Tuscany Assembly Model

Interface CompositeComponent<I extends Composite>

All Superinterfaces:
AssemblyObject, Component<I>, ContextFactoryHolder, Extensible, Part
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CompositeComponent<I extends Composite>
extends Component<I>

Specialization of Component that represents a configured Module.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getURI()
          Returns the uri that uniquely identifies this module component.
 void setURI(java.lang.String uri)
          Sets the uri that uniquely identifies this module component.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Component
getConfiguredProperties, getConfiguredProperty, getConfiguredReference, getConfiguredReferences, getConfiguredService, getConfiguredServices, getImplementation, setImplementation
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Part
getComposite, getName, setComposite, setName
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Extensible
getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.AssemblyObject
accept, freeze, initialize
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.ContextFactoryHolder
getContextFactory, setContextFactory

Method Detail


java.lang.String getURI()
Returns the uri that uniquely identifies this module component.

the uri that uniquely identifies this module component


void setURI(java.lang.String uri)
Sets the uri that uniquely identifies this module component.

uri - the uri that uniquely identifies this module component

Tuscany Assembly Model
