Shopping Store Web Service Sample ================================= This sample creates an shopping store application using Amazon's WS API interface. This sample intents to provide the same services provided by Amazon but implementing them as SCA components. These services are provided through a web service interface. If you just want to run it to see what happens you need to run the server first. So, open a command prompt, navigate to the shoppingstore sample directory and do: 1 - "ant" to compile it 2 - "ant run" to get the server up and running 3 - You should see the following output from the run target: run: [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger ( [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [java] ToyApp server started (press enter to shutdown) Once the server is running, it will be expecting requests from a client through its Web Service interface. The WSDL describing the WS interface can be obtained opening a web broeser pointing to http://localhost:8080/ShoppingStoreServiceComponent?wsdl Sample Overview --------------- Currently, the sample provides two components: 1 - ShoppingStoreService: that is wired to a reference with a web service binding and plays the role of a proxy service which offers all the operations exposed through the WSDL API and forwards every invocation to the actual service that in fact implements the service invoked. 2 - CartService: currently, this is the only component offering an actual service through the Shopping Store. It provides the following operations: CartCreate, CartAdd, CartClear, CartGet. shoppingstore/ lib/ AWS2007_05_14.jar - The jar file containing all the classes generated out of Amazon's WSDL using the Axis2's wsdl2java utility (the databinding used was jaxb) src/ main/ java/ shoppingstore/ server/ - starts the SCA Runtime and deploys the shoppingstore.composite. In doing this, the SCA WSDL binding acts to expose the ShoppingStoreService over WS services/ cart/ - Java interface description for CartServiceComponent - component implementation proxy/ - Java interface description for ShoppingStoreServiceComponent - component implementation resources/ wsdl/ shoppingstore.wsdl - the service description that the SCA reference uses to bind to. This wsdl file is very similar to Amazon's WSDL released on May 14th, 2007. Only two modifications were done: 1 - Non-implemented services had to be commented out from the WSDL 2 - Its location was modified in order for it to point to this sample's address shoppingstore.composite - the SCA assembly for this sample test/ - no test provided so far shoppingstore.png - a pictorial representation of the current status of the sample, plus future enhancements build.xml - the Ant build file Building And Running The Sample Using Ant ----------------------------------------- Take a look at the beginning of this document. Building And Running The Sample Using Maven ------------------------------------------- No maven support has been implemented yet.