/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.sca.endpoint.tribes; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelException; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelReceiver; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Member; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.GroupChannel; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.interceptors.StaticMembershipInterceptor; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.McastService; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.StaticMember; import org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.ReceiverBase; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Endpoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.ExtensionPointRegistry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.LifeCycleListener; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.endpoint.tribes.AbstractReplicatedMap.MapEntry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.endpoint.tribes.MapStore.MapListener; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.runtime.BaseEndpointRegistry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.runtime.DomainRegistryURI; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.runtime.EndpointRegistry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.runtime.RuntimeEndpoint; /** * A replicated EndpointRegistry based on Apache Tomcat Tribes */ public class ReplicatedEndpointRegistry extends BaseEndpointRegistry implements EndpointRegistry, LifeCycleListener, MapListener { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReplicatedEndpointRegistry.class.getName()); private static final String MULTICAST_ADDRESS = ""; private static final int MULTICAST_PORT = 50000; private static final int FIND_REPEAT_COUNT = 10; private int port = MULTICAST_PORT; private String address = MULTICAST_ADDRESS; private String bind = null; private int timeout = 50; private String receiverAddress; private int receiverPort = 4000; private int receiverAutoBind = 100; private List staticRoutes; private ReplicatedMap map; private String id; private boolean noMultiCast; private static final GroupChannel createChannel(String address, int port, String bindAddress) { //create a channel GroupChannel channel = new GroupChannel(); McastService mcastService = (McastService)channel.getMembershipService(); mcastService.setPort(port); mcastService.setAddress(address); // REVIEW: In my case, there are multiple IP addresses // One for the WIFI and the other one for VPN. For some reason the VPN one doesn't support // Multicast if (bindAddress != null) { mcastService.setBind(bindAddress); } else { mcastService.setBind(getBindAddress()); } return channel; } public ReplicatedEndpointRegistry(ExtensionPointRegistry registry, Map attributes, String domainRegistryURI, String domainURI) { super(registry, attributes, domainRegistryURI, domainURI); getParameters(attributes, domainRegistryURI); } private Map getParameters(Map attributes, String domainRegistryURI) { Map map = new HashMap(); if (attributes != null) { map.putAll(attributes); } URI uri = URI.create(domainRegistryURI); if (uri.getHost() != null) { map.put("address", uri.getHost()); } if (uri.getPort() != -1) { map.put("port", String.valueOf(uri.getPort())); } if (domainRegistryURI.startsWith("tuscany")) { setTuscanyConfig(map, domainRegistryURI); setConfig(map); return map; } int index = domainRegistryURI.indexOf('?'); if (index == -1) { setConfig(map); return map; } String query = domainRegistryURI.substring(index + 1); try { query = URLDecoder.decode(query, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } String[] params = query.split("&"); for (String param : params) { index = param.indexOf('='); if (index != -1) { map.put(param.substring(0, index), param.substring(index + 1)); } } setConfig(map); return map; } private void setTuscanyConfig(Map map, String domainRegistryURI) { DomainRegistryURI tuscanyURI = new DomainRegistryURI(domainRegistryURI); map.put("address", tuscanyURI.getMulticastAddress()); map.put("port", Integer.toString(tuscanyURI.getMulticastPort())); map.put("bind", tuscanyURI.getBindAddress()); map.put("receiverPort", Integer.toString(tuscanyURI.getListenPort())); if (tuscanyURI.isMulticastDisabled()) { map.put("nomcast", "true"); } if (tuscanyURI.getRemotes().size() > 0) { String routes = ""; for (int i=0; i attributes) { String portStr = attributes.get("port"); if (portStr != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); if (port == -1) { port = MULTICAST_PORT; } } String address = attributes.get("address"); if (address == null) { address = MULTICAST_ADDRESS; } bind = attributes.get("bind"); String timeoutStr = attributes.get("timeout"); if (timeoutStr != null) { timeout = Integer.parseInt(timeoutStr); } String routesStr = attributes.get("routes"); if (routesStr != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(routesStr); staticRoutes = new ArrayList(); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { staticRoutes.add(URI.create("tcp://" + st.nextToken())); } } String mcast = attributes.get("nomcast"); if (mcast != null) { noMultiCast = Boolean.valueOf(mcast); } receiverAddress = attributes.get("receiverAddress"); String recvPort = attributes.get("receiverPort"); if (recvPort != null) { receiverPort = Integer.parseInt(recvPort); } String recvAutoBind = attributes.get("receiverAutoBind"); if (recvAutoBind != null) { receiverAutoBind = Integer.parseInt(recvAutoBind); } } public void start() { if (map != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The registry has already been started"); } GroupChannel channel = createChannel(address, port, bind); map = new ReplicatedMap(null, channel, timeout, this.domainURI, new ClassLoader[] {ReplicatedEndpointRegistry.class.getClassLoader()}); map.addListener(this); if (noMultiCast) { map.getChannel().addInterceptor(new DisableMcastInterceptor()); } // Configure the receiver ports ChannelReceiver receiver = channel.getChannelReceiver(); if (receiver instanceof ReceiverBase) { if (receiverAddress != null) { ((ReceiverBase)receiver).setAddress(receiverAddress); } ((ReceiverBase)receiver).setPort(receiverPort); ((ReceiverBase)receiver).setAutoBind(receiverAutoBind); } /* Object sender = channel.getChannelSender(); if (sender instanceof ReplicationTransmitter) { sender = ((ReplicationTransmitter)sender).getTransport(); } if (sender instanceof AbstractSender) { ((AbstractSender)sender).setKeepAliveCount(0); ((AbstractSender)sender).setMaxRetryAttempts(5); } */ if (staticRoutes != null) { StaticMembershipInterceptor smi = new StaticMembershipInterceptor(); for (URI staticRoute : staticRoutes) { Member member; try { // The port has to match the receiver port member = new StaticMember(staticRoute.getHost(), staticRoute.getPort(), 5000); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } smi.addStaticMember(member); logger.info("Added static route: " + staticRoute.getHost() + ":" + staticRoute.getPort()); } smi.setLocalMember(map.getChannel().getLocalMember(false)); map.getChannel().addInterceptor(smi); } try { map.getChannel().start(Channel.DEFAULT); } catch (ChannelException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public void stop() { if (map != null) { map.removeListener(this); Channel channel = map.getChannel(); map.breakdown(); try { channel.stop(Channel.DEFAULT); } catch (ChannelException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } map = null; } } public void addEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint) { map.put(endpoint.getURI(), endpoint); logger.info("Add endpoint - " + endpoint); } public List findEndpoint(String uri) { List foundEndpoints = new ArrayList(); // in the failure case we repeat the look up after a short // delay to take account of tribes replication delays int repeat = FIND_REPEAT_COUNT; while (repeat > 0) { for (Object v : map.values()) { Endpoint endpoint = (Endpoint)v; // TODO: implement more complete matching logger.fine("Matching against - " + endpoint); if (matches(uri, endpoint.getURI())) { MapEntry entry = map.getInternal(endpoint.getURI()); // if (!entry.isPrimary()) { ((RuntimeEndpoint)endpoint).bind(registry, this); // } foundEndpoints.add(endpoint); logger.fine("Found endpoint with matching service - " + endpoint); repeat = 0; } // else the service name doesn't match } if (foundEndpoints.size() == 0) { // the service name doesn't match any endpoints so wait a little and try // again in case this is caused by tribes synch delays logger.info("Repeating endpoint reference match - " + uri); repeat--; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing repeat = 0; } } } return foundEndpoints; } private boolean isLocal(MapEntry entry) { return entry.getPrimary().equals(map.getChannel().getLocalMember(false)); } public Endpoint getEndpoint(String uri) { return (Endpoint)map.get(uri); } public List getEndpoints() { return new ArrayList(map.values()); } public void removeEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint) { map.remove(endpoint.getURI()); logger.info("Remove endpoint - " + endpoint); } public void replicate(boolean complete) { map.replicate(complete); } public void updateEndpoint(String uri, Endpoint endpoint) { Endpoint oldEndpoint = getEndpoint(uri); if (oldEndpoint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Endpoint is not found: " + uri); } map.put(endpoint.getURI(), endpoint); } public void entryAdded(Object key, Object value) { MapEntry entry = (MapEntry)value; Endpoint newEp = (Endpoint)entry.getValue(); if (!isLocal(entry)) { logger.info(id + " Remote endpoint added: " + entry.getValue()); } endpointAdded(newEp); } public void entryRemoved(Object key, Object value) { MapEntry entry = (MapEntry)value; if (!isLocal(entry)) { logger.info(id + " Remote endpoint removed: " + entry.getValue()); } endpointRemoved((Endpoint)entry.getValue()); } public void entryUpdated(Object key, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { MapEntry oldEntry = (MapEntry)oldValue; MapEntry newEntry = (MapEntry)newValue; if (!isLocal(newEntry)) { logger.info(id + " Remote endpoint updated: " + newEntry.getValue()); } Endpoint oldEp = (Endpoint)oldEntry.getValue(); Endpoint newEp = (Endpoint)newEntry.getValue(); endpointUpdated(oldEp, newEp); } private static String getBindAddress() { try { Enumeration nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (nis.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement(); // The following APIs require JDK 1.6 /* if (ni.isLoopback() || !ni.isUp() || !ni.supportsMulticast()) { continue; } */ Enumeration ips = ni.getInetAddresses(); if (!ips.hasMoreElements()) { continue; } while (ips.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress addr = ips.nextElement(); if (addr.isLoopbackAddress()) { continue; } return addr.getHostAddress(); } } return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } }