/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tuscany.sca.itest.databindings.jaxb; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.host.embedded.SCADomain; import org.apache.tuscany.sca.itest.databindings.jaxb.impl.GenericsTransformer; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Databinding tests for generics, parameterized and polymorphic types. * * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class GenericsDatabindingTestCase { private static SCADomain domain; /** * Runs before each test method */ @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { try { domain = SCADomain.newInstance("generics-service.composite"); } catch(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Runs after each test method */ @AfterClass public static void tearDown() { domain.close(); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExplicit. */ @Test public void testSCATypeExplicit() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeExplicit(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeUnbound. */ @Test public void testSCATypeUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExtends. */ @Test // @Ignore("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException") public void testSCATypeExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getRecursiveTypeBound. */ @Test // @Ignore("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but was:") public void testSCARecursiveTypeBound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestRecursiveTypeBound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardUnbound. */ @Test public void testSCAWildcardUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardSuper. */ @Test // @Ignore("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException") public void testSCAWildcardSuper() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardSuper(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardExtends. */ @Test // @Ignore("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException") public void testSCAWildcardExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getPolymorphic. */ @Test public void testSCAPolymorphic() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestPolymorphic(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExplicit. */ @Test public void testWSTypeExplicit() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestTypeExplicit(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeUnbound. */ @Test // @Ignore("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but was:") public void testWSTypeUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestTypeUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExtends. */ @Test // @Ignore("org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in prolog at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,0]") public void testWSTypeExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestTypeExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getRecursiveTypeBound. */ @Test // @Ignore("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but was:") public void testWSRecursiveTypeBound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestRecursiveTypeBound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardUnbound. */ @Test public void testWSWildcardUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestWildcardUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardSuper. */ @Test // @Ignore("org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault") public void testWSWildcardSuper() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestWildcardSuper(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardExtends. */ @Test // @Ignore("org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault") public void testWSWildcardExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestWildcardExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsService service using WS binding. * Service method invoked is getPolymorphic. */ @Test // @Ignore("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but was:") public void testWSPolymorphic() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsServiceClientWSComponent"); performTestPolymorphic(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExplicit. */ @Test public void testSCALocalTypeExplicit() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeExplicit(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeUnbound. */ @Test public void testSCALocalTypeUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getTypeExtends. */ @Test public void testSCALocalTypeExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestTypeExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getRecursiveTypeBound. */ @Test public void testSCALocalRecursiveTypeBound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestRecursiveTypeBound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardUnbound. */ @Test public void testSCALocalWildcardUnbound() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardUnbound(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardSuper. */ @Test public void testSCALocalWildcardSuper() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardSuper(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getWildcardExtends. */ @Test public void testSCALocalWildcardExtends() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestWildcardExtends(serviceClient); } /** * Invokes the GenericsLocalService service using SCA binding. * Service method invoked is getPolymorphic. */ @Test public void testSCALocalPolymorphic() throws Exception { GenericsServiceClient serviceClient = domain.getService(GenericsServiceClient.class, "GenericsLocalServiceClientSCAComponent"); performTestPolymorphic(serviceClient); } private void performTestTypeExplicit(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { Bean1 args[] = new Bean1[2]; args[0] = new Bean1("Me"); args[1] = new Bean1(); for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { Bean1 arg = args[i]; Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeExplicit(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeExplicitForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } } private void performTestTypeUnbound(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { // String String[] args = { "Me", "You", "Him" }; Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeUnbound(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeUnboundForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Integer Integer[] args = new Integer[3]; args[0] = -10; args[1] = 0; args[2] = 10; Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeUnbound(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeUnboundForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Object Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = "Me"; args[1] = 10; args[2] = "Him"; Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeUnbound(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeUnboundForward(args); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } } private void performTestTypeExtends(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { // Bean2 Bean2[] args = new Bean2[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean2(); args[i].setName("Name"+i); } Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeExtends(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeExtendsForward(args); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Bean3 extends Bean2 Bean3[] args = new Bean3[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean3(); args[i].setName("Name"+i); args[i].setAddress("Address"+i); } Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeExtends(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeExtendsForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { //Bean31 extends Bean2 Bean31[] args = new Bean31[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean31(); args[i].setName("Name"+i); args[i].setAddress("Address"+i); } Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getTypeExtends(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getTypeExtendsForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } } private void performTestRecursiveTypeBound(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { // Bean1 Bean1[] args = new Bean1[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean1(); args[i].setItem("Bean."+i); } Bean1> expected = GenericsTransformer.getRecursiveTypeBound(args); Bean1> actual = serviceClient.getRecursiveTypeBoundForward(args); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Bean10 extends Bean1 Bean10[] args = new Bean10[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean10(); args[i].setItem("Bean10."+i); } Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getRecursiveTypeBound(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getRecursiveTypeBoundForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Bean11 extends Bean1 Bean11[] args = new Bean11[3]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = new Bean11(); args[i].setItem("Bean11."+i); } Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getRecursiveTypeBound(args); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getRecursiveTypeBoundForward(args); // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } } private void performTestWildcardUnbound(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { Bean1 arg = new Bean1("Me"); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardUnbound(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardUnboundForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { Bean1 arg = new Bean1(1); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardUnbound(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardUnboundForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } } private void performTestWildcardSuper(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { Bean1 arg = new Bean1(); Bean3 item = new Bean3(); item.setName("Name"); item.setAddress("Address"); arg.setItem(item); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardSuper(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardSuperForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } private void performTestWildcardExtends(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { // Bean2 Bean2 temp = new Bean2(); temp.setName("Me"); Bean1 arg = new Bean1(temp); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardExtends(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardExtendsForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Bean3 extends Bean2 Bean3 temp = new Bean3(); temp.setName("Me"); temp.setAddress("My address"); Bean1 arg = new Bean1(temp); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardExtends(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardExtendsForward(arg); // The Bean3 will be unmarshalled into Bean2 // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); Assert.assertTrue(actual.getItem() instanceof Bean2); } { // Bean31 extends Bean2 Bean31 temp = new Bean31(); temp.setName("Me1"); temp.setAddress("My address1"); Bean1 arg = new Bean1(temp); Bean1 expected = GenericsTransformer.getWildcardExtends(arg); Bean1 actual = serviceClient.getWildcardExtendsForward(arg); // The Bean31 will be unmarshalled into Bean2 // Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); Assert.assertTrue(actual.getItem() instanceof Bean2); } } private void performTestPolymorphic(GenericsServiceClient serviceClient) { { // Bean2 Bean2 arg = new Bean2(); arg.setName("Me"); Bean2 expected = GenericsTransformer.getPolymorphic(arg); Bean2 actual = serviceClient.getPolymorphicForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } { // Bean3 extends Bean2 Bean3 arg = new Bean3(); arg.setName("Me"); arg.setAddress("My address"); Bean2 expected = GenericsTransformer.getPolymorphic(arg); Bean2 actual = serviceClient.getPolymorphicForward(arg); Assert.assertEquals(expected.getName(), actual.getName()); } } }