Tuscany Core

Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventPublisher

Uses of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.context

Subinterfaces of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.context
 interface AtomicContext
          A runtime entity that manages an atomic (i.e.
 interface AutowireContext
          A specialization of a CompositeContext that is able to automatically resolve references for its children using EntryPoint or Service interfaces exposed by it or, recursively, any of it parents.
 interface CompositeContext
          A context which contains child component contexts.
 interface Context
          An entity that provides an execution context for a runtime artifact or artifacts.
 interface EntryPointContext
          The runtime artifact representing an entry point, EntryPointContext manages wire handler instances that expose service operations offered by a component in the parent composite.
 interface ExternalServiceContext
          Manages an external service
 interface ScopeAwareContext
          Denotes a composite context that supports scopes
 interface SystemCompositeContext
          Marker type for system composite contexts

Uses of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.context.impl

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.context.impl that implement EventPublisher
 class AbstractCompositeContext
          The base implementation of a composite context
 class AbstractContext
          Functionality common to all Context implementations
 class CompositeContextImpl
          The standard implementation of an composite context.
 class EntryPointContextImpl
          The default implementation of an entry point context
 class ExternalServiceContextImpl
          The default implementation of an external service context

Uses of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.runtime

Subinterfaces of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.runtime
 interface RuntimeContext
          Represents a top-level component context in the runtime, that is the bootstrap context.

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.runtime that implement EventPublisher
 class RuntimeContextImpl
          Implementation of a RuntimeContext that forms the foundation for a Tuscany environment.

Uses of EventPublisher in org.apache.tuscany.core.system.context

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.system.context that implement EventPublisher
 class SystemAtomicContext
          Manages system component implementation instances
 class SystemCompositeContextImpl
          Implements an composite context for system components.
 class SystemEntryPointContext
          Manages an entry point into a system module.
 class SystemExternalServiceContext
          An implementation of an external service for system wiring.

Tuscany Core
