Running the otests with Tuscany using Maven =========================================== cd otest/current mvn should build and run all of the otests The file otest\current\tests\src\test\resources\ configures the test environment. Currently you can run in either the Java standalone or OSGi runtimes which is configured by the property. Running the otests with Tuscany using Eclipse ============================================= cd otest/current mvn eclipse:eclipse import otest/current/tests into eclipse import otest/current/General into eclipse import otest/current/General_Java into eclipse import which ever other contributions you need into eclipse (depends on which tests you are running) Structure of the otests ====================== The otest directory, once checked out, contains files from both OASIS and Tuscany svn. As follows otest/ current/ - the latest otests src/ - the latest otest source pulled directly from OASIS svn via svn:externals tests/ - the latest otest unit tests pulled directly from OASIS svn via svn:externals General_Java/ - the general Java contribution pulled from Tuscany svn src/main/ - the general Java classes pulled directly from OASIS svn via svn:externals General - the general contribution pulled from Tuscany svn src/main/resources - code copied from otest/current/src/resources/General ASM_**** src/main/resources - code copied from otest/current/src/resources/AMS_**** these independent contributions are contributions with errors in them. The rest of the top-level otest contributions can be found in General The code is copied from src/main/resources to the appropriate contribution each time maven is used to compile the contribution in question. There is a build setting in each contribution pom that does the copy. This all seems a bit complicated but is structured like this because the OASIS tests don't come with a build system. We want to be able to build in both maven and eclipse in the same way as we do with the rest of our code You will note that there are a lot of contributions and it would seem to be a big job if we need to make changes to the build across all the contributions. However there is an ant script that sets up the contribution modules. otest/current/ant fixUpContributions Creates the src/main/resource directory and copies in the pom from the template-pom.xml file Extra dependencies that are required ASM_8004 -> ASM_8005