This module is a Maven compiler which uses the Eclipse Java compiler which is used by the Tuscany SCA project build. To build, from the top maven-eclipse-compiler run maven: mvn or once all the dependencies have been downloaded and a succesful build run use: mvn clean install -o So as to avoid the Tuscany SCA project using SNAPSHOT dependencies any changes to this maven-eclipse-compiler module should be released and the Tuscany SCA project updated to use the newly released version. To release this module: mvn release:prepare followed by: mvn release:perform While running these will prompt you for the names fro the tag, release version etc. In your maven settings.xml file you must have a server defined named "apache.releases", and a profile named "release". For example: ... apache.releases antelder \ant\id_dsa xxx 775 664 ... release ... apache.releases::default::scp://