/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.sca.builder.impl; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.AssemblyFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Binding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Component; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentProperty; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentReference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Composite; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.CompositeReference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.CompositeService; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Contract; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Implementation; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Multiplicity; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Property; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Reference; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.SCABinding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.SCABindingFactory; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.Service; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.BuilderContext; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.BuilderExtensionPoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.ContractBuilder; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.ImplementationBuilder; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.builder.Messages; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.xsd.Constants; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.ExtensionPointRegistry; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.FactoryExtensionPoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.core.UtilityExtensionPoint; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.Mediator; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.impl.MediatorImpl; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.jaxb.JAXBDataBinding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.xml.DOMDataBinding; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.definitions.Definitions; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.Compatibility; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.DataType; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.IncompatibleInterfaceContractException; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.Interface; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.InterfaceContract; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.InterfaceContractMapper; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.impl.DataTypeImpl; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.java.JavaInterface; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.java.JavaInterfaceContract; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.interfacedef.util.XMLType; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.monitor.Monitor; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.ExtensionType; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.policy.PolicySubject; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.xsd.XSDefinition; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class ComponentBuilderImpl { protected static final String SCA11_NS = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200912"; protected static final String BINDING_SCA = "binding.sca"; protected static final QName BINDING_SCA_QNAME = new QName(SCA11_NS, BINDING_SCA); private CompositeComponentTypeBuilderImpl componentTypeBuilder; protected ComponentPolicyBuilderImpl policyBuilder; private AssemblyFactory assemblyFactory; private SCABindingFactory scaBindingFactory; private DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory; protected TransformerFactory transformerFactory; private InterfaceContractMapper interfaceContractMapper; private BuilderExtensionPoint builders; private Mediator mediator; private ContractBuilder contractBuilder; public ComponentBuilderImpl(ExtensionPointRegistry registry) { UtilityExtensionPoint utilities = registry.getExtensionPoint(UtilityExtensionPoint.class); FactoryExtensionPoint modelFactories = registry.getExtensionPoint(FactoryExtensionPoint.class); assemblyFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(AssemblyFactory.class); scaBindingFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(SCABindingFactory.class); documentBuilderFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(DocumentBuilderFactory.class); transformerFactory = modelFactories.getFactory(TransformerFactory.class); interfaceContractMapper = utilities.getUtility(InterfaceContractMapper.class); policyBuilder = new ComponentPolicyBuilderImpl(registry); builders = registry.getExtensionPoint(BuilderExtensionPoint.class); mediator = new MediatorImpl(registry); contractBuilder = builders.getContractBuilder(); } public void setComponentTypeBuilder(CompositeComponentTypeBuilderImpl componentTypeBuilder) { this.componentTypeBuilder = componentTypeBuilder; } /** * Configure the component based on its component type using OASIS rules * * @Param outerCompoment the component that uses the parentComposite as its implementation * @Param parentComposite the composite that contains the component being configured. Required for property processing * @param component the component to be configured */ public void configureComponentFromComponentType(Component outerComponent, Composite parentComposite, Component component, BuilderContext context) { Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor(); monitor.pushContext("Component: " + component.getName().toString()); try { // do any work we need to do before we calculate the component type // for this component. Anything that needs to be pushed down the promotion // hierarchy must be done before we calculate the component type // check that the implementation is present if (!isComponentImplementationPresent(component, monitor)){ return; } // carry out any implementation specific builder processing Implementation impl = component.getImplementation(); if (impl != null) { ImplementationBuilder builder = builders.getImplementationBuilder(impl.getType()); if (builder != null) { builder.build(component, impl, context); } } // Properties on the composite component type are not affected by the components // that the composite contains. Instead the child components might source // composite level property values. Hence we have to calculate whether the component // type property value should be overridden by this component's property value // before we go ahead and calculate the component type configureProperties(outerComponent, parentComposite, component, monitor); // create the component type for this component // taking any nested composites into account createComponentType(component, context); // configure services based on the calculated component type configureServices(component, context); // configure services based on the calculated component type configureReferences(component, context); // NOTE: configureServices/configureReferences may add callback references and services policyBuilder.configure(component, context); } finally { monitor.popContext(); } } /** * Checks that a component implementation is present and resolved * before doing anything else * * @param component * @return true if the implementation is present and resolved */ private boolean isComponentImplementationPresent(Component component, Monitor monitor){ Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation == null) { // A component must have an implementation Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "NoComponentImplementation", component.getName()); return false; } else if (implementation.isUnresolved()) { // The implementation must be fully resolved Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "UnresolvedComponentImplementation", component, component.getName(), implementation.getURI()); return false; } return true; } /** * Use the component type builder to build the component type for * this component. * * @param component */ private void createComponentType(Component component, BuilderContext context) { Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation instanceof Composite) { componentTypeBuilder.createComponentType(component, (Composite)implementation, context); } } /** * Configure this component's services based on the services in its * component type and the configuration from the composite file * * @param component */ private void configureServices(Component component, BuilderContext context) { Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor(); // If the component type has services that are not described in this // component then create services for this component addServicesFromComponentType(component, monitor); // Connect this component's services to the // services from its component type connectServicesToComponentType(component, monitor); // look at each component service in turn and calculate its // configuration based on OASIS rules for (ComponentService componentService : component.getServices()) { Service componentTypeService = componentService.getService(); if (componentTypeService == null) { // raise error? // can be null in some of the assembly-xml unit tests continue; } // interface contracts calculateServiceInterfaceContract(component, componentService, componentTypeService, monitor); // bindings calculateBindings(component, componentService, componentTypeService, monitor); // add callback reference model objects createCallbackReference(component, componentService); } } /** * Configure this component's references based on the references in its * component type and the configuration from the composite file * * @param component */ private void configureReferences(Component component, BuilderContext context) { Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor(); // If the component type has references that are not described in this // component then create references for this component addReferencesFromComponentType(component, monitor); // Connect this component's references to the // references from its component type connectReferencesToComponentType(component, monitor); // look at each component reference in turn and calculate its // configuration based on OASIS rules for (ComponentReference componentReference : component.getReferences()) { Reference componentTypeReference = componentReference.getReference(); if (componentTypeReference == null) { // raise error? // can be null in some of the assembly-xml unit tests continue; } // reference multiplicity reconcileReferenceMultiplicity(component, componentReference, componentTypeReference, monitor); // interface contracts calculateReferenceInterfaceContract(component, componentReference, componentTypeReference, monitor); // bindings calculateBindings(componentReference, componentTypeReference); // add callback service model objects createCallbackService(component, componentReference); // Propagate autowire setting from the component down the structural // hierarchy if (componentReference.getAutowire() == null) { componentReference.setAutowire(component.getAutowire()); } } } /** * Configure this component's properties based on the properties in its * component type and the configuration from the composite file * * @param component */ private void configureProperties(Component outerComponent, Composite parentComposite, Component component, Monitor monitor) { // If the component type has properties that are not described in this // component then create properties for this component addPropertiesFromComponentType(component, monitor); // Connect this component's properties to the // properties from its component type connectPropertiesToComponentType(component, monitor); // Reconcile component properties and their component type properties for (ComponentProperty componentProperty : component.getProperties()) { reconcileComponentPropertyWithComponentType(component, componentProperty, monitor); // configure the property value based on the @source attribute // At the moment this is done in the parent composite component // type calculation processPropertySourceAttribute(outerComponent, parentComposite, component, componentProperty, monitor); // configure the property value based on the @file attribute processPropertyFileAttribute(component, componentProperty, monitor); // Check