/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #ifndef tuscany_scheme_eval_hpp #define tuscany_scheme_eval_hpp /** * Core script evaluation logic. */ #include #include "list.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "primitive.hpp" #include "io.hpp" #include "environment.hpp" namespace tuscany { namespace scheme { const value evalExpr(const value& exp, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool); const value compoundProcedureSymbol("compound-procedure"); const value procedureSymbol("procedure"); const value applySymbol("apply"); const value beginSymbol("begin"); const value condSymbol("cond"); const value elseSymbol("else"); const value ifSymbol("if"); const bool isBegin(const value& exp) { return isTaggedList(exp, beginSymbol); } const list beginActions(const value& exp) { return cdr((list )exp); } const bool isLambdaExpr(const value& exp) { return isTaggedList(exp, lambdaSymbol); } const list lambdaParameters(const value& exp) { return car(cdr((list )exp)); } static list lambdaBody(const value& exp) { return cdr(cdr((list )exp)); } const value makeProcedure(const list& parameters, const value& body, const Env& env) { return mklist(procedureSymbol, parameters, body, env); } const bool isApply(const value& exp) { return isTaggedList(exp, applySymbol); } const bool isApplication(const value& exp) { return isList(exp); } const value operat(const value& exp) { return car((list )exp); } const list operands(const value& exp) { return cdr((list )exp); } const list listOfValues(const list exps, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { if(isNil(exps)) return list (); return cons(evalExpr(car(exps), env, pool), listOfValues(cdr(exps), env, pool)); } const value applyOperat(const value& exp) { return cadr((list )exp); } const value applyOperand(const value& exp) { return caddr((list )exp); } const bool isCompoundProcedure(const value& procedure) { return isTaggedList(procedure, procedureSymbol); } const list procedureParameters(const value& exp) { return car(cdr((list )exp)); } const value procedureBody(const value& exp) { return car(cdr(cdr((list )exp))); } const Env procedureEnvironment(const value& exp) { return (Env)car(cdr(cdr(cdr((list )exp)))); } const bool isLastExp(const list& seq) { return isNil(cdr(seq)); } const value firstExp(const list& seq) { return car(seq); } const list restExp(const list& seq) { return cdr(seq); } const value makeBegin(const list seq) { return cons(beginSymbol, seq); } const value evalSequence(const list& exps, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { if(isLastExp(exps)) return evalExpr(firstExp(exps), env, pool); evalExpr(firstExp(exps), env, pool); return evalSequence(restExp(exps), env, pool); } const value applyProcedure(const value& procedure, list& arguments, const gc_pool& pool) { if(isPrimitiveProcedure(procedure)) return applyPrimitiveProcedure(procedure, arguments); if(isCompoundProcedure(procedure)) { Env env = extendEnvironment(procedureParameters(procedure), arguments, procedureEnvironment(procedure), pool); return evalSequence(procedureBody(procedure), env, pool); } logStream() << "Unknown procedure type " << procedure << endl; return value(); } const value sequenceToExp(const list exps) { if(isNil(exps)) return exps; if(isLastExp(exps)) return firstExp(exps); return makeBegin(exps); } const list condClauses(const value& exp) { return cdr((list )exp); } const value condPredicate(const value& clause) { return car((list )clause); } const list condActions(const value& clause) { return cdr((list )clause); } const value ifPredicate(const value& exp) { return car(cdr((list )exp)); } const value ifConsequent(const value& exp) { return car(cdr(cdr((list )exp))); } const value ifAlternative(const value& exp) { if(!isNil(cdr(cdr(cdr((list )exp))))) return car(cdr(cdr(cdr((list )exp)))); return false; } const bool isCond(const value& exp) { return isTaggedList(exp, condSymbol); } const bool isCondElseClause(const value& clause) { return condPredicate(clause) == elseSymbol; } const bool isIf(const value& exp) { return isTaggedList(exp, ifSymbol); } const value makeIf(value predicate, value consequent, value alternative) { return mklist(ifSymbol, predicate, consequent, alternative); } const value expandClauses(const list& clauses) { if(isNil(clauses)) return false; const value first = car(clauses); const list rest = cdr(clauses); if(isCondElseClause(first)) { if(isNil(rest)) return sequenceToExp(condActions(first)); logStream() << "else clause isn't last " << clauses << endl; return value(); } return makeIf(condPredicate(first), sequenceToExp(condActions(first)), expandClauses(rest)); } value condToIf(const value& exp) { return expandClauses(condClauses(exp)); } value evalIf(const value& exp, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { if(isTrue(evalExpr(ifPredicate(exp), env, pool))) return evalExpr(ifConsequent(exp), env, pool); return evalExpr(ifAlternative(exp), env, pool); } const value evalDefinition(const value& exp, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { defineVariable(definitionVariable(exp), evalExpr(definitionValue(exp), env, pool), env); return definitionVariable(exp); } const value evalExpr(const value& exp, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { if(isSelfEvaluating(exp)) return exp; if(isQuoted(exp)) return textOfQuotation(exp); if(isDefinition(exp)) return evalDefinition(exp, env, pool); if(isIf(exp)) return evalIf(exp, env, pool); if(isBegin(exp)) return evalSequence(beginActions(exp), env, pool); if(isCond(exp)) return evalExpr(condToIf(exp), env, pool); if(isLambdaExpr(exp)) return makeProcedure(lambdaParameters(exp), lambdaBody(exp), env); if(isVariable(exp)) return lookupVariableValue(exp, env); if(isApply(exp)) { list applyOperandValues = evalExpr(applyOperand(exp), env, pool); return applyProcedure(evalExpr(applyOperat(exp), env, pool), applyOperandValues, pool); } if(isApplication(exp)) { list operandValues = listOfValues(operands(exp), env, pool); return applyProcedure(evalExpr(operat(exp), env, pool), operandValues, pool); } logStream() << "Unknown expression type " << exp << endl; return value(); } const list quotedParameters(const list& p) { if (isNil(p)) return p; return cons(mklist(quoteSymbol, car(p)), quotedParameters(cdr(p))); } /** * Evaluate an expression against a script provided as a list of values. */ const value evalScriptLoop(const value& expr, const list& script, scheme::Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { if (isNil(script)) return scheme::evalExpr(expr, env, pool); scheme::evalExpr(car(script), env, pool); return evalScriptLoop(expr, cdr(script), env, pool); } const value evalScript(const value& expr, const value& script, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { return evalScriptLoop(expr, script, env, pool); } /** * Evaluate an expression against a script provided as an input stream. */ const value evalScript(const value& expr, istream& is, Env& env, const gc_pool& pool) { return evalScript(expr, readScript(is), env, pool); } } } #endif /* tuscany_scheme_eval_hpp */