Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.99 (incubating) August 2007 ============================================================= The following are the significant additions to release 0.99 over and above all of what was offered in release 0.91. - A version of the default sca binding that works between components runing in separate Java virtual machines binding-sca-axis - A simple node implementation and a service discovery function for running sca applications distributed across more than one node distributed distributed-impl - integration with OSGi runtimes is now supported with a new implementation-osgi component type - PUB/SUB interactions are now supported by using new notification binding and implementation types, and samples demonstrating the feature. - The Tuscany runtime now has a policy framework supporting the SCA policy specification - the endpoint URIs used by SCA bindings has been rationalized and now follows the SCA Assembly specification - binding-ajax has been renamed to binding-dwr Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.91 (incubating) July 2007 =========================================================== The following are the significant additions to release 0.91 over and above all of what was offered in release 0.90. - Enhancements to support multiple contributions to the SCA Domain - The inclusion of a alternative simplified extensions-helper SPI layer to faciliate rapid development of extensions - More Implementation Extenstions Spring WebResource - More Binding Extensions AJAX EJB RSS/ATOM Feeds - Demos that demonstrate the use of a mix of extensions alert-aggregator bigbank-account bigbank-calculator bigbank-stockquote - Samples Samples to demostrate use of Spring, Resource, AJAX extensions ----------------------------------------------------------- Changed With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.90 (incubating) June 2007 =========================================================== - Implementations for all of the Java Annotations and API Specification V1.0 found at ( apart from the following. @ComponentName Conversation RequestContext - New assembly model implementation taking into account SCA 1.0 artifacts Data duplication between assembly model and runtime removed - Simple single process domain support Contribution support to scope items being deployed into the runtime - Improved Package/Class naming consistency across modules - Extensions now loaded via Java service mechanism Refactored extensions to use new SPIs (see below) - Maven and Ant based sample builds in the binary distribution - Implementation Extensions Java Script supporting (Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript) - Binding Extensions Axis2 RMI JSONRPC -Databinding Extensions Axiom JAXB SDO - Host environments Embedded Tomcat Jetty RMI - A clear set of SPIs intended to be stable over future releases SCA assembly model SCA contribution model Runtime extensions Data binding support Embedding Tuscany Servlet container integration - For this point release a partial set of JavaDoc is provided to be filled out as we close on release 1.0