that a value is supplied if (componentProperty.isMustSupply() && !isPropertyValueSet(componentProperty)) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyMustSupplyNull", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } // check that not too many values are supplied if (!componentProperty.isMany() && isPropertyManyValued(componentProperty)){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyHasManyValues", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } // check the property type checkComponentPropertyType(component, componentProperty, monitor); } } private void addServicesFromComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Create a component service for each service if (component.getImplementation() != null) { for (Service service : component.getImplementation().getServices()) { // check for duplicate service names in implementation if (service != component.getImplementation().getService(service.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateImplementationServiceName", component.getName(), service.getName()); } ComponentService componentService = (ComponentService)component.getService(service.getName()); // if the component doesn't have a service with the same name as the // component type service then create one if (componentService == null) { componentService = assemblyFactory.createComponentService(); componentService.setForCallback(service.isForCallback()); String name = service.getName(); componentService.setName(name); component.getServices().add(componentService); } } } } private void addReferencesFromComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Create a component reference for each reference if (component.getImplementation() != null) { for (Reference reference : component.getImplementation().getReferences()) { // check for duplicate reference names in implementation if (reference != component.getImplementation().getReference(reference.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateImplementationReferenceName", component.getName(), reference.getName()); } ComponentReference componentReference = (ComponentReference)component.getReference(reference.getName()); // if the component doesn't have a reference with the same name as the // component type reference then create one if (componentReference == null) { componentReference = assemblyFactory.createComponentReference(); componentReference.setForCallback(reference.isForCallback()); componentReference.setName(reference.getName()); componentReference.setReference(reference); component.getReferences().add(componentReference); } } } } private void addPropertiesFromComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Create component property for each property if (component.getImplementation() != null) { for (Property property : component.getImplementation().getProperties()) { // check for duplicate property names in implementation if (property != component.getImplementation().getProperty(property.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateImplementationPropertyName", component.getName(), property.getName()); } ComponentProperty componentProperty = (ComponentProperty)component.getProperty(property.getName()); // if the component doesn't have a property with the same name as // the component type property then create one if (componentProperty == null) { componentProperty = assemblyFactory.createComponentProperty(); componentProperty.setName(property.getName()); componentProperty.setValue(property.getValue()); componentProperty.setMany(property.isMany()); componentProperty.setMustSupply(property.isMustSupply()); componentProperty.setXSDElement(property.getXSDElement()); componentProperty.setXSDType(property.getXSDType()); componentProperty.setProperty(property); component.getProperties().add(componentProperty); } } } } private void connectServicesToComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Connect each component service to the corresponding component type service for (ComponentService componentService : component.getServices()) { // check for duplicate service names in component if (componentService != component.getService(componentService.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateComponentServiceName", component.getName(), componentService.getName()); } if (componentService.getService() != null || componentService.isForCallback()) { continue; } if (component.getImplementation() == null) { // is null in some of our basic unit tests continue; } Service service = component.getImplementation().getService(componentService.getName()); if (service != null) { componentService.setService(service); } else { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "ServiceNotFoundForComponentService", component.getName(), componentService.getName()); } } } private void connectReferencesToComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Connect each component reference to the corresponding component type reference for (ComponentReference componentReference : component.getReferences()) { // check for duplicate reference names in component if (componentReference != component.getReference(componentReference.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateComponentReferenceName", component.getName(), componentReference.getName()); } if (componentReference.getReference() != null || componentReference.isForCallback()) { continue; } if (component.getImplementation() == null) { // is null in some of our basic unit tests continue; } Reference reference = component.getImplementation().getReference(componentReference.getName()); if (reference != null) { componentReference.setReference(reference); } else { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "ReferenceNotFoundForComponentReference", component.getName(), componentReference.getName()); } } } private void connectPropertiesToComponentType(Component component, Monitor monitor) { // Connect each component property to the corresponding component type property for (ComponentProperty componentProperty : component.getProperties()) { // check for duplicate property names in component if (componentProperty != component.getProperty(componentProperty.getName())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "DuplicateComponentPropertyName", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } Property property = component.getImplementation().getProperty(componentProperty.getName()); if (property != null) { componentProperty.setProperty(property); } else { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyNotFound", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } } } private void reconcileReferenceMultiplicity(Component component, Reference componentReference, Reference componentTypeReference, Monitor monitor) { if (componentReference.getMultiplicity() != null) { if (!isValidMultiplicityOverride(componentTypeReference.getMultiplicity(), componentReference .getMultiplicity())) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "ReferenceIncompatibleMultiplicity", component.getName(), componentReference.getName()); } } else { componentReference.setMultiplicity(componentTypeReference.getMultiplicity()); } } private void reconcileComponentPropertyWithComponentType(Component component, ComponentProperty componentProperty, Monitor monitor) { Property componentTypeProperty = componentProperty.getProperty(); if (componentTypeProperty != null) { // Check that a component property does not override the // mustSupply attribute if (!componentTypeProperty.isMustSupply() && componentProperty.isMustSupply()) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyMustSupplyIncompatible", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } // Default to the mustSupply attribute specified on the property if (!componentProperty.isMustSupply()) componentProperty.setMustSupply(componentTypeProperty.isMustSupply()); // Default to the value specified on the component type property if (!isPropertyValueSet(componentProperty)) { componentProperty.setValue(componentTypeProperty.getValue()); } // Override the property value for the composite if (component.getImplementation() instanceof Composite) { componentTypeProperty.setValue(componentProperty.getValue()); } // Check that a component property does not override the // many attribute if (!componentTypeProperty.isMany() && componentProperty.isMany()) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyOverrideManyAttribute", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } // Default to the many attribute defined on the property componentProperty.setMany(componentTypeProperty.isMany()); // Default to the type and element defined on the property if (componentProperty.getXSDType() == null) { componentProperty.setXSDType(componentTypeProperty.getXSDType()); } if (componentProperty.getXSDElement() == null) { componentProperty.setXSDElement(componentTypeProperty.getXSDElement()); } // Check that a type or element are specified if (componentProperty.getXSDElement() == null && componentProperty.getXSDType() == null) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "NoTypeForComponentProperty", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName()); } // check that the types specified in the component type and component property match if ( componentProperty.getXSDElement() != null && !componentProperty.getXSDElement().equals(componentTypeProperty.getXSDElement())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertXSDElementsDontMatch", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName(), componentProperty.getXSDElement(), componentTypeProperty.getXSDElement()); } if ( componentProperty.getXSDType() != null && !componentProperty.getXSDType().equals(componentTypeProperty.getXSDType())){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertXSDTypesDontMatch", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName(), componentProperty.getXSDType(), componentTypeProperty.getXSDType()); } } } /** * checks that the component property value is correctly typed when compared with * the type specified in the composite file property * * TODO - Don't yet handle multiplicity * Need to check composite properties also * * @param component * @param componentProperty * @param monitor */ private void checkComponentPropertyType(Component component, ComponentProperty componentProperty, Monitor monitor) { QName propertyXSDType = componentProperty.getXSDType(); QName propertyElementType = componentProperty.getXSDElement(); if (propertyXSDType != null){ if (propertyXSDType.getNamespaceURI().equals("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema")) { // The property has a simple schema type so we can use the // data binding framework to see if the XML value can be transformed // into a simple Java value Document doc = (Document)componentProperty.getValue(); Node source = (doc == null) ? null : doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); DataType sourceDataType = new DataTypeImpl(DOMDataBinding.NAME, Node.class, new XMLType(null, componentProperty.getXSDType())); DataType targetDataType = new DataTypeImpl(JAXBDataBinding.NAME, Object.class, new XMLType(null, componentProperty.getXSDType())); try { mediator.mediate(source, sourceDataType, targetDataType, null); } catch (Exception ex){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyValueDoesNotMatchSimpleType", componentProperty.getName(), component.getName(), componentProperty.getXSDType().toString()); } } else { // The property has a complex schema type so we fluff up a schema // and use that to validate the property value XSDefinition xsdDefinition = (XSDefinition)componentProperty.getXSDDefinition(); if (xsdDefinition != null) { try { // create schema factory for XML schema SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); Document schemaDom = xsdDefinition.getSchema().getSchemaDocument(); String valueSchema = null; Schema schema = null; if (componentProperty.getXSDType().getNamespaceURI().equals(Constants.SCA11_NS)){ // include the referenced schema as it's already in the OASIS namespace valueSchema = " " + "" + "" + // "" + ""; // Source sources[] = {new StreamSource(new StringReader(valueSchema))}; Source sources[] = {new DOMSource(schemaDom)}; schema = factory.newSchema(sources); // The SCA schema already contains a "value" element so I can't create this schema // the SCA value element is an any so return assuming that it validates. return; } else { // import the referenced schema valueSchema = " " + "" + "" + "" + ""; Source sources[] = {new DOMSource(schemaDom), new StreamSource(new StringReader(valueSchema))}; schema = factory.newSchema(sources); } // get the value child of the property element Document property = (Document)componentProperty.getValue(); Element value = (Element)property.