What's New in SDO Java ${sdo.version} Apache Tuscany's SDO Java Release ${sdo.version} is the first such release with full coverage of the SDO 2.1 specification. In addition to adding the few remaining SDO 2.1 features not included in the ${sdo.previousversion} release and fixing a number of bugs (see below for detail) there are a number of new features relating to XML serialization, and new support for handling dynamic derivation from static classes. For previous revision history, take a look at http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/tuscany/tags/java/sdo/${sdo.previousversion}/sdo/distribution/RELEASE_NOTES.txt SDO Java ${sdo.version} is a superset of previous SDO ${sdo.previousversion} release. Anything in ${sdo.previousversion} is also in ${sdo.version}, but ${sdo.version} contains features and bugfixes not present in ${sdo.previousversion} release. Downloading =========== Please visit http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/sdo-java-releases.html Binary Artifact Changes ======================= PLEASE NOTE that Since the 1.0-incubating-beta release the following binary artifacts have been renamed The maven groupId of the SDO API binary artifact has changed from "commonj" to "org.apache.tuscany.sdo" The maven artifactId for the SDO API binary artifact has changed from "sdo-api-r2.1" to "tuscany-sdo-api-r2.1" The jar file containing the SDO API has a new "tuscany-" prefix, so what was .. sdo-api-r2.1-1.0-incubating-beta1.jar in the beta1 release becomes tuscany-sdo-api-r2.1-1.0-incubating.jar in this release. In addition a new maven artifact and jar has appeared. maven groupId=org.apache.tuscany.sdo maven artifactId=tuscany-sdo-lib jar archive=tuscany-sdo-lib-${sdo.version} This artifact provides a cleear distinction between Tuscany SDO implementation, and the Tuscany API which extends the SDO API. See the javadoc contained in the binary release for details of the function provded by this artifact. New Features and Fixes ====================== For more detail on these fixes and features please see ... https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=12310210&fixfor=12312521&resolution=1&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC&sorter/field=issuetype&sorter/order=DESC New Feature TUSCANY-1197 Sequence composition TUSCANY-1212 SDO 2.1 feature: Property.isNullable() and Property.isOpenContent() TUSCANY-1213 SDO 2.1 feature: DataHelper.convert() TUSCANY-1214 SDO 2.1 feature: XMLHelper.load(Source) and XMLHelper.save(Result) TUSCANY-1317 Provide a way to set default XML load options to be used during Java deserialization Improvement TUSCANY-513 Implement support for dynamic subclasses of statically generated types TUSCANY-1110 Improve the performance of TypeHelperImpl.getType(Class) TUSCANY-1233 Enhance SDO static codegen (XSD2Java) to support multiple namespaces in a single pass. TUSCANY-1284 Manifest version number in Java SDO Impl and Tools jars TUSCANY-1350 Reorganise SDO build / distribution layout TUSCANY-1391 Provide capability to load and save XML with unknown features TUSCANY-1459 Remove package registry delegation to EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE Bug TUSCANY-578 Exceptions thrown by SDO runtime not the same as defined in the spec TUSCANY-993 Problems with sdoModelExtended.xsd TUSCANY-1122 TypeConversionTestCase fails for JDK 1.4.2 TUSCANY-1127 ObtainingDataGraphFromXml, and maybe other samples, incorrectly accessing xsd:any content TUSCANY-1143 Generated code should separate metadata creation from registration to permit proper scoping TUSCANY-1207 TCCL-specific EcoreBuilders must be used by default XSDHelper TUSCANY-1223 XSD base64Binary type mapping to wrong SDO type TUSCANY-1250 Static SDO generator generates an erroneous factory class, when inheritance and different Java packages are used TUSCANY-1251 Code generated from xsd:base64Binary types fail to compile TUSCANY-1254 Codegen on a type inheriting from a type in different namespace will result in mis-mapping the feature IDs TUSCANY-1305 Changesummary of datagraph using static interfaces. TUSCANY-1324 DeserializationNoSchemaTestCase took a long time to run TUSCANY-1325 Property value with xsd:QName type is not deserialized and serialized correctly TUSCANY-1333 [Java SDO] ClassCastException when defining schema file without .xsd extension TUSCANY-1352 NPE in SDOXSDEcoreBuilder.XSDSchemaAdapterFactoryImpl.SchemaLocator.locateSchema TUSCANY-1369 EMF 2.2.2 Dependencies from ISU are Stale TUSCANY-1385 Duplicate namespace was serialized when SDO QName property value containing existing namespace TUSCANY-1393 ClassCastException saving codegen-based DataGraph with ChangeSummary containing an xsd:int TUSCANY-1408 Cannot programmatically define a SDO property matching to XSD element TUSCANY-1410 DataHelperImpl.toCalendar() with null locale should use default locale TUSCANY-1421 XMLHelper.save on root object of DataGraph gives serialization of href="root.xml#/" TUSCANY-1428 XSD2JavaGenerator.GeneratePackage information is invalid TUSCANY-1429 Using default helper context got ClassCastException due to T-1317 TUSCANY-1430 SDO codegen is needs to use internal property numbers for inverseAdd, inverseRemove, and notify calls TUSCANY-1436 TypeHelper.getType(java.util.List.class) throws ClassCastException TUSCANY-1446 Java SDO samples don't compile with JDK 1.4.2 TUSCANY-1457 Unable to code gen SDOModel.xsd