/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ /** * HTTPD module used to eval component implementations. */ #include "string.hpp" #include "stream.hpp" #include "function.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "tree.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "monad.hpp" #include "../atom/atom.hpp" #include "../json/json.hpp" #include "../scdl/scdl.hpp" #include "../http/curl.hpp" #include "../http/httpd.hpp" #include "mod-scm.hpp" #include "mod-cpp.hpp" extern "C" { extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA mod_tuscany_eval; } namespace tuscany { namespace server { namespace modeval { /** * Server configuration. */ class ServerConf { public: ServerConf(server_rec* s) : s(s), home(""), wiringServerName("") { } const server_rec* s; string home; string wiringServerName; }; /** * Directory configuration. */ class DirConf { public: DirConf(char* dirspec) : dirspec(dirspec), contributionPath(""), compositeName("") { } const char* dirspec; string contributionPath; string compositeName; list implementations; }; /** * Convert a result represented as a content + failure pair to a * failable monad. */ const failable failableResult(const list& v) { if (isNil(cdr(v))) return car(v); return mkfailure(string(cadr(v))); } /** * Handle an HTTP GET. */ const failable get(request_rec* r, const lambda&)>& impl) { debug(r->uri, "modeval::get::uri"); // Inspect the query string const list > args = httpd::queryArgs(r); const list ia = assoc(value("id"), args); const list ma = assoc(value("method"), args); // Evaluate a JSON-RPC request and return a JSON result if (!isNil(ia) && !isNil(ma)) { // Extract the request id, method and params const value id = cadr(ia); const value func = c_str(string(cadr(ma))); // Apply the requested function const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons(func, httpd::queryParams(args)))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); // Return JSON result json::JSONContext cx; return httpd::writeResult(json::jsonResult(id, content(val), cx), "application/json-rpc", r); } // Evaluate an ATOM GET request and return an ATOM feed const list path(httpd::pathValues(r->uri)); if (isNil(cddr(path))) { const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons("getall", list()))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); return httpd::writeResult(atom::writeATOMFeed(atom::feedValuesToElements(content(val))), "application/atom+xml;type=feed", r); } // Evaluate an ATOM GET and return an ATOM entry const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons("get", mklist(caddr(path))))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); return httpd::writeResult(atom::writeATOMEntry(atom::entryValuesToElements(content(val))), "application/atom+xml;type=entry", r); } /** * Handle an HTTP POST. */ const failable post(request_rec* r, const lambda&)>& impl) { const list ls = httpd::read(r); debug(r->uri, "modeval::post::url"); debug(ls, "modeval::post::input"); // Evaluate a JSON-RPC request and return a JSON result const string ct = httpd::contentType(r); if (contains(ct, "application/json-rpc") || contains(ct, "text/plain")) { json::JSONContext cx; const list json = elementsToValues(content(json::readJSON(ls, cx))); const list > args = httpd::postArgs(json); // Extract the request id, method and params const value id = cadr(assoc(value("id"), args)); const value func = c_str(cadr(assoc(value("method"), args))); const list params = (list)cadr(assoc(value("params"), args)); // Evaluate the request expression const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons(func, params))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); // Return JSON result return httpd::writeResult(json::jsonResult(id, content(val), cx), "application/json-rpc", r); } // Evaluate an ATOM POST request and return the created resource location if (contains(ct, "application/atom+xml")) { // Evaluate the request expression const value entry = atom::entryValue(content(atom::readEntry(ls))); const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons("post", mklist(entry)))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); // Return the created resource location apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", apr_pstrdup(r->pool, httpd::url(content(val), r))); r->status = HTTP_CREATED; return OK; } return HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Handle an HTTP PUT. */ const failable put(request_rec* r, const lambda&)>& impl) { const list ls = httpd::read(r); debug(r->uri, "modeval::put::url"); debug(ls, "modeval::put::input"); // Evaluate an ATOM PUT request const list path(httpd::pathValues(r->uri)); const value entry = atom::entryValue(content(atom::readEntry(ls))); const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons("put", mklist(caddr(path), entry)))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); if (val == value(false)) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; return OK; } /** * Handle an HTTP DELETE. */ const failable del(request_rec* r, const lambda&)>& impl) { debug(r->uri, "modeval::delete::url"); // Evaluate an ATOM delete request const list path(httpd::pathValues(r->uri)); const failable val = failableResult(impl(cons("delete", mklist(caddr(path))))); if (!hasContent(val)) return mkfailure(reason(val)); if (val == value(false)) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; return OK; } /** * Translate a component request. */ int translate(request_rec *r) { gc_scoped_pool pool(r->pool); if (strncmp(r->uri, "/components/", 12) != 0) return DECLINED; r->handler = "mod_tuscany_eval"; return OK; } /** * HTTP request handler. */ int handler(request_rec *r) { gc_scoped_pool pool(r->pool); if(strcmp(r->handler, "mod_tuscany_eval")) return DECLINED; httpdDebugRequest(r, "modeval::handler::input"); // Set up the read policy const int rc = httpd::setupReadPolicy(r); if(rc != OK) return rc; // Get the component implementation lambda DirConf& dc = httpd::dirConf(r, &mod_tuscany_eval); const list path(httpd::pathValues(r->uri)); const list impl(assoctree(cadr(path), dc.implementations)); if (isNil(impl)) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; // Handle HTTP method const lambda&)> l(cadr(impl)); if (r->header_only) return