/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.sca.builder.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Base; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Component; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentReference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Composite; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Endpoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.EndpointReference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Implementation; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.BuilderContext; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.CompositeBuilder; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.CompositeBuilderException; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.PolicyBuilder; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.xml.Constants; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.ExtensionPointRegistry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.Operation; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.monitor.Monitor; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.Intent; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.PolicySet; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.PolicySubject; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.util.PolicyHelper; /** * A composite builder that computes policy sets based on attached intents and policy sets. * Useful if you want to build the model without making any runtime decisions such as * reference/services matching * * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class CompositePolicyBuilderImpl extends ComponentPolicyBuilderImpl implements CompositeBuilder { private final static QName NOLISTENER_INTENT = new QName(Base.SCA11_NS, "noListener"); private CompositeBuilder policyAppliesToBuilder = null; public CompositePolicyBuilderImpl(ExtensionPointRegistry registry) { super(registry); policyAppliesToBuilder = new PolicyAppliesToBuilderImpl(registry); } public String getID() { return "org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.CompositePolicyBuilder"; } public Composite build(Composite composite, BuilderContext context) throws CompositeBuilderException { computePolicies(composite, context); checkPolicies(composite, context); buildPolicies(composite, context); return composite; } protected void computePolicies(Composite composite, BuilderContext context) { Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor(); monitor.pushContext("Composite: " + composite.getName().toString()); try { resolveAndCheck(composite, context); // compute policies recursively for (Component component : composite.getComponents()) { monitor.pushContext("Component: " + component.getName()); //resolve component level resolveAndCheck(component, context); try { Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); for (ComponentService componentService : component.getServices()) { monitor.pushContext("Service: " + componentService.getName()); try { resolveAndCheck(componentService, context); if (componentService.getInterfaceContract() != null) { resolveAndCheck(componentService.getInterfaceContract().getInterface(), context); resolveAndCheck(componentService.getInterfaceContract().getCallbackInterface(), context); } for (Endpoint ep : componentService.getEndpoints()) { // Inherit from binding inherit(ep, null, true, ep.getBinding()); // Inherit from composite/component/service inherit(ep, null, true, ep.getService(), ep.getComponent(), composite ); if (componentService.getInterfaceContract() != null) { // Inherit from the component.service.interface // Do not check mutual exclusion here.. interfaces do not follow normal rules // of the structural hierarchy (Policy spec 4.10) inherit(ep, null, false, componentService.getInterfaceContract().getInterface()); } // Replace profile intents with their required intents // Replace unqualified intents if there is a qualified intent in the list // Replace qualifiable intents with the default qualied intent resolveAndNormalize(ep, context); // Replace qualifiable intents with their default qualifier expandDefaultIntents(ep, context); // Remove the intents whose @contraints do not include the current element removeConstrainedIntents(ep, context); // Remove any direct policy sets if an external one has been applied removeDirectPolicySetsIfExternalExists(ep, context); // Validate that noListener is not specified on a service endpoint checkForNoListenerIntent(ep, context); // check that all intents are resolved checkIntentsResolved(ep, context); // check that the resulting endpoint has no mutually exclusive intents checkMutualExclusion(ep, context); } } finally { monitor.popContext(); } } for (ComponentReference componentReference : component.getReferences()) { monitor.pushContext("Reference: " + componentReference.getName().toString()); try { if (componentReference.getInterfaceContract() != null) { resolveAndCheck(componentReference.getInterfaceContract().getInterface(), context); resolveAndCheck(componentReference.getInterfaceContract().getCallbackInterface(), context); } for (EndpointReference epr : componentReference.getEndpointReferences()) { // Inherit from binding inherit(epr, null, true, epr.getBinding()); // Inherit from composite/component/reference inherit(epr, null, true, epr.getReference(), epr.getComponent(), composite); // Inherit from the component.reference.interface if (componentReference.getInterfaceContract() != null) { // Do not check mutual exclusion here.. interfaces do not follow normal rules // of the structural hierarchy (Policy spec 4.10) inherit(epr, null, true, componentReference.getInterfaceContract().getInterface()); } // Replace profile intents with their required intents // Replace unqualified intents if there is a qualified intent in the list // Replace qualifiable intents with the default qualified intent resolveAndNormalize(epr, context); // Replace qualifiable intents with their default qualifier expandDefaultIntents(epr, context); // Remove the intents whose @contraints do not include the current element removeConstrainedIntents(epr, context); removeDirectPolicySetsIfExternalExists(epr, context); // check that all intents are resolved checkIntentsResolved(epr, context); // check that the resulting endpoint reference has no mutually exclusive intents checkMutualExclusion(epr, context); } } finally { monitor.popContext(); } } if (implementation instanceof Composite) { resolveAndCheck(implementation, context); inherit(implementation, Intent.Type.implementation, true, component, composite); computePolicies((Composite)implementation, context); expandDefaultIntents(implementation,context); checkIntentsResolved(implementation,context); } else { resolveAndCheck(implementation, context); if (implementation != null) { inherit(implementation, Intent.Type.implementation, true, component, composite); // Remove the intents whose @contraints do not include the current element removeConstrainedIntents(implementation, context); removeDirectPolicySetsIfExternalExists(implementation, context); // Replace qualifiable intents with their default qualifier expandDefaultIntents(implementation, context); // check that all intents are resolved checkIntentsResolved(implementation, context); } } } finally { monitor.popContext(); } } removeConstrainedIntents(composite, context); } finally { monitor.popContext(); } } private void validateTransactionIntents(Composite composite, BuilderContext context) { for ( Component component : composite.getComponents() ) { if ( component.getImplementation() != null ) { if ( component.getImplementation() instanceof Composite ) validateTransactionIntents((Composite) component.getImplementation(), context); for ( Intent implIntent : component.getImplementation().getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.MANAGED_TRANSACTION_LOCAL_INTENT.equals(implIntent.getName() ) ) { for ( ComponentReference reference : component.getReferences() ) { for ( EndpointReference epr : reference.getEndpointReferences() ) { for ( Intent eprIntent : epr.getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.TRANSACTED_ONE_WAY_INTENT.equals(eprIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "TransactedOneWayWithManagedTransactionLocal", this, "reference", epr.getComponent().getName(), epr.getReference().getName()); } else if ( Constants.PROPAGATES_TRANSACTION_INTENT.equals(eprIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "PropagatesTransactionWithLocalTran", this, "reference", epr.getComponent().getName(), epr.getReference().getName()); } } } } for ( ComponentService service : component.getServices() ) { for ( Endpoint ep : service.getEndpoints() ) { for ( Intent epIntent : ep.getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.TRANSACTED_ONE_WAY_INTENT.equals(epIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "TransactedOneWayWithManagedTransactionLocal", this, "service", ep.getComponent().getName(), ep.getService().getName()); } else if ( Constants.PROPAGATES_TRANSACTION_INTENT.equals(epIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "PropagatesTransactionWithLocalTran", this, "service", ep.getComponent().getName(), ep.getService().getName()); } } } } } else if ( Constants.NO_MANAGED_TRANSACTION_INTENT.equals(implIntent.getName())) { for ( ComponentService service : component.getServices() ) { for ( Endpoint ep : service.getEndpoints() ) { for ( Intent epIntent : ep.getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.PROPAGATES_TRANSACTION_INTENT.equals(epIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "PropagatesTransactionWithNoManagedTran", this, "service", ep.getComponent().getName(), ep.getService().getName()); } } } } for ( ComponentReference reference : component.getReferences() ) { for ( EndpointReference epr : reference.getEndpointReferences() ) { for ( Intent eprIntent : epr.getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.PROPAGATES_TRANSACTION_INTENT.equals(eprIntent.getName())) { error(context.getMonitor(), "PropagatesTransactionWithNoManagedTran", this, "reference", epr.getComponent().getName(), epr.getReference().getName()); } } } } } } for ( ComponentReference reference : component.getReferences()) { for ( EndpointReference epr : reference.getEndpointReferences() ) { for ( Intent eprIntent : epr.getRequiredIntents() ) { if ( Constants.TRANSACTED_ONE_WAY_INTENT.equals(eprIntent.getName()) ) { for ( Operation o : epr.getComponentReferenceInterfaceContract().getInterface().getOperations() ) { if ( !o.isNonBlocking() ) { error(context.getMonitor(), "TransactedOneWayWithTwoWayOp", this, reference.getName(), o.getName()); } } } else if ( Constants.IMMEDIATE_ONE_WAY_INTENT.equals(eprIntent.getName())) { for ( Operation o : epr.getComponentReferenceInterfaceContract().getInterface().getOperations() ) { if ( !o.isNonBlocking() ) { error(context.getMonitor(), "ImmediateOneWayWithTwoWayOp", this, reference.getName(), o.getName()); } } } } } } } } } private void checkForNoListenerIntent(Endpoint ep, BuilderContext context) { PolicyHelper helper = new PolicyHelper(); if ( helper.getIntent(ep, NOLISTENER_INTENT) != null ) { error(context.getMonitor(), "NoListenerIntentSpecifiedOnService", this, ep.toString()); } } private void removeDirectPolicySetsIfExternalExists(PolicySubject subject, BuilderContext context) { boolean foundExternalPolicySet = false; for (PolicySet ps : subject.getPolicySets() ) { if ( ps.isExternalAttachment() ) { foundExternalPolicySet = true; break; } } if ( foundExternalPolicySet ) { List copy = new ArrayList(subject.getPolicySets()); for ( PolicySet ps : copy ) { if ( !ps.isExternalAttachment() ) { subject.getPolicySets().remove(ps); } } } } /** * This is mainly about removing policies that don't "applyTo" the element where * they have ended up after all the attachment and inheritance processing * * @param composite * @param context */ protected void checkPolicies(Composite composite, BuilderContext context) throws CompositeBuilderException{ policyAppliesToBuilder.build(composite, context); validateTransactionIntents(composite, context); } protected void buildPolicies(Composite composite, BuilderContext context) { // build policies recursively for (Component component : composite.getComponents()) { Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation instanceof Composite) { buildPolicies((Composite)implementation, context); } } for (Component component : composite.getComponents()) { for (ComponentService componentService : component.getServices()) { for (Endpoint ep : componentService.getEndpoints()) { Set policyNames = getPolicyNames(ep); // check that only one policy language is present in the endpoint's policy sets if (policyNames.size() > 1){ error(context.getMonitor(), "MultiplePolicyLanguagesInEP", this, ep.toString(), policyNames.toString()); } else { for (QName policyType : policyNames) { PolicyBuilder builder = builders.getPolicyBuilder(policyType); if (builder != null) { builder.build(ep, context); } } } } } for (ComponentReference componentReference : component.getReferences()) { for (EndpointReference epr : componentReference.getEndpointReferences()) { Set policyNames = getPolicyNames(epr); // check that only one policy language is present in the endpoint references's policy sets if (policyNames.size() > 1){ error(context.getMonitor(), "MultiplePolicyLanguagesInEPR", this, epr.toString(), policyNames.toString()); } else { for (QName policyType : policyNames) { PolicyBuilder builder = builders.getPolicyBuilder(policyType); if (builder != null) { builder.build(epr, context); } } } } } Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation != null) { Set policyNames = getPolicyNames(implementation); // check that only one policy language is present in the implementations's policy sets if (policyNames.size() > 1){ error(context.getMonitor(), "MultiplePolicyLanguagesInImplementation", this, component.toString(), policyNames.toString()); } else { for (QName policyType : policyNames) { PolicyBuilder builder = builders.getPolicyBuilder(policyType); if (builder != null) { builder.build(component, implementation, context); } } } } } } }