/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.ws.jaxws; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPAddress; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.Detail; import javax.xml.soap.DetailEntry; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import javax.xml.ws.Provider; import javax.xml.ws.Service.Mode; import javax.xml.ws.ServiceMode; import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceContext; import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.AssemblyFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Endpoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.EndpointReference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.ws.WebServiceBinding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.ws.WebServiceBindingFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.FactoryExtensionPoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.assembly.RuntimeAssemblyFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.DataBindingExtensionPoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.InterfaceContract; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.Operation; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.util.FaultException; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.invocation.InvocationChain; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.invocation.Message; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.invocation.MessageFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.runtime.RuntimeEndpoint; import org.oasisopen.sca.ServiceRuntimeException; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; @WebServiceProvider @ServiceMode(Mode.MESSAGE) public class JAXWSBindingProvider implements Provider { public static final String WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"; public static final QName QNAME_WSA_ADDRESS = new QName(WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE, "Address"); public static final QName QNAME_WSA_FROM = new QName(WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE, "From"); public static final QName QNAME_WSA_REPLYTO = new QName(WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE, "ReplyTo"); public static final QName QNAME_WSA_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS = new QName(WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE, "ReferenceParameters"); public static final QName QNAME_WSA_MESSAGEID = new QName(WSA_FINAL_NAMESPACE, "MessageID"); private MessageFactory messageFactory; private RuntimeEndpoint endpoint; private WebServiceBinding wsBinding; private javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory soapMessageFactory; private SOAPFactory soapFactory; @Resource private WebServiceContext context; private RuntimeAssemblyFactory assemblyFactory; private WebServiceBindingFactory webServiceBindingFactory; public JAXWSBindingProvider(){ // to keep Axis2 JAXWS implementation happy } public JAXWSBindingProvider(RuntimeEndpoint endpoint, FactoryExtensionPoint modelFactories, DataBindingExtensionPoint dataBindings, String defaultPort) { this.messageFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(MessageFactory.class); this.soapMessageFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.class); this.soapFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(SOAPFactory.class); this.assemblyFactory = (RuntimeAssemblyFactory)modelFactories.getFactory(AssemblyFactory.class); this.webServiceBindingFactory = (WebServiceBindingFactory)modelFactories.getFactory(WebServiceBindingFactory.class); // soapMessageFactory = javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(); // soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); this.endpoint = endpoint; this.wsBinding = (WebServiceBinding)endpoint.getBinding(); // A WSDL document should always be present in the binding if (wsBinding.getGeneratedWSDLDocument() == null) { throw new ServiceRuntimeException("No WSDL document for " + endpoint.getURI()); } // Set to use the DOM data binding InterfaceContract contract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract(); contract.getInterface().resetDataBinding(Node.class.getName()); // Can we safely assume there is only one port because you configure // a binding in the following ways: // 1/ default - one port generated = host domain : host port / structural path // 2/ uri="absolute addr" - one port generated = host domain : uri port / uri path // 3/ uri="relative addr" - one port generated = host domain : host port / structural path / relative path // 4/ wsdl.binding - one port generated = host domain : host port / structural path // 5/ wsdl.port - one port generated = host domain : port port / port path // 6/ wsa:Address - one port generated = host domain : address port / address path // 7/ 4 + 6 - as 6 // TODO the binding URI will currently have been calculated during build // however we don't give the provider a chance to get in and effect the // calculation (see above comment). For now just fake the addition of binding // specific processing by adding a root if it's not already present if (!wsBinding.getURI().startsWith("http://")) { String serviceURI = null; // look in the port for the location URL List wsdlPortExtensions = wsBinding.getPort().getExtensibilityElements(); for (final Object extension : wsdlPortExtensions) { if (extension instanceof SOAPAddress) { serviceURI = ((SOAPAddress) extension).getLocationURI(); } } if (serviceURI == null || !serviceURI.startsWith("http://")){ serviceURI = "http://localhost:" + defaultPort + wsBinding.getURI(); } wsBinding.setURI(serviceURI); } System.out.println("Binding.ws JAXWS provider - Service URI: " + wsBinding.getURI()); } public void start() { // TODO - do we need this? } public void stop() { // TODO - do we need this? } public SOAPMessage invoke(SOAPMessage request) { try { // Assuming document-literal-wrapper style Node root = request.