OK; if(r->method_number == M_GET) return httpd::reportStatus(get(r, l)); if(r->method_number == M_POST) return httpd::reportStatus(post(r, l)); if(r->method_number == M_PUT) return httpd::reportStatus(put(r, l)); if(r->method_number == M_DELETE) return httpd::reportStatus(del(r, l)); return HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Convert a list of component references to a list of HTTP proxy lambdas. */ const value mkproxy(const value& ref, const string& base) { return lambda&)>(http::proxy(base + string(scdl::name(ref)))); } const list proxies(const list& refs, const string& base) { if (isNil(refs)) return refs; return cons(mkproxy(car(refs), base), proxies(cdr(refs), base)); } /** * Return a configured component implementation. * For now only Scheme and C++ implementations are supported. */ const failable&)> > readImplementation(const string& itype, const string& path, const list& px) { if (contains(itype, ".scheme")) return scm::readImplementation(path, px); if (contains(itype, ".cpp")) return cpp::readImplementation(path, px); return mkfailure&)> >(string("Unsupported implementation type: ") + itype); } const value confImplementation(DirConf& dc, ServerConf& sc, server_rec& server, const value& comp) { const value impl = scdl::implementation(comp); const string path = dc.contributionPath + string(scdl::uri(impl)); // Convert component references to configured proxy lambdas ostringstream base; if (sc.wiringServerName == "") base << (server.server_scheme == NULL? "http" : server.server_scheme) << "://" << (server.server_hostname == NULL? "localhost" : server.server_hostname) << ":" << (server.port == 0? 80 : server.port) << "/references/" << string(scdl::name(comp)) << "/"; else base << sc.wiringServerName << "/references/" << string(scdl::name(comp)) << "/"; const list px(proxies(scdl::references(comp), str(base))); // Read and configure the implementation const failable&)> > cimpl(readImplementation(elementName(impl), path, px)); if (!hasContent(cimpl)) return reason(cimpl); return content(cimpl); } /** * Return a tree of component-name + configured-implementation pairs. */ const list componentToImplementationAssoc(DirConf& dc, ServerConf& sc, server_rec& server, const list& c) { if (isNil(c)) return c; return cons(mklist(scdl::name(car(c)), confImplementation(dc, sc, server, car(c))), componentToImplementationAssoc(dc, sc, server, cdr(c))); } const list componentToImplementationTree(DirConf& dc, ServerConf& sc, server_rec& server, const list& c) { return mkbtree(sort(componentToImplementationAssoc(dc, sc, server, c))); } /** * Read the components declared in a composite. */ const failable > readComponents(const string& path) { ifstream is(path); if (fail(is)) return mkfailure >(string("Could not read composite: ") + path); return scdl::components(readXML(streamList(is))); } /** * Configure the components declared in the deployed composite. */ const bool confComponents(DirConf& dc, ServerConf& sc, server_rec& server) { if (dc.contributionPath == "" || dc.compositeName == "") return true; const failable > comps = readComponents(dc.contributionPath + dc.compositeName); if (!hasContent(comps)) return true; dc.implementations = componentToImplementationTree(dc, sc, server, content(comps)); debug(dc.implementations, "modeval::confComponents::implementations"); return true; } /** * Configuration commands. */ const char *confHome(cmd_parms *cmd, unused void *c, const char *arg) { gc_scoped_pool pool(cmd->pool); ServerConf& sc = httpd::serverConf(cmd, &mod_tuscany_eval); sc.home = arg; return NULL; } const char *confWiringServerName(cmd_parms *cmd, unused void *c, const char *arg) { gc_scoped_pool pool(cmd->pool); ServerConf& sc = httpd::serverConf(cmd, &mod_tuscany_eval); sc.wiringServerName = arg; return NULL; } const char *confContribution(cmd_parms *cmd, void *c, const char *arg) { gc_scoped_pool pool(cmd->pool); ServerConf& sc = httpd::serverConf(cmd, &mod_tuscany_eval); DirConf& dc = *(DirConf*)c; dc.contributionPath = arg; confComponents(dc, sc, *cmd->server); return NULL; } const char *confComposite(cmd_parms *cmd, void *c, const char *arg) { gc_scoped_pool pool(cmd->pool); ServerConf& sc = httpd::serverConf(cmd, &mod_tuscany_eval); DirConf& dc = *(DirConf*)c; dc.compositeName = arg; confComponents(dc, sc, *cmd->server); return NULL; } /** * HTTP server module declaration. */ const command_rec commands[] = { AP_INIT_TAKE1("TuscanyHome", (const char*(*)())confHome, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Tuscany home directory"), AP_INIT_TAKE1("SCAWiringServerName", (const char*(*)())confWiringServerName, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "SCA wiring server name"), AP_INIT_TAKE1("SCAContribution", (const char*(*)())confContribution, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "SCA contribution location"), AP_INIT_TAKE1("SCAComposite", (const char*(*)())confComposite, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "SCA composite location"), {NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NO_ARGS, NULL} }; int postConfig(unused apr_pool_t *p, unused apr_pool_t *plog, unused apr_pool_t *ptemp, unused server_rec *s) { return OK; } void childInit(apr_pool_t* p, server_rec* svr_rec) { gc_scoped_pool pool(p); ServerConf* c = (ServerConf*)ap_get_module_config(svr_rec->module_config, &mod_tuscany_eval); if(c == NULL) { cerr << "[Tuscany] Due to one or more errors mod_tuscany_eval loading failed. Causing apache to stop loading." << endl; exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } } void registerHooks(unused apr_pool_t *p) { ap_hook_post_config(postConfig, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_child_init(childInit, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_handler(handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_translate_name(translate, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST); } } } } extern "C" { module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA mod_tuscany_eval = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, // dir config and merger tuscany::httpd::makeDirConf, NULL, // server config and merger tuscany::httpd::makeServerConf, NULL, // commands and hooks tuscany::server::modeval::commands, tuscany::server::modeval::registerHooks }; }