Interface ImplementationActivator<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ImplementationActivator<T>

An ImplementationActivator adds an SCA implementation type to the Tuscany runtime. The SCDL XML used for the implementation is derived from the name of the class returned from the getImplementationClass method - the package name and any trailing "Implementation" string is removed, leading upper case characters are converted to lowercase, and the suffix "implementation." is added. For example if getImplementationClass returns a class named "mypkg.FooImplementation" then the SCDL for the implementation will be . Attributes of the SCDL are based on the getters/setters of the Implementation class. So if FooImplementation had getBar/setBar then there would be an attribute name 'bar', for example, . BindingActivator implementations may use constructor arguments to have Tuscany ExtensionPointRegistry objects passed in on their constructor. For example: public class MyImplementationActivator implements ImplementationActivator { ServletHost servletHost; public MyImplementationActivator(ServletHost servletHost) { this.servletHost = servletHost; } ... } ImplementationActivator implementations are discovered by the Tuscany runtime using the J2SE jar file extensions for service provider discovery. All that means is packaging the new binding type in a jar which contains a file META-INF/services/ and that file lists the ImplementationActivator implementation class name.

Method Summary
 InvokerFactory createInvokerFactory(RuntimeComponent rc, ComponentType ct, T implementation)
 java.lang.Class<T> getImplementationClass()

Method Detail


java.lang.Class<T> getImplementationClass()


InvokerFactory createInvokerFactory(RuntimeComponent rc,
                                    ComponentType ct,
                                    T implementation)