This Tuscany sample shows how to implement and use a simple Logger component that logs string messages to a Scribe logging server. Scribe is an Open Source server for aggregating streaming log data. It is designed to scale to a very large number of nodes and be robust to network and node failures. See the Scribe Wiki [1] for more information on Scribe. Getting the required Apache Thrift library ========================================== This sample uses Apache Thrift's libthrift.jar to communicate with Scribe servers. Libthrift is not yet available in a Maven repository, so before building the sample with Maven, you need to download libthrift [2] and install it in your local Maven repository like this: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.thrift -DartifactId=libthrift \ -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=libthrift-r917130.jar Starting a Scribe server ======================== Before running the LoggingTest sample test program, you need to start a Scribe server for the sample program to connect to. Steps to start a Scribe server are described in the Scribe examples README [3]. A simple Scribe server configuration can be found in the Scribe examples [4]. LoggingTest will try to connect to a Scribe server at localhost:1463. To use a Scribe server at a different host or port, configure the host and port properties in scribe.composite to match your server. Running the LoggingTest sample test program =========================================== To run the LoggingTest sample test program, do this: mvn -Dtest=LoggingTest test Checking the Scribe log output ============================== After running LoggingTest, you should find the logged string "Hello There" in file sample/sample_current under your Scribe log store directory. If you've used the example1.conf Scribe configuration from the Scribe examples [4], you should find your log message in /tmp/scribetest/sample/sample_current. [1] [2] [3] [4]