Tuscany Core

Package org.apache.tuscany.core.context

Interface Summary
AtomicContext A runtime entity that manages an atomic (i.e.
AutowireContext A specialization of a CompositeContext that is able to automatically resolve references for its children using EntryPoint or Service interfaces exposed by it or, recursively, any of it parents.
CompositeContext A context which contains child component contexts.
ConfigurationContext Offers configuration services in the runtime.
Context An entity that provides an execution context for a runtime artifact or artifacts.
EntryPointContext The runtime artifact representing an entry point, EntryPointContext manages wire handler instances that expose service operations offered by a component in the parent composite.
EventContext Implementations are responsible for tracking scope keys associated with the current request.
EventFilter Evaluates whether a RuntimeEventListener is applicable to a given runtime event
EventPublisher Publishes events in the runtime
ExternalServiceContext Manages an external service
RuntimeEventListener Listeners observe events fired in the SCA runtime.
ScopeAwareContext Denotes a composite context that supports scopes
ScopeContext Manages the lifecycle and visibility of Contexts.
ScopeIdentifier Implementations enable lazy retrieval of a scope id associated with a request, i.e.
ScopeStrategy Implementations provide scope container creation facilities and scope semantics to the runtime
SystemCompositeContext Marker type for system composite contexts

Class Summary
QualifiedName An evaluated name consisting of a part/port pair.

Exception Summary
AutowireResolutionException Denotes an exception while resolving an automatic wire
ContextInitException Denotes an error encountered while initializing an instance context
ContextRuntimeException An unchecked exception encountered by an Context
CoreRuntimeException The root exception for the runtime package.
DuplicateNameException Denotes an attempt to add a context with a name equal to an existing context
EventException Denotes an error encountered while firing a module event
InvalidNameException Denotes an invalid name
ScopeInitializationException Denotes an initialization exception thrown by a scope container
ScopeRuntimeException Denotes a general runtime exception encountered by a scope container
ServiceNotFoundException Denotes the specific case where a service was not found at runtime
TargetException Denotes an error while performing an operation on a target component implementation instance or proxy

Tuscany Core
