
Interface Summary
JMSMessageProcessor Interface for a component that does operation selection and message payload processing

Class Summary
AbstractMessageProcessor Base MessageProcessor for the JMSBinding.
BytesMessageProcessor MessageProcessor for sending/receiving javax.jms.BytesMessage with the JMSBinding.
DefaultJMSBindingListener Deprecated.
JMSBindingInvoker Deprecated.
JMSBindingProviderFactory A factory from creating the JMS binding provider.
JMSBindingReferenceBindingProvider Implementation of the JMS reference binding provider.
JMSBindingServiceBindingProvider Implementation of the JMS service binding provider.
JMSMessageProcessorUtil Utility methods to load JMS message processors.
JMSResourceFactoryImpl Abstracts away any JMS provide specific feature from the JMS binding
ObjectMessageProcessor MessageProcessor for sending/receiving Serializable objects with the JMSBinding.
RRBJMSBindingInvoker Invoker for the JMS binding.
RRBJMSBindingListener TODO RRB experiement Listener for the JMSBinding.
TextMessageProcessor MessageProcessor for sending/receiving javax.jms.TextMessage with the JMSBinding.
XMLTextMessageProcessor MessageProcessor for sending/receiving XML javax.jms.TextMessage with the JMSBinding.