Tuscany Core

Class JDKTargetWireFactory

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.jdk.JDKTargetWireFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
TargetWireFactory, WireFactory

public class JDKTargetWireFactory
extends java.lang.Object
implements TargetWireFactory

Creates proxies that are returned to non-SCA clients using JDK dynamic proxy facilities and front a wire. The proxies implement the business interface associated with the target service of the wire and are typically returned by a locate operation.

$Rev: 394431 $ $Date: 2006-04-15 21:27:44 -0700 (Sat, 15 Apr 2006) $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addInterface(java.lang.Class claz)
          Adds an interface type generated proxies implement
 java.lang.Object createProxy()
          Returns a proxy for a service specified by a reference or target
 java.lang.Class getBusinessInterface()
          Returns the primary interface type implemented by generated proxies
 WireTargetConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration information used to create the target-side of a wire, including invocation chains
 java.lang.Class[] getImplementatedInterfaces()
          Returns an array of all interfaces implemented by generated proxies
 void initialize()
          Prepares the factory.
 void setBusinessInterface(java.lang.Class interfaze)
          Sets the primary interface type generated proxies implement
 void setConfiguration(WireTargetConfiguration config)
          Sets the configuration information used to create the target-side of a wire, including invocation chains
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JDKTargetWireFactory()
Method Detail


public void initialize()
                throws WireFactoryInitException
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Prepares the factory. This will typically be called at buildSource time, after bridging source- and target-side invocation chains.

Specified by:
initialize in interface WireFactory
WireFactoryInitException - if an error is encountered during initialization


public java.lang.Object createProxy()
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Returns a proxy for a service specified by a reference or target

Specified by:
createProxy in interface WireFactory


public WireTargetConfiguration getConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: TargetWireFactory
Returns the configuration information used to create the target-side of a wire, including invocation chains

Specified by:
getConfiguration in interface TargetWireFactory


public void setConfiguration(WireTargetConfiguration config)
Description copied from interface: TargetWireFactory
Sets the configuration information used to create the target-side of a wire, including invocation chains

Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface TargetWireFactory


public void setBusinessInterface(java.lang.Class interfaze)
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Sets the primary interface type generated proxies implement

Specified by:
setBusinessInterface in interface WireFactory


public java.lang.Class getBusinessInterface()
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Returns the primary interface type implemented by generated proxies

Specified by:
getBusinessInterface in interface WireFactory


public void addInterface(java.lang.Class claz)
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Adds an interface type generated proxies implement

Specified by:
addInterface in interface WireFactory


public java.lang.Class[] getImplementatedInterfaces()
Description copied from interface: WireFactory
Returns an array of all interfaces implemented by generated proxies

Specified by:
getImplementatedInterfaces in interface WireFactory

Tuscany Core
