/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #ifndef tuscany_js_hpp #define tuscany_js_hpp /** * Javascript evaluation functions. */ #define XP_UNIX #include #include "string.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "monad.hpp" namespace tuscany { namespace js { /** * Report Javascript errors. */ void reportError(unused ::JSContext *cx, const char *message, JSErrorReport *report) { #ifdef WANT_MAINTAINER_MODE cdebug << (const char*)(report->filename? report->filename : "") << ":" << (int)report->lineno << ":" << message << endl; #else cerr << (const char*)(report->filename? report->filename : "") << ":" << (int)report->lineno << ":" << message << endl; #endif } /** * Encapsulates a JavaScript runtime. Shared by multiple threads in * a process. */ class JSRuntime { public: JSRuntime() { // Create JS runtime debug("js::jsruntime"); rt = JS_NewRuntime(8L * 1024L * 1024L); if(rt == NULL) cleanup(); } operator ::JSRuntime*() const { return rt; } ~JSRuntime() { debug("js::~jsruntime"); } private: bool cleanup() { if(rt != NULL) { JS_DestroyRuntime(rt); rt = NULL; } JS_ShutDown(); return true; } ::JSRuntime* rt; } jsRuntime; JSClass jsGlobalClass = { "global", JSCLASS_GLOBAL_FLAGS, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, JS_FinalizeStub, JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS}; /** * Represents a JavaScript context. Create one per thread. */ class JSContext { public: JSContext() { // Create JS context debug("js::jscontext"); cx = JS_NewContext(jsRuntime, 8192); if(cx == NULL) return; JS_SetOptions(cx, JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX); JS_SetVersion(cx, JSVERSION_DEFAULT); JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, reportError); // Create global JS object global = JS_NewObject(cx, &jsGlobalClass, NULL, NULL); if(global == NULL) { cleanup(); return; } // Populate global object with the standard globals, like Object and Array if(!JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global)) { cleanup(); return; } } ~JSContext() { debug("js::~jscontext"); cleanup(); } operator ::JSContext*() const { return cx; } JSObject* getGlobal() const { return global; } private: bool cleanup() { if(cx != NULL) { JS_DestroyContext(cx); cx = NULL; } return true; } ::JSContext* cx; JSObject* global; }; /** * Returns true if a list represents a JS array. */ const bool isJSArray(const list& l) { if(isNil(l)) return true; const value v = car(l); if (isSymbol(v)) return false; if(isList(v)) { if(!isNil((list)v) && isSymbol(car(v))) return false; } return true; } /** * Converts JS properties to values. */ const list jsPropertiesToValues(const list& propertiesSoFar, JSObject* o, JSObject* i, const js::JSContext& cx) { const value jsValToValue(const jsval& jsv, const js::JSContext& cx); jsid id; if(!JS_NextProperty(cx, i, &id) || id == JSVAL_VOID) return propertiesSoFar; jsval jsv; if(!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, o, id, &jsv)) return propertiesSoFar; const value val = jsValToValue(jsv, cx); jsval idv; JS_IdToValue(cx, id, &idv); if(JSVAL_IS_STRING(idv)) { if (isNil(val) && !isList(val)) return jsPropertiesToValues(propertiesSoFar, o, i, cx); const string name = JS_GetStringBytes(JSVAL_TO_STRING(idv)); if (substr(name, 0, 1) == atsign) return jsPropertiesToValues(cons(mklist(attribute, c_str(substr(name, 1)), val), propertiesSoFar), o, i, cx); if (isList(val) && !isJSArray(val)) return jsPropertiesToValues(cons(cons(element, cons(c_str(name), list(val))), propertiesSoFar), o, i, cx); return jsPropertiesToValues(cons (mklist (element, c_str(name), val), propertiesSoFar), o, i, cx); } return jsPropertiesToValues(cons(val, propertiesSoFar), o, i, cx); } /** * Converts a JS val to a value. */ const value jsValToValue(const jsval& jsv, const js::JSContext& cx) { switch(JS_TypeOfValue(cx, jsv)) { case JSTYPE_STRING: { return value(string(JS_GetStringBytes(JSVAL_TO_STRING(jsv)))); } case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN: { return value((bool)JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(jsv)); } case JSTYPE_NUMBER: { jsdouble jsd; JS_ValueToNumber(cx, jsv, &jsd); return value((double)jsd); } case JSTYPE_OBJECT: { JSObject* o = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(jsv); if (o == NULL) return value(); JSObject* i = JS_NewPropertyIterator(cx, o); if(i == NULL) return value(list ()); const value pv = jsPropertiesToValues(list (), o, i, cx); return pv; } default: { return value(); } } } /** * Converts a list of values to JS array elements. */ JSObject* valuesToJSElements(JSObject* a, const list& l, int i, const js::JSContext& cx) { const jsval valueToJSVal(const value& val, const js::JSContext& cx); if (isNil(l)) return a; jsval pv = valueToJSVal(car(l), cx); JS_SetElement(cx, a, i, &pv); return valuesToJSElements(a, cdr(l), ++i, cx); } /** * Converts a value to a JS val. */ const jsval valueToJSVal(const value& val, const js::JSContext& cx) { JSObject* valuesToJSProperties(JSObject* o, const list& l, const js::JSContext& cx); switch(type(val)) { case value::String: { return STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, c_str((string)val))); } case value::Symbol: { return STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, c_str((string)val))); } case value::Bool: { return BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL((bool)val); } case value::Number: { return DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewDouble(cx, (double)val)); } case value::List: { if (isJSArray(val)) return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(valuesToJSElements(JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL), val, 0, cx)); return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(valuesToJSProperties(JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL), val, cx)); } default: { return JSVAL_VOID; } } } /** * Converts a list of values to JS properties. */ JSObject* valuesToJSProperties(JSObject* o, const list& l, const js::JSContext& cx) { if (isNil(l)) return o; // Write an attribute const value token(car(l)); if (isTaggedList(token, attribute)) { jsval pv = valueToJSVal(attributeValue(token), cx); JS_SetProperty(cx, o, c_str(atsign + string(attributeName(token))), &pv); } else if (isTaggedList(token, element)) { // Write the value of an element if (elementHasValue(token)) { jsval pv = valueToJSVal(elementValue(token), cx); JS_SetProperty(cx, o, c_str(string(elementName(token))), &pv); } else { // Write a parent element JSObject* child = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL); jsval pv = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(child); JS_SetProperty(cx, o, c_str(string(elementName(token))), &pv); // Write its children valuesToJSProperties(child, elementChildren(token), cx); } } // Go on return valuesToJSProperties(o, cdr(l), cx); } /** * Evaluate a script provided as a string. */ const failable evalScript(const string& s) { js::JSContext cx; jsval rval; JSBool rc = JS_EvaluateScript(cx, cx.getGlobal(), c_str(s), (uintN)length(s), "eval.js", 1, &rval); if (rc != JS_TRUE) { return mkfailure("Couldn't evaluate Javascript script."); } return jsValToValue(rval, cx); } } } #endif /* tuscany_js_hpp */