Tuscany Assembly Model

Package org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly

Interface Summary
AssemblyContext Context object supplied by visitors that are processing the model.
AssemblyFactory The Factory for the assembly model.
AssemblyObject Base interface for all assembly model objects providing methods for managing the model itself.
AssemblyVisitor A visitor that traverses the model performing some operation.
AtomicComponent An atomic component, specifically not an Composite.
AtomicImplementation The implementation for a specific atomic component instance.
Binding The binding of an entry point or external service to a transport.
Component<I extends Implementation> A component is a configured instance of a generic Implementation.
ComponentType A logical definition of a type of component separate from any specific implementation.
Composite A model object that describes a container for parts.
CompositeComponent<I extends Composite> Specialization of Component that represents a configured Module.
ConfiguredPort<P extends Port> Represents a configured port (e.g.
ConfiguredProperty The configured value of a Property.
ConfiguredReference A configured reference associated with a particular usage.
ConfiguredService A configured service associated with a particular usage.
ContextFactoryHolder A model object that can hold a runtime context factory object.
EntryPoint An entry point exposed by its containing Composite.
Extensible An extensible model object.
ExternalService An external service consumed by its containing Composite.
Implementation The implementation for a specific component instance.
ImportWSDL Model object that represents the import of an external WSDL definition.
Module A specialized Implementation that defines a modular unit of assembly.
ModuleComponent Specialization of Component that represents a configured Module.
ModuleFragment A fragment of assembly configuration within a module.
Part A configured object that is contained inside a Composite.
Port Abstraction for the association of a service contract with a requestor or provider.
Property A description of a property that can be used to configure a component.
ProxyFactoryHolder A model object that can hold a runtime proxy factory object.
Reference The association of a port with a requestor.
Service The association of a port with a provider.
ServiceContract The contract specified by a requestor or provider for invocations across a port.
ServiceURI Represents a service URI.
Subsystem Represents a subsystem.
Wire A connection between a requestor (source) and a provider (target).

Enum Summary
Multiplicity Enumeration for multiplicity.
OverrideOption Enumeration for override options that are used to control whether configuration information can be overridden by larger grained definitions.
Scope The types of scope supported by assemblies.

Exception Summary
AssemblyInitializationException Denotes an exception initializing an assembly model artifact.

Tuscany Assembly Model
