Tuscany Core

Class WireConfiguration<T extends InvocationConfiguration>

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.WireConfiguration<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
WireSourceConfiguration, WireTargetConfiguration

public abstract class WireConfiguration<T extends InvocationConfiguration>
extends java.lang.Object

Contains configuration for a wire, including its invocation chains. Invocation chains are accessed from the collection of InvocationConfigurations keyed by operation on the service specified by the source reference or target service. WireConfiguration subtypes distinguish between source and target sides of a wire and hence return corresponding InvocationChain subtypes. Operations are represented using JDK reflection, i.e. as a Method corresponding to the Java interface representing the service.

Wire configurations are created from an assembly model by the runtime during the buildSource phase.

$Rev: 396284 $ $Date: 2006-04-23 11:27:42 -0400 (Sun, 23 Apr 2006) $

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.reflect.Method,T> configurations
protected  MessageFactory messageFactory
protected  java.lang.ClassLoader proxyClassLoader
protected  QualifiedName targetName
Constructor Summary
WireConfiguration(QualifiedName targetName, java.lang.ClassLoader proxyClassLoader, MessageFactory messageFactory)
          Creates the configuration
Method Summary
 java.util.Map<java.lang.reflect.Method,T> getInvocationConfigurations()
          Returns the invocation configuration for each operation on a service specified by a reference or a target service.
 MessageFactory getMessageFactory()
          Returns the factory used to create invocation messages
 java.lang.ClassLoader getProxyClassLoader()
          Returns the classloader used for creating proxies
 QualifiedName getTargetName()
          Returns the qualified name of the target service specified by the wire
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.reflect.Method,T extends InvocationConfiguration> configurations


protected java.lang.ClassLoader proxyClassLoader


protected MessageFactory messageFactory


protected QualifiedName targetName
Constructor Detail


public WireConfiguration(QualifiedName targetName,
                         java.lang.ClassLoader proxyClassLoader,
                         MessageFactory messageFactory)
Creates the configuration

targetName - the qualified name of the target service specified by the wire
proxyClassLoader - the classloader to use when creating a proxy
messageFactory - the factory used to create wire messages
Method Detail


public QualifiedName getTargetName()
Returns the qualified name of the target service specified by the wire


public java.lang.ClassLoader getProxyClassLoader()
Returns the classloader used for creating proxies


public MessageFactory getMessageFactory()
Returns the factory used to create invocation messages


public java.util.Map<java.lang.reflect.Method,T> getInvocationConfigurations()
Returns the invocation configuration for each operation on a service specified by a reference or a target service.

Tuscany Core
