Tuscany Assembly Model

Class ServiceContractImpl

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
      extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
          extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ServiceContractImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
AssemblyObject, Extensible, ServiceContract
Direct Known Subclasses:
JavaServiceContractImpl, WSDLServiceContractImpl

public class ServiceContractImpl
extends ExtensibleImpl
implements ServiceContract

An implementation of ServiceContract.

Constructor Summary
protected ServiceContractImpl()
Method Summary
 java.lang.Class getCallbackInterface()
          Returns the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor.
 java.lang.Class getInterface()
          Returns the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.
 Scope getScope()
          Returns the scope of this service contract.
 void setCallbackInterface(java.lang.Class value)
          Sets the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor.
 void setInterface(java.lang.Class value)
          Sets the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.
 void setScope(Scope scope)
          Sets the scope.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
accept, freeze, getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements, initialize
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
accept, checkInitialized, checkNotFrozen, freeze, initialize, isFrozen, isInitialized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Extensible
getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.AssemblyObject
accept, freeze, initialize

Constructor Detail


protected ServiceContractImpl()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Class getCallbackInterface()
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Returns the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor.

Specified by:
getCallbackInterface in interface ServiceContract
the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor


public java.lang.Class getInterface()
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Returns the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.

Specified by:
getInterface in interface ServiceContract
the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider


public Scope getScope()
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Returns the scope of this service contract.

Specified by:
getScope in interface ServiceContract


public void setCallbackInterface(java.lang.Class value)
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Sets the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor.

Specified by:
setCallbackInterface in interface ServiceContract
value - the callback interface for wire from the provider back to its requestor


public void setInterface(java.lang.Class value)
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Sets the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.

Specified by:
setInterface in interface ServiceContract
value - the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider


public void setScope(Scope scope)
Description copied from interface: ServiceContract
Sets the scope.

Specified by:
setScope in interface ServiceContract
scope - of this service contract.

Tuscany Assembly Model
