/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * SVG and VML composite rendering functions. */ var graph = {}; /** * Basic colors */ graph.colors = {}; graph.colors.black = '#000000'; graph.colors.blue = '#0000ff'; graph.colors.cyan = '#00ffff'; graph.colors.gray = '#808080' graph.colors.lightgray = '#dcdcdc' graph.colors.green = '#00ff00'; graph.colors.magenta = '#ff00ff'; graph.colors.orange = '#ffa500'; graph.colors.pink = '#ffc0cb'; graph.colors.purple = '#800080'; graph.colors.red = '#ff0000'; graph.colors.white = '#ffffff'; graph.colors.yellow = '#ffff00'; graph.colors.orange1 = '#ffbb00'; graph.colors.green1 = '#96d333'; graph.colors.blue1 = '#00c3c9'; graph.colors.red1 = '#d03f41'; graph.colors.yellow1 = '#fcee21'; graph.colors.magenta1 = '#c0688a'; /** * Default positions and sizes. */ var palcx = 250; var trashcx = 230; var proxcx = 20; var proxcy = 20; var buttoncx = 70; var buttoncy = 30; var curvsz = 6; var tabsz = 2; /** * Base path class. */ graph.BasePath = function() { this.path = ''; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.pos = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; }; this.xpos = function() { return this.x; }; this.ypos = function() { return this.y; }; this.rmove = function(x, y) { return this.move(this.x + x, this.y + y); }; this.rline = function(x, y) { return this.line(this.x + x, this.y + y); }; this.rcurve = function(x1, y1, x, y) { return this.curve(this.x + x1, this.y + y1, this.x + x1 + x, this.y + y1 + y); }; this.str = function() { return this.path; }; }; /** * Rendering functions that work both with VML and SVG. */ /** * VML rendering. */ if (ui.isIE()) { graph.vmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml'; document.write(''); /** * Make a VML graph. */ graph.mkgraph = function(pos, cname, pvalue, cvalue) { // Create div element to host the graph var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'vmldiv'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = pos.xpos(); div.style.top = pos.ypos(); document.body.appendChild(div); // Create a VML group var vmlg = document.createElement('v:group'); vmlg.style.width = 5000; vmlg.style.height = 5000; vmlg.coordsize = '5000,5000'; div.appendChild(vmlg); // Track element dragging and selection graph.dragging = null; graph.selected = null; /** * Find the first draggable element in a hierarchy of elements. */ function draggable(n) { if (n == vmlg) return null; if (n.nodeName == 'group' && n.id != '') return n; return draggable(n.parentNode); } /** * Handle a mousedown event. */ vmlg.onmousedown = function() { window.event.returnValue = false; // Find draggable element graph.dragging = draggable(window.event.srcElement); graph.selected = graph.dragging; if (graph.dragging == null) { // Reset current selection cname.value = ''; pvalue.value = ''; cvalue.innerHTML = ''; return false; } // Clone component from the palette var compos = scdl.composite(vmlg.compos); if (graph.dragging.id.substring(0, 8) == 'palette:') { graph.dragging = graph.clonepalette(graph.dragging, compos); graph.selected = graph.dragging; } // Cut wire to component if (graph.dragging.parentNode != vmlg) setElement(compos, graph.cutwire(graph.dragging, compos, vmlg)); // Bring component to the top graph.bringtotop(graph.dragging, vmlg); // Remember mouse position graph.dragX = window.event.clientX; graph.dragY = window.event.clientY; vmlg.setCapture(); // Update the component name and property value fields cname.value = graph.selected.id; pvalue.value = graph.property(graph.selected.comp); cvalue.innerHTML = graph.compvaluelink(vmlg.appname, graph.selected.id); return false; }; /** * Handle a mouseup event. */ vmlg.onmouseup = function() { if (graph.dragging == null) return false; if (graph.dragging.parentNode == vmlg && graph.dragging.id.substring(0, 8) != 'palette:') { var gpos = graph.relpos(graph.dragging); if (gpos.xpos() >= trashcx) { // If component close enough to editing area, move it there if (gpos.xpos() < palcx) graph.move(graph.dragging, graph.mkpath().move(palcx, gpos.ypos())); // Add new dragged component to the composite if (isNil(graph.dragging.compos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(vmlg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.addcomp(graph.dragging.comp, compos)); graph.dragging.compos = vmlg.compos; } // Update component position setElement(graph.dragging.comp, graph.movecomp(graph.dragging.comp, graph.abspos(graph.dragging, vmlg))); // Wire component to neighboring reference if (!isNil(graph.dragging.svcpos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(vmlg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.wire(graph.dragging, compos, vmlg)); } } else { // Discard component dragged out of composite vmlg.removeChild(graph.dragging); if (!isNil(graph.dragging.compos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(vmlg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.removecomp(graph.dragging.comp, compos)); } // Reset current selection graph.selected = null; cname.value = ''; pvalue.value = ''; cvalue.innerHTML = ''; } // Trigger composite change event vmlg.oncomposchange(); } // Forget current dragged component graph.dragging = null; vmlg.releaseCapture(); // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(vmlg); return false; }; /** * Handle a mousemove event. */ vmlg.onmousemove = function() { if (graph.dragging == null) return false; // Calculate new position of dragged element var gpos = graph.relpos(graph.dragging); var newX = gpos.xpos() + (window.event.clientX - graph.dragX); var newY = gpos.ypos() + (window.event.clientY - graph.dragY); if (newX >= 0) graph.dragX = window.event.clientX; else newX = 0; if (newY >= 0) graph.dragY = window.event.clientY; else newY = 0; // Move the dragged element graph.move(graph.dragging, graph.mkpath().move(newX, newY)); return false; }; /** * Handle field on change events. */ cname.onchange = function() { if (graph.selected == null) return false; // Change component name and refactor references to it var compos = scdl.composite(vmlg.compos); cname.value = graph.ucid(cname.value, compos); graph.selected.id = cname.value; cvalue.innerHTML = graph.compvaluelink(vmlg.appname, graph.selected.id); setElement(compos, graph.renamecomp(graph.selected.comp, compos, cname.value)); // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(vmlg); // Trigger composite change event vmlg.oncomposchange(); return false; }; pvalue.onchange = function() { if (graph.selected == null) return false; // Change the component property value graph.setproperty(graph.selected.comp, pvalue.value); pvalue.value = graph.property(graph.selected.comp); // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(vmlg); // Trigger composite change event vmlg.oncomposchange(); return false; }; // Create hidden spans to help compute the width of // component, reference and property titles graph.comptitlewidthdiv = document.createElement('span'); graph.comptitlewidthdiv.style.visibility = 'hidden' div.appendChild(graph.comptitlewidthdiv); graph.reftitlewidthdiv = document.createElement('span'); graph.reftitlewidthdiv.style.visibility = 'hidden' div.appendChild(graph.reftitlewidthdiv); graph.proptitlewidthdiv = document.createElement('span'); graph.proptitlewidthdiv.style.visibility = 'hidden' graph.proptitlewidthdiv.style.fontWeight = 'bold' div.appendChild(graph.proptitlewidthdiv); return vmlg; }; /** * Make a shape path. */ graph.mkpath = function() { function Path() { this.BasePath = graph.BasePath; this.BasePath(); this.clone = function() { return graph.mkpath().pos(this.xpos(), this.ypos()); }; this.move = function(x, y) { this.path += 'M ' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.line = function(x, y) { this.path += 'L ' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.curve = function(x1, y1, x, y) { this.path += 'QB ' + x1 + ',' + y1 + ',' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.end = function() { this.path += 'X E'; return this; }; } return new Path(); }; /** * Return an element representing a title. */ graph.mktitle = function(t, bold, pos) { var title = document.createElement('v:textbox'); title.style.position = 'absolute'; title.style.left = pos.xpos() + 2; title.style.top = pos.ypos(); title.inset = '' + 6 + 'px ' + pos.ypos() + 'px 0px 0px'; if (bold) title.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; var tnode = document.createTextNode(t); title.appendChild(tnode); return title; }; /** * Return an element representing the title of a component. */ graph.comptitle = function(comp) { var tsvcs = graph.tsvcs(comp); var lsvcs = graph.lsvcs(comp); var pos = graph.mkpath().move(isNil(lsvcs)? tabsz : (tabsz * 5), isNil(tsvcs)? tabsz : (tabsz * 5)); return graph.mktitle(graph.title(comp), false, pos); }; /** * Return the width of the title of a component. */ graph.comptitlewidth = function(comp) { var t = graph.title(comp); graph.comptitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = t; var twidth = graph.comptitlewidthdiv.offsetWidth + 4; graph.comptitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = ''; return twidth; }; /** * Return an element representing the value of a property. */ graph.proptitle = function(comp) { var tsvcs = graph.tsvcs(comp); var lsvcs = graph.lsvcs(comp); var pos = graph.mkpath().move(isNil(lsvcs)? tabsz : (tabsz * 5), isNil(tsvcs)? 15 + tabsz : 15 + (tabsz * 5)); return graph.mktitle(graph.property(comp), true, pos); }; /** * Return the width of the value of a property. */ graph.proptitlewidth = function(comp) { var t = graph.property(comp); graph.proptitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = t; var twidth = graph.proptitlewidthdiv.offsetWidth + 4; graph.proptitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = ''; return twidth; }; /** * Return an element representing the title of a reference. */ graph.reftitle = function(ref) { return graph.mktitle(graph.title(ref), false, graph.mkpath().move(25,25)); }; /** * Return the width of the title of a reference. */ graph.reftitlewidth = function(ref) { var t = graph.title(ref); graph.reftitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = t; var twidth = graph.reftitlewidthdiv.offsetWidth; graph.reftitlewidthdiv.innerHTML = ''; return twidth; }; /** * Return a node representing a component. */ graph.compnode = function(comp, cassoc, pos) { // Make the component and property title elements var title = graph.comptitle(comp); var prop = graph.proptitle(comp); // Compute the component shape path var path = graph.comppath(comp, cassoc); var d = path.str(); // Create the main component shape var shape = document.createElement('v:shape'); shape.style.width = 5000; shape.style.height = 5000; shape.coordsize = '5000,5000'; shape.path = d; shape.fillcolor = graph.color(comp); shape.stroked = 'false'; // Create an overlay contour shape var contour = document.createElement('v:shape'); contour.style.width = 5000; contour.style.height = 5000; contour.coordsize = '5000,5000'; contour.path = d; contour.filled = 'false'; contour.strokecolor = graph.colors.gray; contour.strokeweight = '1'; contour.style.left = 1; contour.style.top = 1; var stroke = document.createElement('v:stroke'); stroke.opacity = '20%'; contour.appendChild(stroke); // Create a group and add the component and contour shapes to it var g = document.createElement('v:group'); g.id = scdl.name(comp); g.style.width = 5000; g.style.height = 5000; g.coordsize = '5000,5000'; g.style.left = pos.xpos(); g.style.top = pos.ypos(); g.appendChild(shape); shape.appendChild(title); shape.appendChild(prop); g.appendChild(contour) // Store the component and the positions of its services // and references in the component shape g.comp = comp; g.refpos = reverse(path.refpos); g.svcpos = reverse(path.svcpos); return g; }; /** * Return a graphical group. */ graph.mkgroup = function(pos) { var g = document.createElement('v:group'); g.style.left = pos.xpos(); g.style.top = pos.ypos(); return g; }; /** * Return a node representing a button. */ graph.mkbutton = function(t, pos) { // Make the title element var title = graph.mktitle(t, true, graph.mkpath().move(4,4)); // Compute the path of the button shape var path = graph.buttonpath().str(); // Create the main button shape var shape = document.createElement('v:shape'); shape.style.width = 5000; shape.style.height = 5000; shape.coordsize = '5000,5000'; shape.path = path; shape.fillcolor = graph.colors.lightgray; shape.stroked = 'false'; // Create an overlay contour shape var contour = document.createElement('v:shape'); contour.style.width = 5000; contour.style.height = 5000; contour.coordsize = '5000,5000'; contour.path = path; contour.filled = 'false'; contour.strokecolor = graph.colors.gray; contour.strokeweight = '1'; contour.style.left = 1; contour.style.top = 1; var stroke = document.createElement('v:stroke'); stroke.opacity = '20%'; contour.appendChild(stroke); // Create a group and add the button and contour shapes to it var g = document.createElement('v:group'); g.style.width = 5000; g.style.height = 5000; g.coordsize = '5000,5000'; g.style.left = pos.xpos(); g.style.top = pos.ypos(); g.appendChild(shape); shape.appendChild(title); g.appendChild(contour) return g; }; /** * Return the relative position of a node. */ graph.relpos = function(e) { var curX = ui.csspos(e.style.left); var curY = ui.csspos(e.style.top); return graph.mkpath().move(curX, curY); }; /** * Move a node. */ graph.move = function(e, pos) { e.style.left = pos.xpos(); e.style.top = pos.ypos(); }; } else { /** * SVG rendering. */ graph.svgns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; /** * Make an SVG graph. */ graph.mkgraph = function(pos, cname, pvalue, cvalue) { // Create a div element to host the graph var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'svgdiv'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = pos.xpos(); div.style.top = pos.ypos(); // -webkit-user-select: none; document.body.appendChild(div); // Create SVG element var svg = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'svg'); svg.style.height = 5000; svg.style.width = 5000; div.appendChild(svg); // Track element dragging and selection graph.dragging = null; graph.selected = null; /** * Find the first draggable element in a hierarchy of elements. */ function draggable(n) { if (n == svg) return null; if (n.nodeName == 'g' && n.id != '') return n; return draggable(n.parentNode); } /** * Handle a mouse down event. */ svg.onmousedown = function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; // Find draggable component graph.dragging = draggable(e.target); graph.selected = graph.dragging; if (graph.dragging == null) { // Reset current selection cname.value = ''; pvalue.value = ''; cvalue.innerHTML =''; return false; } // Clone component from the palette var compos = scdl.composite(svg.compos); if (graph.dragging.id.substring(0, 8) == 'palette:') { graph.dragging = graph.clonepalette(graph.dragging, compos); graph.selected = graph.dragging; } // Cut wire to component if (graph.dragging.parentNode != svg) setElement(compos, graph.cutwire(graph.dragging, compos, svg)); // Bring component to the top graph.bringtotop(graph.dragging, svg); // Remember current mouse position var pos = typeof e.touches != "undefined" ? e.touches[0] : e; graph.dragX = pos.screenX; graph.dragY = pos.screenY; // Update the component name and property value fields cname.value = graph.selected.id; pvalue.value = graph.property(graph.selected.comp); cvalue.innerHTML = graph.compvaluelink(svg.appname, graph.selected.id); return false; }; // Support touch devices svg.ontouchstart = svg.onmousedown; /** * Handle a mouse up event. */ window.onmouseup = function(e) { if (graph.dragging == null) return false; if (graph.dragging.parentNode == svg && graph.dragging.id.substring(0, 8) != 'palette:') { var gpos = graph.relpos(graph.dragging); if (gpos.xpos() >= trashcx) { // If component close enough to editing area, move it there if (gpos.xpos() < palcx) graph.move(graph.dragging, graph.mkpath().move(palcx, gpos.ypos())); // Add new dragged component to the composite if (isNil(graph.dragging.compos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(svg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.addcomp(graph.dragging.comp, compos)); graph.dragging.compos = svg.compos; } // Update component position setElement(graph.dragging.comp, graph.movecomp(graph.dragging.comp, graph.abspos(graph.dragging, svg))); // Wire component to neighboring reference if (!isNil(graph.dragging.svcpos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(svg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.wire(graph.dragging, compos, svg)); } } else { // Discard component dragged out of composite svg.removeChild(graph.dragging); if (!isNil(graph.dragging.compos)) { var compos = scdl.composite(svg.compos); setElement(compos, graph.removecomp(graph.dragging.comp, compos)); } // Reset current selection graph.selected = null; cname.value = ''; pvalue.value = ''; cvalue.innerHTML = ''; } } // Forget current dragged component graph.dragging = null; // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(svg); // Trigger composite change event svg.oncomposchange(); return false; }; // Support touch devices window.top.onmouseup = window.onmouseup; window.ontouchend = window.onmouseup; window.gestureend = window.onmouseup; window.top.gestureend = window.onmouseup; window.top.ontouchend = window.onmouseup; window.ontouchcancel = window.onmouseup; window.top.ontouchcancel = window.onmouseup; /** * Handle a mouse move event. */ window.onmousemove = function(e) { if (graph.dragging == null) return false; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; // Calculate new position of dragged element var gpos = graph.relpos(graph.dragging); var pos = typeof e.touches != "undefined" ? e.touches[0] : e; var newX = gpos.xpos() + (pos.screenX - graph.dragX); var newY = gpos.ypos() + (pos.screenY - graph.dragY); if (newX >= 0) graph.dragX = pos.screenX; else newX = 0; if (newY >= 0) graph.dragY = pos.screenY; else newY = 0; // Move the dragged element graph.move(graph.dragging, graph.mkpath().move(newX, newY)); return false; }; // Support touch devices window.top.onmousemove = window.onmousemove; window.ontouchmove = window.onmousemove; window.top.ontouchmove = window.onmousemove; /** * Handle field on change events. */ cname.onchange = function() { if (graph.selected == null) return false; // Change component name and refactor references to it var compos = scdl.composite(svg.compos); cname.value = graph.ucid(cname.value, compos); graph.selected.id = cname.value; cvalue.innerHTML = graph.compvaluelink(svg.appname, graph.selected.id); setElement(compos, graph.renamecomp(graph.selected.comp, compos, cname.value)); // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(svg); // Trigger composite change event svg.oncomposchange(); return false; }; pvalue.onchange = function() { if (graph.selected == null) return false; // Change the component property value graph.setproperty(graph.selected.comp, pvalue.value); pvalue.value = graph.property(graph.selected.comp); // Refresh the composite graph.refresh(svg); // Trigger composite change event svg.oncomposchange(); return false; }; // Create a hidden SVG element to help compute the width // of component and reference titles graph.titlewidthsvg = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'svg'); graph.titlewidthsvg.style.visibility = 'hidden'; graph.titlewidthsvg.style.height = 0; graph.titlewidthsvg.style.width = 0; div.appendChild(graph.titlewidthsvg); return svg; }; /** * Make a path. */ graph.mkpath = function() { function Path() { this.BasePath = graph.BasePath; this.BasePath(); this.clone = function() { return graph.mkpath().pos(this.xpos(), this.ypos()); }; this.move = function(x, y) { this.path += 'M' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.line = function(x, y) { this.path += 'L' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.curve = function(x1, y1, x, y) { this.path += 'Q' + x1 + ',' + y1 + ' ' + x + ',' + y + ' '; return this.pos(x, y); }; this.end = function() { this.path += 'Z'; return this; }; } return new Path(); }; /** * Return an element representing a title. */ graph.mktitle = function(t, bold) { var title = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'text'); title.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); title.setAttribute('x', 5); title.setAttribute('y', 15); if (bold) title.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)); return title; }; /** * Return an element representing the title of a component. */ graph.comptitle = function(comp) { return graph.mktitle(graph.title(comp), false); }; /** * Return the width of the title of a component. */ graph.comptitlewidth = function(comp) { var title = graph.comptitle(comp); graph.titlewidthsvg.appendChild(title); var width = title.getBBox().width + 4; graph.titlewidthsvg.removeChild(title); return width; }; /** * Return an element representing the title of a reference. */ graph.reftitle = function(ref) { return graph.mktitle(graph.title(ref), false); }; /** * Return the width of the title of a reference. */ graph.reftitlewidth = function(ref) { var title = graph.reftitle(ref); graph.titlewidthsvg.appendChild(title); var width = title.getBBox().width; graph.titlewidthsvg.removeChild(title); return width; }; /** * Return an element representing the value of a property. */ graph.proptitle = function(comp) { var title = graph.mktitle(graph.property(comp), true); title.setAttribute('y', 30); return title; }; /** * Return the width of the title of a property. */ graph.proptitlewidth = function(comp) { var title = graph.proptitle(comp); graph.titlewidthsvg.appendChild(title); var width = title.getBBox().width + 4; graph.titlewidthsvg.removeChild(title); return width; }; /** * Return a node representing a component. */ graph.compnode = function(comp, cassoc, pos) { // Make the component and property title elements var title = graph.comptitle(comp); var prop = graph.proptitle(comp); // Compute the path of the component shape var path = graph.comppath(comp, cassoc); var d = path.str(); // Create the main component shape var shape = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'path'); shape.setAttribute('d', d); shape.setAttribute('fill', graph.color(comp)); // Create an overlay contour shape var contour = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'path'); contour.setAttribute('d', d); contour.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); contour.setAttribute('stroke', graph.colors.gray); contour.setAttribute('stroke-width', '3'); contour.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', '0.20'); contour.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(1,1)'); // Create a group and add the component and contour shapes to it. var g = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'g'); g.id = scdl.name(comp); g.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + pos.xpos() + ',' + pos.ypos() + ')'); g.appendChild(shape); g.appendChild(contour); g.appendChild(title); g.appendChild(prop); // Store the component and the positions of its services // and references in the component shape g.comp = comp; g.refpos = reverse(path.refpos); g.svcpos = reverse(path.svcpos); return g; }; /** * Return a graphical group. */ graph.mkgroup = function(pos) { var g = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'g'); g.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + pos.xpos() + ',' + pos.ypos() + ')'); return g; }; /** * Return a node representing a button. */ graph.mkbutton = function(t, pos) { // Make the button title var title = graph.mktitle(t, true); // Compute the path of the button shape var path = graph.buttonpath().str(); // Create the main button shape var shape = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'path'); shape.setAttribute('d', path); shape.setAttribute('fill', graph.colors.lightgray); // Create an overlay contour shape var contour = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'path'); contour.setAttribute('d', path); contour.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); contour.setAttribute('stroke', graph.colors.gray); contour.setAttribute('stroke-width', '3'); contour.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', '0.20'); contour.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(1,1)'); // Create a group and add the button and contour shapes to it var g = document.createElementNS(graph.svgns, 'g'); g.