
Interface Summary
DomainManagerConfiguration Domain manager configuration service interface.

Class Summary
CompositeConfigurationCollectionImpl Implementation of a component that returns composite configuration collections.
CompositeConfigurationServiceImpl Implementation of a service that returns a fully configured composite.
CompositeGeneratorServiceImpl Implementation of a service that generates a composite from a composite model.
ContributionCollectionImpl Implementation of a contribution collection service component.
ContributionServiceImpl Implementation of a contribution collection service component.
DeployableCompositeCollectionImpl Implementation of a deployable composite collection service.
DeployableCompositeServiceImpl Implementation of a service that returns the source of a deployable composite.
DeployedCompositeCollectionImpl Implementation of a composite collection service.
DomainManagerConfigurationImpl Implementation of a domain manager configuration component.
DomainManagerUtil Common functions and constants used by the admin components.
FileCollectionImpl Implementation of a file collection service component.
FileServiceImpl Implementation of a servlet component supporting file upload/download.
NodeConfigurationServiceImpl Implementation of a service that returns a node configuration.
NodeProcessCollectionFacadeImpl Implementation of a node process collection service.
QuickStartServiceImpl Implementation of a component that provides a quick start path for a composite in a contribution.