Tuscany Service Data Object (SDO) Sample Programs


This sample code is from the Apache Tuscany project. The samples were written to help users understand and experiment with SDO. They are grouped into three packages according to the source of the example material. Some are based upon example code contained within the SDO Specification, and are intended to be read alongside the specification. Others are based upon papers and published material (see the documentation for each sample for the reference to the publication), or were simply written specifically for these samples.


The SDO samples are written to be used in conjunction with the specification and other documents. However, the most important function that these samples provide is a place to begin experimenting with the SDO API and programming model. Developers are encouraged to extend and experiment with the current set of samples. If a sample is unclear, is missing documentation or a tutorial, or does not cover a desired area , please send feedback to the tuscany mailing lists, or better still send us a patch or join the Tuscany team and contribute back to the project.

Getting Ready to run the Samples

The samples depend on the following libraries

If you are running these samples from a Tuscany samples distribution you can resolve these dependencies by ensuring that all the jar files in the lib directory of the extracted distribution are on your classpath.

If you are running these samples as a result of building Tuscany SDO for Java from a Tuscany source distribution using maven then these dependencies will be resolved by having followed the build instructions.

To run these samples against the current Tuscany codebase, follow the instructions at Tuscany SDO Java Overview, which describes how to build Tuscany SDO for Java in an Eclipse SDK environment.

Running the Samples

In order to get an overview of the samples the user may wish to run {@link org.apache.tuscany.samples.sdo.ExecuteSamples} which will execute all the command line examples.
java org.apache.tuscany.samples.sdo.ExecuteSamples

Alternatively, browse the JavaDoc for the sample program classes and run an individual example of your choice in the same way. Another suggestion is to read the SDO specifciaton in conjunction with the examples in {@link org.apache.tuscany.samples.sdo.specExampleSection}.