscany C++ runtime and the Tuscany website material respectively.
  6. Select the folder you want to check out as a project - one of java, cpp or site for example Right click, select "Checkout" and "Checkout using new project wizard" - select the appropriate options for your needs and then click "Finish"

You can check in changes using the "Commit" item in the team submenu of the Java perspective.

If you are using IDEA IDE, Tuscany has a preferred Java coding style. Please use the tuscany-idea-codestyle.xml in IDEA
Download this file. You may need to right click and save.
                        copy tuscany-idea-codestyle.xml to ~/.IntelliJIdea50/config/codestyles
                        File->Settings, Project Code Styles, Import
For more information regarding how to add logging to your code you can review Tuscany Monitoring