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + pos.xpos() + ',' + pos.ypos() + ')'); g.appendChild(shape); g.appendChild(contour); g.appendChild(title); return g; }; /** * Return the relative position of a node. */ graph.relpos = function(e) { var pmatrix = e.parentNode.getCTM(); var matrix = e.getCTM(); var curX = pmatrix != null? (Number(matrix.e) - Number(pmatrix.e)): Number(matrix.e); var curY = pmatrix != null? (Number(matrix.f) - Number(pmatrix.f)): Number(matrix.f); return graph.mkpath().move(curX, curY); }; /** * Move a node. */ graph.move = function(e, pos) { e.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + pos.xpos() + ',' + pos.ypos() + ')'); }; }; /** * Return the absolute position of a component node. */ graph.abspos = function(e, g) { if (e == g) return graph.mkpath(); var gpos = graph.relpos(e); var pgpos = graph.abspos(e.parentNode, g); return graph.mkpath().move(gpos.xpos() + pgpos.xpos(), gpos.ypos() + pgpos.ypos()); }; /** * Bring a component node to the top. */ graph.bringtotop = function(n, g) { if (n == g) return null; graph.move(n, graph.abspos(n, g)); g.appendChild(n); } /** * Return the title of a SCDL element. */ graph.title = function(e) { var t = scdl.title(e); if (t != null) { if (t == 'gt') return '>' if (t == 'lt') return '<'; return t; } return scdl.name(e); }; /** * Return the property value of a SCDL component. */ graph.property = function(e) { var p = scdl.properties(e); if (isNil(p)) return ''; if (scdl.visible(car(p)) == 'false') return ''; return scdl.propertyValue(car(p)); }; /** * Change the property value of a SCDL component. */ graph.setproperty = function(e, value) { var p = scdl.properties(e); if (isNil(p)) return ''; if (scdl.visible(car(p)) == 'false') return ''; var name = scdl.name(car(p)); setElement(car(p), mklist(element, "'property", mklist(attribute, "'name", name != null? name : "property"), value)); return value; }; /** * Return the color of a SCDL component. */ graph.color = function(comp) { return memo(comp, 'color', function() { var c = scdl.color(comp); return c == null? graph.colors.blue1 : graph.colors[c]; }); }; /** * Return the services on the top side of a component. */ graph.tsvcs = function(comp) { return memo(comp, 'tsvcs', function() { var svcs = scdl.services(comp); var l = filter(function(s) { return scdl.align(s) == 'top' && scdl.visible(s) != 'false'; }, svcs); if (isNil(l)) return mklist(); return mklist(car(l)); }); }; /** * Return the services on the left side of a component. */ graph.lsvcs = function(comp) { return memo(comp, 'lsvcs', function() { var svcs = scdl.services(comp); if (isNil(svcs)) return mklist(mklist("'element","'service","'attribute","'name",scdl.name(comp))); var l = filter(function(s) { var a = scdl.align(s); var v = scdl.visible(s); return (a == null || a == 'left') && v != 'false'; }, svcs); if (isNil(l)) return mklist(); if (!isNil(graph.tsvcs(comp))) return mklist(); return mklist(car(l)); }); }; /** * Return the references on the bottom side of a component. */ graph.brefs = function(comp) { return memo(comp, 'brefs', function() { return filter(function(r) { return scdl.align(r) == 'bottom' && scdl.visible(r) != 'false'; }, scdl.references(comp)); }); }; /** * Return the references on the right side of a component. */ graph.rrefs = function(comp) { return memo(comp, 'rrefs', function() { return filter(function(r) { var a = scdl.align(r); var v = scdl.visible(r); return (a == null || a == 'right') && v != 'false'; }, scdl.references(comp)); }); }; /** * Return the height of a reference on the right side of a component. */ graph.rrefheight = function(ref, cassoc) { return memo(ref, 'rheight', function() { var target = assoc(scdl.target(ref), cassoc); if (isNil(target)) return tabsz * 10; return graph.compclosureheight(cadr(target), cassoc); }); }; /** * Return the height of a reference on the bottom side of a component. */ graph.brefheight = function(ref, cassoc) { return memo(ref, 'bheight', function() { var target = assoc(scdl.target(ref), cassoc); if (isNil(target)) return 0; return graph.compclosureheight(cadr(target), cassoc); }); }; /** * Return the total height of the references on the right side of a component. */ graph.rrefsheight = function(refs, cassoc) { if (isNil(refs)) return 0; return graph.rrefheight(car(refs), cassoc) + graph.rrefsheight(cdr(refs), cassoc); }; /** * Return the max height of the references on the bottom side of a component. */ graph.brefsheight = function(refs, cassoc) { if (isNil(refs)) return 0; return Math.max(graph.brefheight(car(refs), cassoc), graph.brefsheight(cdr(refs), cassoc)); }; /** * Return the height of a component node. */ graph.compheight = function(comp, cassoc) { return memo(comp, 'height', function() { var lsvcs = graph.lsvcs(comp); var lsvcsh = Math.max(1, length(lsvcs)) * (tabsz * 10) + (tabsz * 4); var rrefs = graph.rrefs(comp); var rrefsh = graph.rrefsheight(rrefs, cassoc) + (tabsz * 4); var height = Math.max(lsvcsh, rrefsh); if (!isNil(graph.brefs(comp))) height = Math.max(height, (tabsz * 10) + (tabsz * 4) + (tabsz * 2)); if (graph.property(comp) != '') height = Math.max(40, height); return height; }); }; /** * Return the height of a component and the components wired to its bottom side. */ graph.compclosureheight = function(comp, cassoc) { return memo(comp, 'closureheight', function() { var brefs = graph.brefs(comp); var height = graph.compheight(comp, cassoc) + graph.brefsheight(brefs, cassoc); return height; }); }; /** * Return the width of a reference on the bottom side of a component. */ graph.brefwidth = function(ref, cassoc) { return memo(ref, 'width', function() { var target = assoc(scdl.target(ref), cassoc); if (isNil(target)) return tabsz * 10; return graph.compclosurewidth(cadr(target), cassoc); }); }; /** * Return the total width of the references on the bottom side of a component. */ graph.brefswidth = function(refs, cassoc) { if (isNil(refs)) return 0; return graph.brefwidth(car(refs), cassoc) + graph.brefswidth(cdr(refs), cassoc); }; /** * Return the max width of the references on the right side of a component. */ graph.rrefswidth = function(refs, cassoc) { if (isNil(refs)) return 0; return Math.max(graph.brefwidth(car(refs), cassoc), graph.rrefswidth(cdr(refs), cassoc)); }; /** * Return the width of a component. */ graph.compwidth = function(comp, cassoc) { return memo(comp, 'width', function() { var twidth = Math.max(graph.comptitlewidth(comp), graph.proptitlewidth(comp)) + (tabsz * 8); var tsvcs = graph.tsvcs(comp); var tsvcsw = Math.max(1, length(tsvcs)) * (tabsz * 10) + (tabsz * 4); var brefs = graph.brefs(comp); var brefsw = graph.brefswidth(brefs, cassoc) + (tabsz * 4); var width = Math.max(twidth, Math.max(tsvcsw, brefsw)); return width; }); }; /** * Return the width of a component and all the components wired to its right side. */ graph.compclosurewidth = function(comp, cassoc) { return memo(comp, 'closurewidth', function() { var rrefs = graph.rrefs(comp); var width = graph.compwidth(comp, cassoc) + graph.rrefswidth(rrefs, cassoc); return width; }); }; /** * Return a path representing a reference positioned to the right of a component. */ graph.rrefpath = function(ref, cassoc, path) { var height = graph.rrefheight(ref, cassoc); // Record reference position in the path var xpos = path.xpos(); var ypos = path.ypos(); //path.refpos = cons(mklist(ref, graph.mkpath().move(xpos, ypos + (tabsz * 6))), path.refpos); path.refpos = cons(mklist(ref, graph.mkpath().move(xpos, ypos + (tabsz * 5))), path.refpos); // Compute the reference path return path.rline(0,tabsz).rline(0,tabsz * 2).rcurve(0,tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rline(0,tabsz * 4).rcurve(0,tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,tabsz).line(path.xpos(),ypos + height); }; /** * Return a path representing a reference positioned at the bottom of a component. */ graph.brefpath = function(ref, cassoc, path) { var width = graph.brefwidth(ref, cassoc); // Record reference position in the path var xpos = path.xpos(); var ypos = path.ypos(); path.refpos = cons(mklist(ref, graph.mkpath().move(xpos - width + tabsz * 5, ypos)), path.refpos); // Compute the reference path return path.line(xpos - width + (tabsz * 10),path.ypos()).rline(-tabsz,0).rline(-(tabsz *2),0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,-tabsz,0).rline(-(tabsz * 4),0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,-tabsz,0).line(xpos - width,path.ypos()); }; /** * Return a path representing a service positioned to the left of a component. */ graph.lsvcpath = function(svc, cassoc, path) { var height = tabsz * 10; // Record service position in the path var xpos = path.xpos(); var ypos = path.ypos(); path.svcpos = cons(mklist(svc, graph.mkpath().move(xpos, ypos - (tabsz * 6))), path.svcpos); // Compute the service path return path.rline(0,-tabsz).rline(0, -(tabsz * 2)).rcurve(0,-tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rline(0,-(tabsz * 4)).rcurve(0,-tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,tabsz,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).line(path.xpos(), ypos - height); }; /** * Return a path representing a service positioned at the top of a component. */ graph.tsvcpath = function(svc, cassoc, path) { var width = tabsz * 10; // Record service position in the path var xpos = path.xpos(); var ypos = path.ypos(); path.svcpos = cons(mklist(svc, graph.mkpath().move(xpos + (tabsz * 5), ypos)), path.svcpos); // Compute the service path return path.rline(tabsz,0).rline(tabsz * 2,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,-tabsz).rcurve(0,-tabsz,tabsz,0).rline(tabsz * 4,0).rcurve(tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,-tabsz,0).rcurve(-tabsz,0,0,tabsz).rcurve(0,tabsz,tabsz,0).line(xpos + width,path.ypos()); }; /** * Return a path representing a component node. */ graph.comppath = function(comp, cassoc) { // Calculate the width and height of the component node var width = graph.compwidth(comp, cassoc); var height = graph.compheight(comp, cassoc); /** * Apply a path rendering function to a list of services or references. */ function renderpath(x, f, cassoc, path) { if (isNil(x)) return path; return renderpath(cdr(x), f, cassoc, f(car(x), cassoc, path)); } var path = graph.mkpath().move(curvsz,0); // Store the positions of services and references in the path path.refpos = mklist(); path.svcpos = mklist(); // Render the services on the top side of the component var tsvcs = graph.tsvcs(comp); path = renderpath(tsvcs, graph.tsvcpath, cassoc, path); // Render the references on the right side of the component var rrefs = graph.rrefs(comp); path = path.line(width - curvsz,path.ypos()).rcurve(curvsz,0,0,curvsz); path = renderpath(rrefs, graph.rrefpath, cassoc, path); // Render the references on the bottom side of the component var brefs = reverse(graph.brefs(comp)); var boffset = curvsz + graph.brefswidth(brefs, cassoc); path = path.line(path.xpos(),height - curvsz).rcurve(0,curvsz,curvsz * -1,0).line(boffset, path.ypos()); path = renderpath(brefs, graph.brefpath, cassoc, path); // Render the services on the left side of the component var lsvcs = graph.lsvcs(comp); var loffset = curvsz + (length(lsvcs) * (tabsz * 10)); path = path.line(curvsz,path.ypos()).rcurve(curvsz * -1,0,0,curvsz * -1).line(path.xpos(), loffset); path = renderpath(lsvcs, graph.lsvcpath, cassoc, path); // Close the component node path path = path.line(0,curvsz).rcurve(0,curvsz * -1,curvsz,0); return path.end(); }; /** * Return a path representing a button node. */ graph.buttonpath = function(t) { var path = graph.mkpath().move(curvsz,0); path = path.line(buttoncx - curvsz,path.ypos()).rcurve(curvsz,0,0,curvsz); path = path.line(path.xpos(),buttoncy - curvsz).rcurve(0,curvsz,-curvsz,0).line(curvsz, path.ypos()); path = path.line(curvsz,path.ypos()).rcurve(-curvsz,0,0,-curvsz).line(path.xpos(), curvsz); path = path.line(0,curvsz).rcurve(0,-curvsz,curvsz,0); return path.end(); }; /** * Render a SCDL composite into a list of component nodes. */ graph.composite = function(compos, pos) { var name = scdl.name(scdl.composite(compos)); var comps = scdl.components(compos); var cassoc = scdl.nameToElementAssoc(comps); var proms = scdl.promotions(compos); /** * Render a component. */ function rendercomp(comp, cassoc, pos) { /** * Render