/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #include "samples.h" using namespace std; void ObjectCreation::sample() { cout << " ********** Sample ObjectCreation **********" << endl; try { /** * Get a data factory. With it we can either create metadata * or load it from an XSD. */ DataFactoryPtr mdg = DataFactory::getDataFactory(); /** * Add some Types to the data factory.. * The booleans at on addType are: * "isSequenced", "isOpen" "isAbstract" and "isDataType" */ mdg->addType("myspace","Company"); mdg->addType("myspace","Department"); /** * Manager is going to be a sequenced type... */ mdg->addType("myspace","Manager", true, false); mdg->addType("myspace","Employee"); /** * We will make employee and manager sub-types of 'person' */ mdg->addType("myspace","Person", true, false); /** * having all the types defined, we can now define the tree * by giving properties to the types. */ /** * We could use the API passing in name and URI for each * Type , or get the Types back and use them directly. * Here we get back the types to use... */ const Type& tc = mdg->getType("myspace","Company"); const Type& ts = mdg->getType("commonj.sdo","String"); const Type& ti = mdg->getType("commonj.sdo","Integer"); const Type& tm = mdg->getType("myspace","Manager"); const Type& td = mdg->getType("myspace","Department"); const Type& te = mdg->getType("myspace","Employee"); const Type& tp = mdg->getType("myspace","Person"); /** * Example 1 - add a property of type String to type company */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"name",ts); /** * Example 2 - add using the name of the company instead of the * type... */ mdg->addPropertyToType("myspace","Company","address",ts); /** * Example 3 - add a many valued property */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"departments", "myspace","Department", true); /** * Example 4 - add a reference property */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"employee of the month", "myspace", "Employee",false, false, false); /** * Add other department properties... */ mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"name", ts); mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"id", ti); mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"manager", tm); mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"employees",te,true,false,true); /** * Add a name to the person */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tp,"name", ts); /** * Make employees and mamagers both substypes of person */ mdg->setBaseType(te,tp); mdg->setBaseType(tm,tp); /** * And give them different properties of their own. */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tm,"officeid", ts); mdg->addPropertyToType(te,"cubelocation", ts); /** * The data structure looks like this: * Company * ----name (String) * ----address *String) * ----departments (Department, many valued) * ----employee of the month ( Employee - reference) * Person * ----name (String) * Employee * ----name (String - inherited from Person) * ----cubelocation (String) * Manager * ----name (String - inherited from Person) * ----officeid (String) * Department * ----name (String) * ----id (Integer) * ---- manager (Manager) * ---- employees (Employee - many valued) /** * create an object of type Company using the DataFactory */ DataObjectPtr dor = mdg->create((Type&)tc); /** * Set the company name to Acme */ dor->setCString("name","Acme"); /** * Set up the two departments - using the * DataObject createDataObject API */ DataObjectPtr dep1 = dor->createDataObject("departments"); dep1->setCString("name","Development"); dep1->setInt("id",100); DataObjectPtr man1 = dep1->createDataObject("manager"); man1->setCString("name","Herve Jones"); DataObjectPtr dep2= dor->createDataObject("departments"); dep2->setCString("name","Marketing"); dep2->setInt("id",200); DataObjectPtr man2 = dep2->createDataObject("manager"); man1->setCString("name","August Phan"); /** * Give the departments some employees */ DataObjectPtr emp1 = dep1->createDataObject("employees"); emp1->setCString("name","Fred Appleby"); emp1->setCString("cubelocation","100-A"); DataObjectPtr emp2 = dep1->createDataObject("employees"); emp2->setCString("name","Jane Bloggs"); emp2->setCString("cubelocation","100-B"); DataObjectPtr emp3 = dep2->createDataObject("employees"); emp3->setCString("name","Robin Corbet"); emp3->setCString("cubelocation","200-A"); DataObjectPtr emp4 = dep2->createDataObject("employees"); emp4->setCString("name","Martha Denby"); emp4->setCString("cubelocation","200-B"); cout << "Company Name:" << dor->getCString("name") << endl; DataObjectList& depts = dor->getList("departments"); for (int i=0;igetCString("name") << endl; DataObjectList& emps = depts[i]->getList("employees"); for (int j=0;jgetCString("name") << endl; } } } catch (SDORuntimeException e) { cout << "Exception in ObjectCreation" <