/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date$ */ #ifndef tuscany_queue_hpp #define tuscany_queue_hpp /** * AMQP queue access functions. */ // Ignore conversion issues and redundant declarations in Qpid headers #ifdef WANT_MAINTAINER_MODE #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "string.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include "monad.hpp" #include "../../modules/scheme/eval.hpp" namespace tuscany { namespace queue { /** * Represents a Qpid connection. */ class QpidConnection { public: QpidConnection() : owner(true) { c.open("localhost", 5672); } QpidConnection(const bool owner) : owner(owner) { c.open("localhost", 5672); } QpidConnection(const QpidConnection& qc) : owner(false), c(qc.c) { } ~QpidConnection() { if (!owner) return; c.close(); } private: friend const failable close(QpidConnection& qc); friend class QpidSession; const bool owner; qpid::client::Connection c; }; /** * Close a Qpid connection. */ const failable close(QpidConnection& qc) { qc.c.close(); return true; } /** * Represents a Qpid session. */ class QpidSession { public: QpidSession(QpidConnection& qc) : owner(true), s(qc.c.newSession()) { } QpidSession(QpidConnection& qc, const bool owner) : owner(owner), s(qc.c.newSession()) { } QpidSession(const QpidSession& qs) : owner(false), s(qs.s) { } ~QpidSession() { if (!owner) return; s.close(); } private: friend const failable close(QpidSession& qs); friend const failable declareQueue(const value& key, const string& name, QpidSession& qs); friend const failable post(const value& key, const value& val, QpidSession& qs); friend class QpidSubscription; const bool owner; qpid::client::Session s; }; /** * Close a Qpid session. */ const failable close(QpidSession& qs) { try { qs.s.close(); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { return mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } return true; } /** * Declare a key / AMQP queue pair. */ const failable declareQueue(const value& key, const string& name, QpidSession& qs) { const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); try { qs.s.queueDeclare(qpid::client::arg::queue=c_str(name)); qs.s.exchangeBind(qpid::client::arg::exchange="amq.direct", qpid::client::arg::queue=c_str(name), qpid::client::arg::bindingKey=c_str(ks)); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { return mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } return true; } /** * Post a key / value pair message to an AMQP broker. */ const failable post(const value& key, const value& val, QpidSession& qs) { // Send in a message with the given key. const string ks(scheme::writeValue(key)); const string vs(scheme::writeValue(val)); try { qpid::client::Message message; message.getDeliveryProperties().setRoutingKey(c_str(ks)); message.setData(c_str(vs)); qs.s.messageTransfer(qpid::client::arg::content=message, qpid::client::arg::destination="amq.direct"); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { return mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } return true; } /** * Represents a Qpid subscription. */ class QpidSubscription { public: QpidSubscription(QpidSession& qs) : owner(true), subs(qs.s) { } QpidSubscription(QpidSession& qs, const bool owner) : owner(owner), subs(qs.s) { } QpidSubscription(const QpidSubscription& qsub) : owner(false), subs(qsub.subs) { } ~QpidSubscription() { if (!owner) return; try { subs.stop(); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } } private: friend const failable listen(const string& name, const lambda& l, QpidSubscription& qsub); friend const failable stop(QpidSubscription& qsub); const bool owner; qpid::client::SubscriptionManager subs; }; /** * Register a listener function with an AMQP queue. */ class Listener : public qpid::client::MessageListener { public: Listener(const lambda l, qpid::client::SubscriptionManager& subs) : l(l), subs(subs) { } virtual void received(qpid::client::Message& msg) { // Call the listener function const value k(scheme::readValue(msg.getDeliveryProperties().getRoutingKey().c_str())); const value v(scheme::readValue(msg.getData().c_str())); const bool r = l(k, v); if (!r) { try { subs.cancel(msg.getDestination()); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } } } private: const lambda l; qpid::client::SubscriptionManager& subs; }; const failable listen(const string& name, const lambda& l, QpidSubscription& qsub) { debug("queue::listen"); Listener listener(l, qsub.subs); try { qsub.subs.subscribe(listener, c_str(name)); qsub.subs.run(); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { return mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } debug("queue::listen::stopped"); return true; } /** * Stop an AMQP subscription. */ const failable stop(QpidSubscription& qsub) { debug("queue::stop"); try { qsub.subs.stop(); } catch (const qpid::Exception& e) { return mkfailure(string("Qpid failure: ") + e.what()); } debug("queue::stopped"); return true; } } } // Re-enable conversion and redundant declarations warnings #ifdef WANT_MAINTAINER_MODE #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wconversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wredundant-decls" #endif #endif /* tuscany_qpid_hpp */