/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #ifndef tuscany_json_hpp #define tuscany_json_hpp /** * JSON data conversion functions. */ #include "string.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "monad.hpp" #include "jansson.h" namespace tuscany { namespace json { /** * Customize JSON memory allocation functions. */ inline void* jsonAlloc(size_t size) { return gc_pool_malloc(size); } inline void jsonFree(void *ptr) { return gc_pool_free(ptr); } class JSONAllocFuncs { public: inline JSONAllocFuncs() { json_set_alloc_funcs(jsonAlloc, jsonFree); } } jsonAllocFuncs; /** * Returns true if a list represents a JS array. */ inline const bool isJSArray(const list& l) { if(isNull(l)) return true; const value v = car(l); if (isSymbol(v)) return false; if(isList(v)) { if(!isNull((list)v) && isSymbol(car(v))) return false; } return true; } /** * Converts a JS array to values. */ inline const list jsArrayToValues(const list& listSoFar, json_t* const a, const int i) { const value jsValToValue(json_t* const jsv); if (i < 0) return listSoFar; json_t* const jsv = json_array_get(a, i); const value val = jsValToValue(jsv); return jsArrayToValues(cons(val, listSoFar), a, i - 1); } /** * Converts JS properties to values. */ inline const list jsPropertiesToValues(const list& propertiesSoFar, json_t* const o, void* i) { const value jsValToValue(json_t* const jsv); if (i == NULL) return reverse(propertiesSoFar); const char* const name = json_object_iter_key(i); json_t* const jsv = json_object_iter_value(i); const value val = jsValToValue(jsv); if (isNull(val) && !isList(val)) return jsPropertiesToValues(cons (mklist (element, c_str(name), val), propertiesSoFar), o, json_object_iter_next(o, i)); if (substr(name, 0, 1) == atsign) return jsPropertiesToValues(cons(mklist(attribute, c_str(substr(name, 1)), val), propertiesSoFar), o, json_object_iter_next(o, i)); if (isList(val) && !isJSArray(val)) return jsPropertiesToValues(cons(cons(element, cons(c_str(name), list(val))), propertiesSoFar), o, json_object_iter_next(o, i)); return jsPropertiesToValues(cons (mklist (element, c_str(name), val), propertiesSoFar), o, json_object_iter_next(o, i)); } /** * Converts a JS val to a value. */ const value jsValToValue(json_t* const jsv) { switch(json_typeof(jsv)) { case json_type::JSON_STRING: { const string svalue = string(json_string_value(jsv)); return value(svalue); } case json_type::JSON_TRUE: { return value((bool)true); } case json_type::JSON_FALSE: { return value((bool)false); } case json_type::JSON_REAL: { return value((double)json_real_value(jsv)); } case json_type::JSON_INTEGER: { return value((double)json_integer_value(jsv)); } case json_type::JSON_NULL: { return nilValue; } case json_type::JSON_ARRAY: { const int i = (int)json_array_size(jsv) - 1; const value v = jsArrayToValues(list (), jsv, i); return v; } case json_type::JSON_OBJECT: { void* const i = json_object_iter(jsv); const value v = jsPropertiesToValues(list (), jsv, i); return v; } default: { return nilValue; } } } /** * Converts a list of values to JS array elements. */ inline json_t* const valuesToJSElements(json_t* const a, const list& l) { json_t* const valueToJSVal(const value& val); if (isNull(l)) return a; json_t* const v = valueToJSVal(car(l)); json_array_append(a, v); return valuesToJSElements(a, cdr(l)); } /** * Converts a value to a JS val. */ inline json_t* const valueToJSVal(const value& val) { json_t* const valuesToJSProperties(json_t* const o, const list& l); switch(type(val)) { case value::String: { return json_string(c_str((string)val)); } case value::Symbol: { return json_string(c_str((string)val)); } case value::Bool: { return json_boolean((bool)val); } case value::Number: { const double d = (double)val; if (((double)((json_int_t)d)) == d) return json_integer((json_int_t)d); else return json_real(d); } case value::List: { if (isJSArray(val)) { json_t* const a = json_array(); return valuesToJSElements(a, val); } json_t* const c = json_object(); return valuesToJSProperties(c, val); } case value::Nil: { return json_null(); } default: { return json_null(); } } } /** * Converts a list of values to JS properties. */ inline json_t* const valuesToJSProperties(json_t* const o, const list& l) { if (isNull(l)) return o; // Write an attribute const value token(car(l)); if (isTaggedList(token, attribute)) { json_t* const v = valueToJSVal(attributeValue(token)); json_object_set(o, c_str(atsign + string(attributeName(token))), v); } else if (isTaggedList(token, element)) { // Write the value of an element if (elementHasValue(token)) { json_t* const v = valueToJSVal(elementValue(token)); json_object_set(o, c_str(string(elementName(token))), v); } else { // Write a parent element json_t* const c = json_object(); json_object_set(o, c_str(string(elementName(token))), c); // Write its children valuesToJSProperties(c, elementChildren(token)); } } // Go on return valuesToJSProperties(o, cdr(l)); } /** * Return