1.0 2.0 BigBank Tags Tag library containing BigBank tags service bigbank.webclient.tags.sca.ServiceTag JSP Places a reference to an SCA Service in the page context id true false name true false login bigbank.webclient.tags.sca.LoginBarrierTag JSP Redirects if user is not logged in profile true false url true false accountStatus bigbank.webclient.tags.account.AccountStatusTag JSP Accesses and iterates the account service id true false accountService true false profileService true false stockStatus bigbank.webclient.tags.account.StockStatusTag JSP Accesses and iterates the stocks id true false accountLog bigbank.webclient.tags.account.AccountLogTag JSP Accesses and iterates the accounts log id true false accountService true false profileService true false stockLog bigbank.webclient.tags.account.StockLogTag JSP Accesses and iterates the stocks log id true false