Editing this site

The website is generated by Anakia.

The source can be checked out from the Tuscany SVN repository.
The source documents are in the "site-author" directory. The documents to publish are in the "site-publish" directory.

Quick Start

If you just want to patch the website a little:

  1. Edit/add files in the site-author/ directory (copy-pasting from existing files is often a good idea)
  2. Install a java runtime environment or development kit
  3. Type './build.sh' on linux/mac/solaris/unix or 'build.bat' on windows

You can now browse the site locally from the site-publish directory. Once you are happy with your changes:

  1. Manually 'svn add' any files generated in site-publish that weren't there before, or set the 'svn:ignore' property to ignore them. Eg something like
    svn status site-publish | egrep '^\?' | sed -e 's/^\? *//g' | xargs svn add
    may work for you.

  2. Check the generated stuff looks like you want it to. Eg something like
    svn status site-publish | egrep '^(A|M)' | sed -e 's/^[AM] *//g' | xargs open
    may work for you.

  3. Commit.

Editing Images

The programs you will need to edit all the files used on the site are:

  • Inkscape - Open source vector graphics editor, used for all of the diagrams and a few layout components.
  • The GIMP - Open source bitmap graphics editor, used for most of the site layout components.
The original sources for most of the images are in the "image-sources" folder. You should be able to edit these files and export them to the site-author folder so they will be copied over when the site is built ulsing the steps above.

Editing the Layout

The layout of the site is defined in 'stylesheets/site.vsl'. This file contains both HTML and VTL code.
Much of the layout is also set in the CSS file located in 'site-author/css/style.css'.

To change the contents of the navigation menu, please edit 'stylesheets/project.xml'

If you want to add more tabs to the layout across the top, they are defined in 'stylesheets/project.xml' as well. However, you must also add any new tabs to 'DropMenu.js' in order for the menus to function properly.

Publishing the site

The published version of the site lives in the site-publish directory in SVN. To make this live, it must first be exported to a staging location on people.apache.org and from there it will be replicated to the live servers. This replication can take up to four hours so be patient.

To update the site:

  1. log into people.apache.org
  2. $ cd /www/incubator.apache.org/tuscany
  3. $ svn update
  4. and wait ...