the references on the right side of a component. */ function renderrrefs(refs, cassoc, pos, gcomp) { /** * Render a reference on the right side of a component. */ function renderrref(ref, cassoc, pos, gcomp) { var target = assoc(scdl.target(ref), cassoc); if (isNil(target)) return null; // Render the component target of the reference return rendercomp(cadr(target), cassoc, pos); } /** * Move the rendering cursor down below a reference. */ function rendermove(ref, cassoc, pos) { return pos.clone().rmove(0, graph.rrefheight(ref, cassoc)); } if (isNil(refs)) return mklist(); // Return list of (ref, comp rendering) pairs var grefcomp = renderrref(car(refs), cassoc, pos, gcomp); return cons(mklist(car(refs), grefcomp), renderrrefs(cdr(refs), cassoc, rendermove(car(refs), cassoc, pos), gcomp)); } /** * Render the references on the bottom side of a component. */ function renderbrefs(refs, cassoc, pos, gcomp) { /** * Render a reference on the bottom side of a component. */ function renderbref(ref, cassoc, pos, gcomp) { var target = assoc(scdl.target(ref), cassoc); if (isNil(target)) return null; // Render the component target of the reference return rendercomp(cadr(target), cassoc, pos); } /** * Move the rendering cursor to the right of a reference. */ function rendermove(ref, cassoc, pos) { return pos.clone().rmove(graph.brefwidth(ref, cassoc), 0); } if (isNil(refs)) return mklist(); // Return list of (ref, comp rendering) pairs var grefcomp = renderbref(car(refs), cassoc, pos, gcomp); return cons(mklist(car(refs), grefcomp), renderbrefs(cdr(refs), cassoc, rendermove(car(refs), cassoc, pos), gcomp)); } // Compute the component shape var gcomp = graph.compnode(comp, cassoc, pos); // Render the components wired to the component references var rrefs = graph.rrefs(comp); var rpos = graph.mkpath().rmove(graph.compwidth(comp, cassoc), 0); var grrefs = renderrrefs(rrefs, cassoc, rpos, gcomp); var brefs = graph.brefs(comp); var bpos = graph.mkpath().rmove(0 , graph.compheight(comp, cassoc)); var gbrefs = renderbrefs(brefs, cassoc, bpos, gcomp); // Store list of (ref, pos, component rendering) triplets in the component function refposgcomp(refpos, grefs) { if (isNil(refpos)) return mklist(); // Append component rendering to component var gref = cadr(car(grefs)); if (gref != null) appendNodes(mklist(gref), gcomp); return cons(mklist(car(car(refpos)), cadr(car(refpos)), gref), refposgcomp(cdr(refpos), cdr(grefs))); } gcomp.refpos = refposgcomp(gcomp.refpos, append(grrefs, gbrefs)); return gcomp; } /** * Render a list of promoted service components. */ function renderproms(svcs, cassoc, pos) { /** * Return the component promoted by a service. */ function promcomp(svc, cassoc) { var c = assoc(scdl.promote(svc), cassoc); if (isNil(c)) return mklist(); return cadr(c); } /** * Return the position of a component. */ function comppos(comp, pos) { var x = scdl.x(comp); var y = scdl.y(comp); return graph.mkpath().move( x != null? Number(x) + palcx : pos.xpos(), y != null? Number(y) : (isNil(graph.tsvcs(comp))? pos.ypos() : pos.ypos() + (tabsz * 4))); } /** * Move the rendering cursor down below a component. */ function rendermove(comp, cassoc, pos) { return pos.clone().rmove(0, graph.compclosureheight(comp, cassoc) + Math.max((tabsz * 2), 8)); } if (isNil(svcs)) return mklist(); // Render the first promoted component in the list // then recurse to render the rest of the list var comp = promcomp(car(svcs), cassoc); if (isNil(comp)) return renderproms(cdr(svcs), cassoc, rendermove(car(svcs), cassoc, pos)); var cpos = comppos(comp, pos); return cons(rendercomp(comp, cassoc, cpos), renderproms(cdr(svcs), cassoc, rendermove(comp, cassoc, cpos))); } // Render the promoted service components var rproms = renderproms(proms, cassoc, pos.clone().rmove(tabsz * 4, tabsz * 4)); if (name == 'palette') { // Prefix ids of palette component elements with 'palette:' return map(function(r) { r.id = 'palette:' + r.id; return r; }, rproms); } else { // Link app component elements to the containing composite return map(function(r) { r.compos = compos; return r; }, rproms); } }; /** * Return a component unique id. */ graph.ucid = function(prefix, compos) { // Build an assoc list keyed by component name var comps = map(function(c) { return mklist(scdl.name(c), c); }, namedElementChildren("'component", compos)); /** * Find a free component id. */ function ucid(p, id) { if (isNil(assoc(p + id, comps))) return p + id; return ucid(p, id + 1); } if (isNil(assoc(prefix, comps))) return prefix; return ucid(prefix == ''? 'comp' : prefix, 2); }; /** * Clone a palette component node. */ graph.clonepalette = function(e, compos) { // Clone the SCDL component and give it a unique name var comp = append(mklist(element, "'component", mklist(attribute, "'name", graph.ucid(scdl.name(e.comp), compos))), filter(function(c) { return !(isAttribute(c) && attributeName(c) == "'name")}, elementChildren(e.comp))); var x = '' + writeXML(mklist(comp), false) + ''; var compos = readXML(mklist(x)); comp = car(scdl.components(compos)); // Make a component node var gcomp = graph.compnode(comp, mklist(), graph.mkpath()); graph.move(gcomp, graph.relpos(e)); e.parentNode.appendChild(gcomp); return gcomp; }; /** * Move a SCDL component to the given position. */ graph.movecomp = function(comp, pos) { return append(mklist(element, "'component", mklist(attribute, "'t:x", '' + (pos.xpos() - palcx)), mklist(attribute, "'t:y", '' + pos.ypos())), filter(function(e) { return !(isAttribute(e) && (attributeName(e) == "'t:x" || attributeName(e) == "'t:y")); }, elementChildren(comp))); }; /** * Add a component to a SCDL composite. */ graph.addcomp = function(comp, compos) { var name = scdl.name(comp); var prom = mklist(element, "'service", mklist(attribute, "'name", name), mklist(attribute, "'promote", name)); return append(mklist(element, "'composite"), append(elementChildren(compos), mklist(prom, comp))); }; /** * Remove a component from a SCDL composite. */ graph.removecomp = function(comp, compos) { var name = scdl.name(comp); return append(mklist(element, "'composite"), filter(function(c) { return !(isElement(c) && scdl.name(c) == name); }, elementChildren(compos))); }; /** * Rename a component. */ graph.renamecomp = function(comp, compos, name) { /** * Refactor references to a component. */ function refactorrefs(refs, oname, nname) { if (isNil(refs)) return true; var ref = car(refs); if (scdl.target(ref) != oname) return refactorrefs(cdr(refs), oname, nname); // Change the reference's target attribute setElement(ref, append(mklist(element, "'reference"), append(filter(function(e) { return !(isAttribute(e) && attributeName(e) == "'target"); }, elementChildren(ref)), mklist(mklist(attribute, "'target", nname))))); return refactorrefs(cdr(refs), oname, nname); } // Refactor all the references to the renamed component var oname = scdl.name(comp); map(function(c) { return refactorrefs(scdl.references(c), oname, name); }, namedElementChildren("'component", compos)); // Rename the SCDL promoted service and component var proms = filter(function(s) { return scdl.name(s) == oname }, scdl.services(compos)); if (!isNil(proms)) setElement(car(proms), mklist(element, "'service", mklist(attribute, "'name", name), mklist(attribute, "'promote", name))); setElement(comp, append(mklist(element, "'component"), cons(mklist(attribute, "'name", name), filter(function(e) { return !(isAttribute(e) && attributeName(e) == "'name"); }, elementChildren(comp))))); return append(mklist(element, "'composite"), elementChildren(compos)); }; /** * Cut the wire to a component node and make that node a * top level component node. */ graph.cutwire = function(node, compos, g) { /** * Find the reference wired to a node and cut its wire. */ function cutref(refs, node) { if (isNil(refs)) return true; var ref = car(refs); if (caddr(ref) == node) { setlist(ref, mklist(car(ref), cadr(ref), null)); setElement(car(ref), append(mklist(element, "'reference"), filter(function(e) { return !(isAttribute(e) && attributeName(e) == "'target"); }, elementChildren(car(ref))))); } return cutref(cdr(refs), node); } // Cut any reference wire, if found cutref(node.parentNode.refpos, node); // Make the component node a top level node. node.compos = g.compos; // Update the SCDL composite, add a promote element for // that component var comp = node.comp; var name = scdl.name(comp); var prom = mklist(element, "'service", mklist(attribute, "'name", name), mklist(attribute, "'promote", name)); return append(mklist(element, "'composite"), append(filter(function(c) { return !(isElement(c) && scdl.name(c) == name); }, elementChildren(compos)), mklist(prom, comp))); } /** * Wire a component to the closest neighbor reference. */ graph.wire = function(n, compos, g) { // Compute position of the component's service node var spos = cadr(car(n.svcpos)); var aspos = graph.abspos(n, g).rmove(spos.xpos(), spos.ypos()); /** * Find closest unwired reference node among all the references * of all the components. */ function closecomprefs(nodes, spos, cref) { /** * Find the closest unwired reference node among all the * references of a node. */ function closerefs(npos, refs, spos, cref) { if (isNil(refs)) return cref; var fdist = cadddr(cref); var ref = car(refs); // Skip wired reference if (!isNil(filter(function(n) { return isAttribute(n) && attributeName(n) == "'target"; }, car(ref)))) return closerefs(npos, cdr(refs), spos, cref); // Compute distance between service node and reference node var rpos = cadr(ref).clone().rmove(npos.xpos(), npos.ypos()); var dx = Math.pow(rpos.xpos() - spos.xpos(), 2); var dy = Math.pow(rpos.ypos() - spos.ypos(), 2); // Check for proximity threshold var rdist = (dx < (proxcx * proxcx) && dy < (proxcy * proxcy))? Math.sqrt(dx + dy) : 25000000; // Go through all the references in the component return closerefs(npos, cdr(refs), spos, fdist < rdist? cref : mklist(car(ref), cadr(ref), caddr(ref), rdist)); } if (isNil(nodes)) return cref; // Skip non-component nodes var node = car(nodes); if (isNil(node.comp)) return closecomprefs(cdr(nodes), spos, cref); // Compute the component absolute position var npos = graph.abspos(node, g); // Go through all the components and their references return closecomprefs(append(nodeList(node.childNodes), cdr(nodes)), spos, closerefs(npos, node.refpos, spos, cref)); } // Find closest reference node var cref = closecomprefs(nodeList(g.childNodes), aspos, mklist(null, graph.mkpath(), null, 25000000)); if (car(cref) == null) return compos; if (cadddr(cref) == 25000000) return compos; // Wire component to that reference, update the SCDL // reference and composite n.compos = null; setElement(car(cref), append(mklist(element, "'reference", mklist(attribute, "'target", scdl.name(n.comp))), elementChildren(car(cref)))); var name = scdl.name(n.comp); return append(mklist(element, "'composite"), filter(function(c) { return !(isElement(c) && elementName(c) == "'service" && scdl.name(c) == name); }, elementChildren(compos))); } /** * Display a list of graphical nodes. */ graph.display = function(nodes, g) { // Append the nodes to the graphical canvas appendNodes(nodes, g); return nodes; }; /** * Refresh a graph. */ graph.refresh = function(g) { // Remove nodes and redisplay the composite associated with the graph map(function(n) { if (!isNil(n.comp) && n.id.substr(0, 8) != 'palette:') { g.removeChild(n); } return n; }, nodeList(g.childNodes)); graph.display(graph.composite(g.compos, graph.mkpath().move(palcx,0)), g); return g; }; /** * Display and enable editing of a composite and the graphical * nodes that represent it. */ graph.edit = function(appname, compos, nodes, onchange, g) { // Store the appname and composite in the graphical canvas g.appname = appname; g.compos = compos; g.oncomposchange = onchange; // Display the composite nodes return graph.display(nodes, g); }; /** * Return the link to a component value. */ graph.compvaluelink = function(appname, cname) { var protocol = window.location.protocol; var host = window.location.hostname; var port = ':' + window.location.port; if (port == ':80' || port == ':443' || port == ':') port = ''; var link = protocol + '//' + appname + '.' + host + port + '/components/' + cname; return '' + link + ''; };