/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #ifndef tuscany_pgsql_hpp #define tuscany_pgsql_hpp /** * PostgreSQL access functions. */ #include #include "string.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "monad.hpp" #include "../../modules/scheme/eval.hpp" namespace tuscany { namespace pgsql { /** * Return and clear a Postgres result failure. */ const string pgfailure(PGresult* r, PGconn* conn) { const string re = PQresultErrorMessage(r); PQclear(r); if (length(re) != 0) return re; const string ce = PQerrorMessage(conn); return ce; } /** * Represents a PGSql connection. */ class PGSql { public: PGSql() : owner(false) { debug("pgsql::pgsql"); } PGSql(const string& conninfo, const string& table) : owner(true), conn(NULL), conninfo(conninfo), table(table) { debug(conninfo, "pgsql::pgsql::conninfo"); debug(table, "pgsql::pgsql::table"); conn = PQconnectdb(c_str(conninfo)); if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { mkfailure(string("Could not connect to postgresql database: ") + PQerrorMessage(conn)); return; } setup(true); } PGSql(const PGSql& c) : owner(false), conn(c.conn), conninfo(c.conninfo), table(c.table) { debug("pgsql::pgsql::copy"); } ~PGSql() { debug("pgsql::~pgsql"); if (!owner) return; if (conn == NULL) return; PQfinish(conn); } private: bool owner; PGconn *conn; string conninfo; string table; friend const failable setup(const PGSql& pgsql); friend const failable post(const value& key, const value& val, const PGSql& pgsql); friend const failable put(const value& key, const value& val, const PGSql& pgsql); friend const failable get(const value& key, const PGSql& pgsql); friend const failable del(const value& key, const PGSql& pgsql); /** * Setup the database connection. */ const failable setup(const bool init) const { // Check the status of the connection and reconnect if necessary if (!init) { if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK) return true; debug("pgsql::setup::reset"); PQreset(conn); if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not reconnect to postgresql database: ") + PQerrorMessage(conn)); } debug("pgsql::setup::init"); // Find the name of the first column in the target table // Assume that's the key we need to use string ks = string("select a.attname from pg_attribute a, pg_class c where a.attrelid = c.relfilenode and c.relname = '") + table + string("' and a.attnum in (1, 2) order by a.attnum;"); PGresult* kr = PQexec(conn, c_str(ks)); if (PQresultStatus(kr) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute postgresql column select statement: ") + pgfailure(kr, conn)); if (PQntuples(kr) != 2) { PQclear(kr); return mkfailure(string("Could not find postgresql table key and value column names")); } const string kname = PQgetvalue(kr, 0, 0); const string vname = PQgetvalue(kr, 1, 0); PQclear(kr); // Prepare the post, put, get and delete statements { PGresult* r = PQprepare(conn, "post", c_str(string("insert into ") + table + string(" values($1, $2);")), 2, NULL); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not prepare post postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, conn)); PQclear(r); } { PGresult* r = PQprepare(conn, "put", c_str(string("update ") + table + string(" set ") + vname + string(" = $2 where ") + kname + string(" = $1;")), 2, NULL); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not prepare put postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, conn)); PQclear(r); } { PGresult* r = PQprepare(conn, "get", c_str(string("select * from ") + table + string(" where ") + kname + string(" = $1;")), 1, NULL); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not prepare get postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, conn)); PQclear(r); } { PGresult* r = PQprepare(conn, "delete", c_str(string("delete from ") + table + string(" where ") + kname + string(" = $1;")), 1, NULL); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not prepare delete postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, conn)); PQclear(r); } return true; } }; /** * Setup the database connection if necessary. */ const failable setup(const PGSql& pgsql) { return pgsql.setup(false); } /** * Post a new item to the database. */ const failable post(const value& key, const value& val, const PGSql& pgsql) { debug(key, "pgsql::post::key"); debug(val, "pgsql::post::value"); debug(pgsql.conninfo, "pgsql::post::conninfo"); debug(pgsql.table, "pgsql::post::table"); setup(pgsql); const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); const string vs(scheme::writeValue(val)); const char* params[2] = { c_str(ks), c_str(vs) }; PGresult* r = PQexecPrepared(pgsql.conn, "post", 2, params, NULL, NULL, 0); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute insert postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, pgsql.conn)); PQclear(r); debug(true, "pgsql::post::result"); return true; } /** * Update an item in the database. If the item doesn't exist it is added. */ const failable put(const value& key, const value& val, const PGSql& pgsql) { debug(key, "pgsql::put::key"); debug(val, "pgsql::put::value"); debug(pgsql.conninfo, "pgsql::put::conninfo"); debug(pgsql.table, "pgsql::put::table"); setup(pgsql); const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); const string vs(scheme::writeValue(val)); const char* params[2] = { c_str(ks), c_str(vs) }; PGresult* r = PQexecPrepared(pgsql.conn, "put", 2, params, NULL, NULL, 0); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute update postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, pgsql.conn)); const string t = PQcmdTuples(r); if (t != "0") { PQclear(r); debug(true, "pgsql::put::result"); return true; } PQclear(r); PGresult* pr = PQexecPrepared(pgsql.conn, "post", 2, params, NULL, NULL, 0); if (PQresultStatus(pr) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute insert postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(pr, pgsql.conn)); PQclear(pr); debug(true, "pgsql::put::result"); return true; } /** * Get an item from the database. */ const failable get(const value& key, const PGSql& pgsql) { debug(key, "pgsql::get::key"); debug(pgsql.conninfo, "pgsql::get::conninfo"); debug(pgsql.table, "pgsql::get::table"); setup(pgsql); const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); const char* params[1] = { c_str(ks) }; PGresult* r = PQexecPrepared(pgsql.conn, "get", 1, params, NULL, NULL, 0); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute select postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, pgsql.conn)); if (PQntuples(r) < 1) { PQclear(r); return mkfailure(string("Could not get postgresql entry: ") + PQerrorMessage(pgsql.conn)); } const char* data = PQgetvalue(r, 0, 1); const value val(scheme::readValue(string(data))); PQclear(r); debug(val, "pgsql::get::result"); return val; } /** * Delete an item from the database */ const failable del(const value& key, const PGSql& pgsql) { debug(key, "pgsql::delete::key"); debug(pgsql.conninfo, "pgsql::delete::conninfo"); debug(pgsql.table, "pgsql::delete::table"); setup(pgsql); const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); const char* params[1] = { c_str(ks) }; PGresult* r = PQexecPrepared(pgsql.conn, "delete", 1, params, NULL, NULL, 0); if (PQresultStatus(r) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) return mkfailure(string("Could not execute delete postgresql SQL statement: ") + pgfailure(r, pgsql.conn)); PQclear(r); debug(true, "pgsql::delete::result"); return true; } } } #endif /* tuscany_pgsql_hpp */