XML BigBank Demo ================ This demo showcases the integration with XML technolgies in the service assembly. Note: The live currency exchange rate RSS feed and the live stock quote web service are not always running. When this happens, the demo code uses historical data instead of live data. To run the demo, type "ant run" and it will produce the following output. Buildfile: build.xml init: [get] Getting: http://www.swanandmokashi.com/HomePage/WebServices/StockQuotes.asmx?WSDL [get] To: C:\Apache\tuscany-sca-1.0.1-incubating\demos\xml-bigbank\src\main\resources\wsdl\StockQuotes.wsdl [get] local file date : Tue Nov 06 15:50:37 PST 2007 [get] . [get] last modified = Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969 - using current time instead [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Apache\tuscany-sca-1.0.1-incubating\demos\xml-bigbank\target\classes compile: [javac] Compiling 11 source files to C:\Apache\tuscany-sca-1.0.1-incubating\demos\xml-bigbank\target\classes [copy] Copying 6 files to C:\Apache\tuscany-sca-1.0.1-incubating\demos\xml-bigbank\target\classes [jar] Building jar: C:\Apache\tuscany-sca-1.0.1-incubating\demos\xml-bigbank\target\demo-xml-bigbank.jar run: [java] Nov 6, 2007 3:52:28 PM org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine loadFromClassPath [java] INFO: Module validation failed: The system is attempting to engage a module that is not available: rampart [java] Retrieving exchange rate... [java] Nov 6, 2007 3:52:29 PM org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.feed.provider.RSSBindingInvoker invoke [java] INFO: >>> RSSBindingInvoker (rss_2.0) http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/rippy/exchange/?M=R&B=USD&F=CAD,CNY,EUR&T=F&S=O&I=S [java] Exchange rate: USD 1.0=EUR 0.68705 [java] Loading account data... [java] Getting stock quote... [java] Nov 6, 2007 3:52:30 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase readResponse [java] INFO: Discarding unexpected response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue [java] Calculating total value... [java] Checking Balance: xs:double: 1000 [java] Saving Blance: xs:double: 20000 [java] Stock Value: xs:integer: 0 [java] Total Value [1]: xs:double: 21000 [java] Total Value=USD 21000.0 [java] EUR: 14428.050000000001 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7 seconds