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild(); String operationName = root.getLocalName(); Operation operation = null; for (InvocationChain invocationChain : endpoint.getInvocationChains()) { if (operationName.equals(invocationChain.getSourceOperation().getName())) { operation = invocationChain.getSourceOperation(); break; } } if (operation == null) { throw new SOAPException("Operation not found: " + operationName); } Message requestMsg = messageFactory.createMessage(); Object[] body = new Object[]{root}; requestMsg.setBody(body); requestMsg.setOperation(operation); SOAPHeader header = request.getSOAPHeader(); String callbackAddress = null; if (header != null) { callbackAddress = handleCallbackAddress( header, requestMsg ); // Retrieve other callback-related headers handleMessageIDHeader( header, requestMsg ); } // end if // Create a from EPR to hold the details of the callback endpoint EndpointReference from = null; if (callbackAddress != null ) { // Check for special (& not allowed!) WS_Addressing values checkCallbackAddress( callbackAddress, request ); // from = assemblyFactory.createEndpointReference(); Endpoint fromEndpoint = assemblyFactory.createEndpoint(); from.setTargetEndpoint(fromEndpoint); from.setStatus(EndpointReference.Status.WIRED_TARGET_FOUND_AND_MATCHED); requestMsg.setFrom(from); Endpoint callbackEndpoint = assemblyFactory.createEndpoint(); // WebServiceBinding cbBinding = webServiceBindingFactory.createWebServiceBinding(); cbBinding.setURI(callbackAddress); callbackEndpoint.setBinding(cbBinding); // callbackEndpoint.setURI(callbackAddress); callbackEndpoint.setUnresolved(true); from.setCallbackEndpoint(callbackEndpoint); } Message responseMsg = endpoint.invoke(operation, requestMsg); SOAPMessage response = soapMessageFactory.createMessage(); if (responseMsg.isFault()) { // ServiceRuntimeException e = responseMsg.getBody(); // throw e; FaultException fe = responseMsg.getBody(); SOAPFault fault = response.getSOAPBody().addFault(new QName(response.getSOAPBody().getNamespaceURI(), "Server"), fe.getMessage()); Detail d = fault.addDetail(); DetailEntry de = d.addDetailEntry(fe.getFaultName()); SOAPElement dece = de.addChildElement("message"); if (fe.getMessage() != null) { dece.addTextNode(fe.getMessage()); } } else { Element element = responseMsg.getBody(); response.getSOAPBody().addChildElement(soapFactory.createElement(element)); } return response; } catch (SOAPException e) { throw new ServiceRuntimeException(e); } } private static String WS_REF_PARMS = "WS_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS"; private String handleCallbackAddress( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) { String callbackAddress = null; Iterator it = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_FROM); SOAPElement from = it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; if( from == null ) { Iterator it2 = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_REPLYTO); from = it2.hasNext() ? it2.next() : null; } if (from != null) { Iterator it2 = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_ADDRESS); SOAPElement callbackAddrElement = it2.hasNext() ? it2.next() : null; if (callbackAddrElement != null) { if (endpoint.getService().getInterfaceContract().getCallbackInterface() != null) { callbackAddress = callbackAddrElement.getTextContent(); } // OMElement refParms = from.getFirstChildWithName(QNAME_WSA_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS); Iterator it3 = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS); SOAPElement refParms = it3.hasNext() ? it3.next() : null; if( refParms != null ) msg.getHeaders().put(WS_REF_PARMS, refParms); } } // end if return callbackAddress; } // end method handleCallbackAddress private static String WS_MESSAGE_ID = "WS_MESSAGE_ID"; /** * Handle a SOAP wsa:MessageID header - place the contents into the Tuscany message for use by any callback * @param header - the SOAP Headers * @param msg - the Tuscany Message */ private void handleMessageIDHeader( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) { if( header == null ) return; Iterator it = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_MESSAGEID); SOAPElement messageID = it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; if (messageID != null) { String idValue = messageID.getTextContent(); // Store the value of the message ID element into the message under "WS_MESSAGE_ID"... msg.getHeaders().put(WS_MESSAGE_ID, idValue); } // end if } // end method handleMessageID // Special WS_Addressing values private static String WS_ADDR_ANONYMOUS = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous"; private static String WS_ADDR_NONE = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/none"; /** * Check if the received callback address has either of the special WS-Addressing forms which are outlawed by the * Web Service Binding specification [BWS50004] * @param callbackAddress - the received callback address * @param inMC - the Axis message context for the received forward call * @throws AxisFault - throws a "OnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupportedFault" if the callback address has either of the special forms */ private void checkCallbackAddress( String callbackAddress, SOAPMessage request) { // If the address is anonymous or none, throw a SOAP fault... if( WS_ADDR_ANONYMOUS.equals(callbackAddress) || WS_ADDR_NONE.equals(callbackAddress) ) { triggerOnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupportedFault(request, "wsa:From"); } } // end method checkCallbackAddress // wsa:OnlyAnonymousAddressSupported // wsa:OnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupported public void triggerOnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupportedFault(SOAPMessage request, String incorrectHeaderName){ // TODO // String namespace = (String)messageContext.getProperty(AddressingConstants.WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION); // if (Submission.WSA_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) { // triggerAddressingFault(messageContext, Final.FAULT_HEADER_PROB_HEADER_QNAME, // AddressingConstants.WSA_DEFAULT_PREFIX + ":" + // incorrectHeaderName, Submission.FAULT_INVALID_HEADER, // null, AddressingMessages.getMessage( // "spec.submission.FAULT_INVALID_HEADER_REASON")); // } else { // triggerAddressingFault(messageContext, Final.FAULT_HEADER_PROB_HEADER_QNAME, // AddressingConstants.WSA_DEFAULT_PREFIX + ":" + // incorrectHeaderName, Final.FAULT_INVALID_HEADER, // Final.FAULT_ONLY_NON_ANONYMOUS_ADDRESS_SUPPORTED, // AddressingMessages.getMessage( // "spec.final.FAULT_INVALID_HEADER_REASON")); // } } }