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); // validate the element property/value from the DOM Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); validator.validate(new DOMSource(value)); } catch (Exception e) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyValueDoesNotMatchComplexType", componentProperty.getName(), component.getName(), componentProperty.getXSDType().toString(), e.getMessage()); } } } } else if (propertyElementType != null) { // TODO - TUSCANY-3530 - still need to add validation for element type } } /** * If the property has a source attribute use this to retrieve the value from a * property in the parent composite * * @param parentCompoent the composite that contains the component * @param component * @param componentProperty */ private void processPropertySourceAttribute(Component outerComponent, Composite parentComposite, Component component, ComponentProperty componentProperty, Monitor monitor) { String source = componentProperty.getSource(); if (source != null) { // $/... int index = source.indexOf('/'); if (index == -1) { // Tolerating $prop source = source + "/"; index = source.length() - 1; } if (source.charAt(0) == '$') { String name = source.substring(1, index); Property sourceProp = null; if (outerComponent != null) { sourceProp = outerComponent.getProperty(name); } else { sourceProp = parentComposite.getProperty(name); } if (sourceProp == null) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertySourceNotFound", source, componentProperty.getName(), component.getName()); } Document sourcePropValue = (Document)sourceProp.getValue(); try { // FIXME: How to deal with namespaces? Document node = evaluateXPath(sourcePropValue, componentProperty.getSourceXPathExpression(), documentBuilderFactory); if (node != null) { componentProperty.setValue(node); } else { Monitor.warning(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyXpathExpressionReturnedNull", component.getName(), componentProperty.getName(), componentProperty.getSource()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertySourceXpathInvalid", source, componentProperty.getName(), component.getName(), ex); } } else { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertySourceValueInvalid", source, componentProperty.getName(), component.getName()); } } } /** * If the property has a file attribute use this to retrieve the value from a * local file * * @param parentCompoent the composite that contains the component * @param component */ private void processPropertyFileAttribute(Component component, ComponentProperty componentProperty, Monitor monitor) { String file = componentProperty.getFile(); if (file != null) { try { URI uri = URI.create(file); // URI resolution for relative URIs is done when the composite is resolved. URL url = uri.toURL(); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setUseCaches(false); InputStream is = null; try { is = connection.getInputStream(); Source streamSource = new SAXSource(new InputSource(is)); DOMResult result = new DOMResult(); javax.xml.transform.Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(streamSource, result); Document document = (Document)result.getNode(); // TUSCANY-2377, Add a fake value element so it's consistent with // the DOM tree loaded from inside SCDL if (!document.getDocumentElement().getLocalName().equals("value")){ Element root = document.createElementNS(null, "value"); root.appendChild(document.getDocumentElement()); // remove all the child nodes as they will be replaced by // the "value" node NodeList children = document.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < children.getLength(); i++){ document.removeChild(children.item(i)); } // add the value node back in document.appendChild(root); } componentProperty.setValue(document); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "PropertyFileValueInvalid", file, componentProperty.getName(), component.getName(), ex); } } } /** * Evaluate an XPath expression against a Property value, returning the result as a Property value * @param node - the document root element of a Property value * @param expression - the XPath expression * @param documentBuilderFactory - a DOM document builder factory * @return - a DOM Document representing the result of the evaluation as a Property value * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ private Document evaluateXPath(Document node, XPathExpression expression, DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory) throws XPathExpressionException, ParserConfigurationException { // The document element is a element Node property = node.getDocumentElement(); // The first child of the element is a element Node value = property.getFirstChild(); Node result = (Node)expression.evaluate(value, XPathConstants.NODE); if (result == null) { return null; } if (result instanceof Document) { return (Document)result; } else { Document document = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); Element newProperty = document.createElementNS(SCA11_NS, "property"); if (result.