Tuscany Assembly Model

Class CompositeImpl

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
      extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
          extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.CompositeImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
AssemblyObject, Composite, Extensible, Implementation
Direct Known Subclasses:
ModuleFragmentImpl, ModuleImpl, SubsystemImpl

public abstract class CompositeImpl
extends ExtensibleImpl
implements Composite

An implementation of Composite.

Constructor Summary
protected CompositeImpl()
Method Summary
 boolean accept(AssemblyVisitor visitor)
          Accept a visitor
 void freeze()
          Freeze this model object preventing any additional changes.
 java.util.List<Component> getComponents()
          Returns all components contained in this composite.
 ComponentType getComponentType()
          Returns the generic component type corresponding to this implementation.
 ConfiguredService getConfiguredService(ServiceURI address)
          Returns the configured service at the given address.
 java.util.List<EntryPoint> getEntryPoints()
          Returns all entry points contained in this composite.
 java.util.List<ExternalService> getExternalServices()
          Returns all external services contained in this composite.
 java.lang.Class<?> getImplementationClass()
          Returns the implementation class.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the composite.
 Part getPart(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the named part.
 java.util.List<Wire> getWires()
          Returns the wires contained in this composite.
 java.util.List<ImportWSDL> getWSDLImports()
          Returns the WSDL imports declared in this composite.
 java.util.List<ImportWSDL> getWSDLImports(java.lang.String namespace)
          Returns the WSDL imports for the given namespace.
 void initialize(AssemblyContext modelContext)
          Initialize this model object.
 void setComponentType(ComponentType componentType)
          Sets the generic component type corresponding to this implementation.
 void setImplementationClass(java.lang.Class<?> clazz)
          Sets the implementation class.
 void setName(java.lang.String newName)
          Sets the name of the composite.
protected  void wire(AssemblyContext modelContext)
          Wire the parts in this composite.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
accept, checkInitialized, checkNotFrozen, freeze, initialize, isFrozen, isInitialized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Extensible
getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements

Constructor Detail


protected CompositeImpl()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the name of the composite.

Specified by:
getName in interface Composite
the name of the composite


public void setName(java.lang.String newName)
Description copied from interface: Composite
Sets the name of the composite.

Specified by:
setName in interface Composite
newName - the name of the composite


public java.util.List<Component> getComponents()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns all components contained in this composite.

Specified by:
getComponents in interface Composite
a list of all Component model objects contained in this composite


public java.util.List<EntryPoint> getEntryPoints()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns all entry points contained in this composite.

Specified by:
getEntryPoints in interface Composite
a list of all EntryPoint model objects contained in this composite


public java.util.List<ExternalService> getExternalServices()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns all external services contained in this composite.

Specified by:
getExternalServices in interface Composite
a list of all ExternalService model objects contained in this composite


public Part getPart(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the named part.

Specified by:
getPart in interface Composite


public java.util.List<Wire> getWires()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the wires contained in this composite.

Specified by:
getWires in interface Composite


public java.util.List<ImportWSDL> getWSDLImports()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the WSDL imports declared in this composite.

Specified by:
getWSDLImports in interface Composite


public java.util.List<ImportWSDL> getWSDLImports(java.lang.String namespace)
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the WSDL imports for the given namespace.

Specified by:
getWSDLImports in interface Composite


public ComponentType getComponentType()
Description copied from interface: Implementation
Returns the generic component type corresponding to this implementation.

Specified by:
getComponentType in interface Implementation
the generic component type corresponding to this implementation


public void setComponentType(ComponentType componentType)
Description copied from interface: Implementation
Sets the generic component type corresponding to this implementation.

Specified by:
setComponentType in interface Implementation
componentType - the generic component type corresponding to this implementation


public ConfiguredService getConfiguredService(ServiceURI address)
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the configured service at the given address.

Specified by:
getConfiguredService in interface Composite


public void initialize(AssemblyContext modelContext)
Description copied from interface: AssemblyObject
Initialize this model object.

Specified by:
initialize in interface AssemblyObject
initialize in class ExtensibleImpl
modelContext - context providing access to the environment in which this model is being used


protected void wire(AssemblyContext modelContext)
Wire the parts in this composite.

modelContext -


public java.lang.Class<?> getImplementationClass()
Description copied from interface: Composite
Returns the implementation class.

Specified by:
getImplementationClass in interface Composite


public void setImplementationClass(java.lang.Class<?> clazz)
Description copied from interface: Composite
Sets the implementation class.

Specified by:
setImplementationClass in interface Composite


public void freeze()
Description copied from interface: AssemblyObject
Freeze this model object preventing any additional changes.

Specified by:
freeze in interface AssemblyObject
freeze in class ExtensibleImpl


public boolean accept(AssemblyVisitor visitor)
Description copied from interface: AssemblyObject
Accept a visitor

Specified by:
accept in interface AssemblyObject
accept in class ExtensibleImpl
visitor - a visitor that is visiting the model
true if processing is complete and the visitor should stop traversing the model

Tuscany Assembly Model