true if a list of strings contains a JSON document. */ inline const bool isJSON(const list& ls) { if (isNull(ls)) return false; const string s = substr(car(ls), 0, 1); return s == "[" || s == "{"; } /** * Convert a list of strings representing a JSON document to a list of elements. */ inline const failable > readElements(const list& ilist) { ostringstream os; write(ilist, os); json_error_t e; json_t* const val = json_loads(c_str(str(os)), 0, &e); if(val == NULL) return mkfailure >(string("json_loads failed: ") + string(e.text)); return list(jsValToValue(val)); } /** * Convert a list of strings representing a JSON document to a value */ inline const failable readValue(const list& ilist) { ostringstream os; write(ilist, os); json_error_t e; json_t* const jv = json_loads(c_str(str(os)), JSON_DECODE_ANY, &e); if(jv == NULL) return mkfailure(string("json_loads failed: ") + string(e.text)); const value val = jsValToValue(jv); if (!isList(val)) return val; return (value)elementsToValues(val); } /** * Context passed to the JSON write callback function. */ template class WriteContext { public: inline WriteContext(const lambda& reduce, const R& accum) : reduce(reduce), accum(accum) { } const lambda reduce; gc_mutable_ref accum; }; /** * Called by dump_callback to write JSON out. */ template inline int writeCallback(const char *buf, size_t len, void *data) { WriteContext& wcx = *(WriteContext*)data; const string str(buf, len); wcx.accum = wcx.reduce(str, wcx.accum); return 0; } /** * Convert a value to a JSON document. */ template inline const failable writeValue(const lambda& reduce, const R& initial, const list& l) { json_t* const val = valueToJSVal(l); WriteContext wcx(reduce, initial); if (json_dump_callback(val, writeCallback, &wcx, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_ENSURE_ASCII | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER | JSON_ENCODE_ANY) == -1) return mkfailure("json_dump_callback failed"); return (R)wcx.accum; } /** * Convert a list of elements to a JSON document. */ template inline const failable writeElements(const lambda& reduce, const R& initial, const list& l) { json_t* const val = isJSArray(l)? valuesToJSElements(::json_array(), l) : valuesToJSProperties(::json_object(), l); WriteContext wcx(reduce, initial); if (json_dump_callback(val, writeCallback, &wcx, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_ENSURE_ASCII | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER | JSON_ENCODE_ANY) == -1) return mkfailure("json_dump_callback failed"); return (R)wcx.accum; } /** * Convert a list of elements to a list of strings representing a JSON document. */ inline const failable > writeElements(const list& l) { const failable > ls = writeElements>(rcons, list(), valuesToElements(elementsToValues(l))); if (!hasContent(ls)) return ls; return reverse(list(content(ls))); } /** * Convert a value to a list of strings representing a JSON document. */ inline const failable > writeValue(const value& v) { if (!isList(v)) { const failable > ls = writeValue>(rcons, list(), v); if (!hasContent(ls)) return ls; return reverse(list(content(ls))); } const failable > ls = writeElements>(rcons, list(), valuesToElements(elementsToValues(valuesToElements(v)))); if (!hasContent(ls)) return ls; return reverse(list(content(ls))); } /** * Convert a list of function + params to a JSON-RPC request. */ inline const failable > jsonRequest(const value& id, const value& func, const value& params) { const list r = mklist(mklist("id", id), mklist("method", string(func)), mklist("params", params)); return writeElements(valuesToElements(r)); } /** * Convert a value to a JSON-RPC result. */ inline const failable > jsonResult(const value& id, const value& val) { return writeElements(valuesToElements(mklist(mklist("id", id), mklist("result", val)))); } /** * Convert a JSON-RPC result to a value. */ inline const failable jsonResultValue(const list& s) { const failable jsres = json::readValue(s); if (!hasContent(jsres)) return mkfailure(jsres); const list rval(cadr(content(jsres))); const value val = cadr(rval); if (isList(val) && !isJSArray(val)) return value(mklist(val)); return val; } /** * Return a portable function name from a JSON-RPC function name. * Strip the ".", "system." and "Service." prefixes added by some JSON-RPC clients. */ inline const string funcName(const string& f) { if (length(f) > 1 && find(f, ".", 0) == 0) return c_str(f) + 1; if (length(f) > 7 && find(f, "system.", 0) == 0) return c_str(f) + 7; if (length(f) > 8 && find(f, "Service.", 0) == 0) return c_str(f) + 8; return f; } /** * Returns a list of param values other than the id and method args from a list * of key value pairs. */ inline const list queryParams(const list& a) { if (isNull(a)) return nilListValue; const list p = car(a); if (car(p) == value("id") || car(p) == value("method")) return queryParams(cdr(a)); return cons(cadr(p), queryParams(cdr(a))); } } } #endif /* tuscany_json_hpp */