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // If the result is a element, use it directly in the result newProperty.appendChild(document.importNode(result, true)); } else { // If the result is not a element, create a element to contain the result Element newValue = document.createElementNS(SCA11_NS, "value"); newValue.appendChild(document.importNode(result, true)); newProperty.appendChild(newValue); } // end if document.appendChild(newProperty); return document; } } /** * Create a callback reference for a component service * * @param component * @param service */ private void createCallbackReference(Component component, ComponentService service) { // if the service has a callback interface create a reference // to represent the callback if (service.getInterfaceContract() != null && // can be null in unit tests service.getInterfaceContract().getCallbackInterface() != null) { ComponentReference callbackReference = assemblyFactory.createComponentReference(); callbackReference.setForCallback(true); callbackReference.setName(service.getName()); // MJE: multiplicity = 0..n for these callback references callbackReference.setMultiplicity(Multiplicity.ZERO_N); try { InterfaceContract contract = (InterfaceContract)service.getInterfaceContract().clone(); contract.setInterface(contract.getCallbackInterface()); contract.setCallbackInterface(null); callbackReference.setInterfaceContract(contract); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // will not happen } Service implService = service.getService(); if (implService != null) { // If the implementation service is a CompositeService, ensure that the Reference that is // created is a CompositeReference, otherwise create a Reference Reference implReference; if (implService instanceof CompositeService) { CompositeReference implCompReference = assemblyFactory.createCompositeReference(); // Set the promoted component from the promoted component of the composite service implCompReference.getPromotedComponents().add(((CompositeService)implService) .getPromotedComponent()); // Get the promoted component reference corresponding to the service with the callback // fist checking that the promoted service is resolved lest we get a NPE trying to // retrieve the promoted component. It could be unresolved if the user gets the // promotes string wrong // TODO - is there any danger that the callback reference name will clash with other // reference names. Old code used to qualify it with promoted component name if (((CompositeService)implService).getPromotedService().isUnresolved() == false){ String referenceName = ((CompositeService)implService).getPromotedService().getName(); ComponentReference promotedReference = ((CompositeService)implService).getPromotedComponent().getReference(referenceName); implCompReference.getPromotedReferences().add(promotedReference); } implReference = implCompReference; // Add the composite reference to the composite implementation artifact Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation != null && implementation instanceof Composite) { ((Composite)implementation).getReferences().add(implCompReference); } } else { implReference = assemblyFactory.createReference(); } implReference.setName(implService.getName()); // MJE: Fixup multiplicity as 0..n for callback references in the component type implReference.setMultiplicity(Multiplicity.ZERO_N); try { InterfaceContract implContract = (InterfaceContract)implService.getInterfaceContract().clone(); implContract.setInterface(implContract.getCallbackInterface()); implContract.setCallbackInterface(null); implReference.setInterfaceContract(implContract); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // will not happen } callbackReference.setReference(implReference); } component.getReferences().add(callbackReference); // Set the bindings of the callback reference if (callbackReference.getBindings().isEmpty()) { // If there are specific callback bindings set in the SCDL service // callback element then use them // at runtime a callback binding will be selected based on the forward call if (service.getCallback() != null && service.getCallback().getBindings().size() > 0) { callbackReference.getBindings().addAll(service.getCallback().getBindings()); } else { // otherwise take a copy of all the bindings on the forward service // at runtime a callback binding will be selected based on the forward call List serviceBindings = service.getBindings(); for ( Binding serviceBinding: serviceBindings ) { try { Binding referenceBinding = (Binding)serviceBinding.clone(); referenceBinding.setURI(null); callbackReference.getBindings().add(referenceBinding); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // will not happen } // end try } // end for // if there are still no bindings for the callback create a default binding which // will cause the EPR for this reference to be marked as EndpointReference.NOT_CONFIGURED if( serviceBindings.size() == 0 ) { createSCABinding(callbackReference, null); } // end if } } service.setCallbackReference(callbackReference); } } /** * Create a callback service for a component reference * * @param component * @param service */ private void createCallbackService(Component component, ComponentReference reference) { if (reference.getInterfaceContract() != null && // can be null in unit tests reference.getInterfaceContract().getCallbackInterface() != null) { ComponentService callbackService = assemblyFactory.createComponentService(); callbackService.setForCallback(true); callbackService.setName(reference.getName()); try { InterfaceContract contract = (InterfaceContract)reference.getInterfaceContract().clone(); contract.setInterface(contract.getCallbackInterface()); contract.setCallbackInterface(null); callbackService.setInterfaceContract(contract); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // will not happen } Reference implReference = reference.getReference(); if (implReference != null) { // If the implementation reference is a CompositeReference, ensure that the Service that is // created is a CompositeService, otherwise create a Service Service implService; if (implReference instanceof CompositeReference) { CompositeService implCompService = assemblyFactory.createCompositeService(); // TODO The reality here is that the composite reference which has the callback COULD promote more than // one component reference - and there must be a separate composite callback service for each of these component // references // Set the promoted component from the promoted component of the composite reference implCompService.setPromotedComponent(((CompositeReference)implReference).getPromotedComponents().get(0)); implCompService.setForCallback(true); // Get the promoted component service corresponding to the reference with the callback // fist checking that the promoted reference is resolved lest we