Tuscany Core

Class SystemBindingImpl

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
      extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
          extended by org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.BindingImpl
              extended by org.apache.tuscany.core.system.assembly.impl.SystemBindingImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
SystemBinding, org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.AssemblyObject, org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Binding, org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Extensible

public class SystemBindingImpl
extends org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.BindingImpl
implements SystemBinding

The default implementation of the system binding assembly artifact

$Rev: 380031 $ $Date: 2006-02-22 21:52:04 -0500 (Wed, 22 Feb 2006) $

Constructor Summary
protected SystemBindingImpl()
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTargetName()
          Returns the qualified name of the wire target the binding is associated with in component/service form
 void setTargetName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the qualified name of the wire target the binding is associated with in component/service form
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.BindingImpl
accept, freeze, getURI, initialize, setURI
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.ExtensibleImpl
getExtensibilityAttributes, getExtensibilityElements
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.impl.AssemblyObjectImpl
accept, checkInitialized, checkNotFrozen, freeze, initialize, isFrozen, isInitialized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.Binding
getURI, setURI
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tuscany.model.assembly.AssemblyObject
accept, freeze, initialize

Constructor Detail


protected SystemBindingImpl()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getTargetName()
Description copied from interface: SystemBinding
Returns the qualified name of the wire target the binding is associated with in component/service form

Specified by:
getTargetName in interface SystemBinding


public void setTargetName(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: SystemBinding
Sets the qualified name of the wire target the binding is associated with in component/service form

Specified by:
setTargetName in interface SystemBinding

Tuscany Core
