1/ download latest Tuscany build https://builds.apache.org/job/Tuscany-2x/ws/sca-2x/distribution/all/target/apache-tuscany-sca-all-2.0-SNAPSHOT.zip 2/ Unzip somewhere convenient (TUSCANY_ROOT) 3/ Fire up Tuscany in OSGi e.g. cd TUSCANY_ROOT/modules java -jar osgi-3.5.0-v20090520.jar -configuration ..\features\configuration -clean -console 4/ Create a contribution that will run in Tuscany in OSGi see 5/ Install the contribution bundle into OSGi osgi> install file:///./path/to/sample-jms-osgi.jar Bundle id is 266 osgi> start 266 5/ Fire a message into JMS see install file:///c:/simon/svn/sandbox/jms-osgi/jms-osgi/target/sample-jms-osgi.jar