@echo off @REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one @REM or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file @REM distributed with this work for additional information @REM regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file @REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the @REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance @REM with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at @REM @REM http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @REM @REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, @REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an @REM "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY @REM KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the @REM specific language governing permissions and limitations @REM under the License. setlocal set HTTPD_HOME=C:\simon\apps\apache2.0.55\Apache2 set PHP_HOME=C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\php-5.2.0\Debug_TS set APFULLDIR=%~d0%~p0 echo Running from %APFULLDIR% REM if "%TUSCANY_SCACPP%" == "" ( REM echo "TUSCANY_SCACPP not set" REM goto end REM ) REM echo Using SCA installed at %TUSCANY_SCACPP% REM if "%TUSCANY_SDOCPP%" == "" ( REM echo "TUSCANY_SDOCPP not set" REM goto end REM ) REM echo Using SDO installed at %TUSCANY_SDOCPP% if "%HTTPD_HOME%" == "" ( echo "HTTPD_HOME not set" goto end ) echo Using HTTPD installed at %HTTPD_HOME% set PATH=%HTTPD_HOME%\bin;%PHP_HOME%;%PATH% REM set TUSCANY_SCACPP_ROOT=%APFULLDIR%\..\ REM set TUSCANY_SCACPP_BASE_URI=http://localhost:9091 @REM Generate the tuscany_sca_mod_rest configuration REM if not exist %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf ( REM echo LoadModule sca_rest_module %TUSCANY_SCACPP%/extensions/rest\service/bin/tuscany_sca_mod_rest.dll > %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM echo TuscanyHome %TUSCANY_SCACPP% >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM echo ^ >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM echo SetHandler sca_rest_module >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM echo TuscanyRoot %TUSCANY_SCACPP_ROOT% >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM echo ^ >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\tuscany_sca_mod_rest.conf REM ) @REM Generate the base HTTPD configuration if not exist %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf ( echo LoadModule mime_module %HTTPD_HOME%\modules\mod_mime.so > %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf echo LoadModule dir_module %HTTPD_HOME%\modules\mod_dir.so >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf echo DocumentRoot %APFULLDIR%\htdocs >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf echo LoadModule php5_module %PHP_HOME%\php5apache2.dll >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf echo AddType application/x-httpd-php .php >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf echo PHPIniDir %PHP_HOME% >> %APFULLDIR%\conf\base.conf ) @REM Create logs directory REM if not exist %APFULLDIR%\logs mkdir %APFULLDIR%\logs REM set TUSCANY_SCACPP_LOG=%APFULLDIR%\logs\tuscany-server.log REM set TUSCANY_SCACPP_LOGGING=9 @REM Start the HTTP server echo Starting Apache httpd %HTTPD_HOME%\bin\apache -d %APFULLDIR%