get a NPE trying to // retrieve the promoted component. It could be unresolved if the user gets the // promotes string wrong if (((CompositeReference)implReference).getPromotedReferences().get(0).isUnresolved() == false){ String serviceName = ((CompositeReference)implReference).getPromotedReferences().get(0).getName(); ComponentService promotedService = ((CompositeReference)implReference).getPromotedComponents().get(0).getService(serviceName); implCompService.setPromotedService(promotedService); } implService = implCompService; // Add the composite service to the composite implementation artifact Implementation implementation = component.getImplementation(); if (implementation != null && implementation instanceof Composite) { ((Composite)implementation).getServices().add(implCompService); } // end if // } else { implService = assemblyFactory.createService(); } // end if // implService.setName(implReference.getName()); try { InterfaceContract implContract = (InterfaceContract)implReference.getInterfaceContract().clone(); implContract.setInterface(implContract.getCallbackInterface()); implContract.setCallbackInterface(null); implService.setInterfaceContract(implContract); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // will not happen } callbackService.setService(implService); } component.getServices().add(callbackService); // configure bindings for the callback service if (callbackService.getBindings().isEmpty()) { if (reference.getCallback() != null && reference.getCallback().getBindings().size() > 0) { // set bindings of the callback service based on the information provided in // SCDL reference callback element callbackService.getBindings().addAll(reference.getCallback().getBindings()); } else if (reference.getBindings().size() > 0) { // use any bindings explicitly declared on the forward reference for (Binding binding : reference.getBindings()) { try { Binding clonedBinding = (Binding)binding.clone(); // binding uri will be calculated during runtime build clonedBinding.setURI(null); callbackService.getBindings().add(clonedBinding); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { } } } else { // create a default binding which will have the correct policy // and URI added. We check later to see if a new binding is required // based on the forward binding but can then copy policy and URI // details from here. // TODO - there is a hole here. If the user explicitly specified an // SCA callback binding that is different from the forward // binding type then we're in trouble createSCABinding(callbackService, null); } } reference.setCallbackService(callbackService); } } /** * Create a default SCA binding in the case that no binding * is specified by the user * * @param contract * @param definitions */ protected void createSCABinding(Contract contract, Definitions definitions) { SCABinding scaBinding = scaBindingFactory.createSCABinding(); scaBinding.setName(contract.getName()); if (definitions != null) { for (ExtensionType attachPointType : definitions.getBindingTypes()) { if (attachPointType.getType().equals(BINDING_SCA_QNAME)) { ((PolicySubject)scaBinding).setExtensionType(attachPointType); } } } contract.getBindings().add(scaBinding); contract.setOverridingBindings(false); } /** * Look to see if any value elements have been set into the property * A bit involved as the value is stored as a DOM Document * * @param property the property to be tested * @return true is values are present */ private boolean isPropertyValueSet(Property property) { Document value = (Document)property.getValue(); if (value == null) { return false; } if (value.getDocumentElement() == null) { return false; } if (value.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Look to see is a property has more than one value * * @param property * @return true is the property has more than one value */ private boolean isPropertyManyValued(Property property) { if (isPropertyValueSet(property)){ Document value = (Document)property.getValue(); if (value.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes().getLength() > 1){ return true; } } return false; } private boolean isValidMultiplicityOverride(Multiplicity definedMul, Multiplicity overridenMul) { if (definedMul != overridenMul) { switch (definedMul) { case ZERO_N: return overridenMul == Multiplicity.ZERO_ONE || overridenMul == Multiplicity.ONE_ONE || overridenMul == Multiplicity.ONE_N; case ONE_N: return overridenMul == Multiplicity.ONE_ONE; case ZERO_ONE: return overridenMul == Multiplicity.ONE_ONE; default: return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Interface contract from higher in the implementation hierarchy takes precedence * When it comes to checking compatibility the top level service interface is a * subset of the promoted service interface so treat the top level interface as * the source * * @param topContract the top contract * @param bottomContract the bottom contract */ private void calculateServiceInterfaceContract(Component component, Service topContract, Service bottomContract, Monitor monitor) { // Use the interface contract from the bottom level contract if // none is specified on the top level contract InterfaceContract topInterfaceContract = topContract.getInterfaceContract(); InterfaceContract bottomInterfaceContract = bottomContract.getInterfaceContract(); if (topInterfaceContract == null) { topContract.setInterfaceContract(bottomInterfaceContract); } else if (bottomInterfaceContract != null) { // Check that the top and bottom interface contracts are compatible boolean isCompatible = true; String incompatibilityReason = ""; try{ isCompatible = checkSubsetCompatibility(topInterfaceContract, bottomInterfaceContract); } catch (IncompatibleInterfaceContractException ex){ isCompatible = false; incompatibilityReason = ex.getMessage(); } if (!isCompatible) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "ServiceIncompatibleComponentInterface", component.getName(), topContract.getName(), incompatibilityReason); } // TODO - there is an issue with the following code if the // contracts of of different types. Need to use the // normalized form // fix up the forward interface based on the promoted component // Someone might have manually specified a callback interface but // left out the forward interface if (topInterfaceContract.getInterface() == null){ topInterfaceContract.setInterface(bottomInterfaceContract.getInterface()); } // fix up the callback interface based on the promoted component // Someone might have manually specified a forward interface but // left out the callback interface if (topInterfaceContract.getCallbackInterface() == null){ topInterfaceContract.setCallbackInterface(bottomInterfaceContract.getCallbackInterface()); } } } /** * Interface contract from higher in the implementation hierarchy takes precedence * When it comes to checking compatibility the top level reference interface is a * superset of the promoted reference interface so treat the promoted * (bottom) interface as the source * * @param topContract the top contract * @param bottomContract the bottom contract */ private void calculateReferenceInterfaceContract(Component component, Reference topContract, Reference bottomContract, Monitor monitor) { // Use the interface contract from the bottom level contract if // none is specified on the top level contract InterfaceContract topInterfaceContract = topContract.getInterfaceContract(); InterfaceContract bottomInterfaceContract = bottomContract.getInterfaceContract(); if (topInterfaceContract == null) { topContract.setInterfaceContract(bottomInterfaceContract); } else if (bottomInterfaceContract != null) { // Check that the top and bottom interface contracts are compatible boolean isCompatible = true; String incompatibilityReason = ""; try{ isCompatible = checkSubsetCompatibility(bottomInterfaceContract, topInterfaceContract); } catch (IncompatibleInterfaceContractException ex){ isCompatible = false; incompatibilityReason = ex.getMessage(); } if (!isCompatible) { Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "ReferenceIncompatibleComponentInterface", component.getName(), topContract.getName(), incompatibilityReason); } // TODO - there is an issue with the following code if the // contracts of of different types. Need to use the // normalized form // fix up the forward interface based on the promoted component // Someone might have manually specified a callback interface but // left out the forward interface if (topInterfaceContract.getInterface() == null){ topInterfaceContract.setInterface(bottomInterfaceContract.getInterface()); } // fix up the callback interface based on the promoted component // Someone might have manually specified a forward interface but // left out the callback interface if (topInterfaceContract.getCallbackInterface() == null){ topInterfaceContract.setCallbackInterface(bottomInterfaceContract.getCallbackInterface()); } } } /** * Bindings from higher in the hierarchy take precedence * * @param componentService the top service * @param componentTypeService the bottom service */ private void calculateBindings(Component component, Service componentService, Service componentTypeService, Monitor monitor) { // forward bindings if (componentService.getBindings().isEmpty()) { componentService.getBindings().addAll(componentTypeService.getBindings()); } if (componentService.getBindings().isEmpty()) { createSCABinding(componentService, null); } // callback bindings if (componentService.getCallback() == null) { componentService.setCallback(componentTypeService.getCallback()); if (componentService.getCallback() == null) { // Create an empty callback to avoid null check componentService.setCallback(assemblyFactory.createCallback()); } } else if (componentService.getCallback().getBindings().isEmpty() && componentTypeService.getCallback() != null) { componentService.getCallback().getBindings().addAll(componentTypeService.getCallback().getBindings()); } // [ASM90005] validate that binding.sca has no uri set for (Binding binding : componentService.getBindings()){ if (binding instanceof SCABinding){ if ((binding.getURI() != null) && (binding.getURI().length() > 0)){ Monitor.error(monitor, this, Messages.ASSEMBLY_VALIDATION, "URIFoundOnServiceSCABinding", binding.getName(), component.getName(), componentService.getName(), binding.getURI()); } } } } /** * Bindings from higher in the hierarchy take precedence * * @param componentReference the top service * @param componentTypeReference the bottom service */ private void calculateBindings(Reference componentReference, Reference componentTypeReference) { // forward bindings if (componentReference.getBindings().isEmpty()) { componentReference.getBindings().addAll(componentTypeReference.getBindings()); } // callback bindings if (componentReference.getCallback() == null) { componentReference.setCallback(componentTypeReference.getCallback()); } else if (componentReference.getCallback().getBindings().isEmpty() && componentTypeReference.getCallback() != null) { componentReference.getCallback().getBindings().addAll(componentTypeReference.getCallback().getBindings()); } } /** * A local wrapper for the interace contract mapper as we need to normalize the * interface contracts if appropriate and the mapper doesn't have the right * dependencies to be able to do it. * * Sometimes the two interfaces can be presented using different IDLs, for example * Java and WSDL. In this case interfaces are converted so that they are both WSDL1.1 interfaces * and they are then compared. The generated WSDL is cached on the interface object for * any subsequent matching * * @param contractA * @param contractB * @return true if the interface contracts match */ private boolean checkSubsetCompatibility(InterfaceContract contractA, InterfaceContract contractB) throws IncompatibleInterfaceContractException { if (contractA.getClass() != contractB.getClass()) { if (contractA instanceof JavaInterfaceContract){ contractBuilder.build(contractA, null); contractA = ((JavaInterfaceContract)contractA).getNormalizedWSDLContract(); } if (contractB instanceof JavaInterfaceContract){ contractBuilder.build(contractB, null); contractB = ((JavaInterfaceContract)contractB).getNormalizedWSDLContract(); } } return interfaceContractMapper.checkCompatibility(contractA, contractB, Compatibility.SUBSET, false, false); } }