<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.tuscany.sca.war.Installer" %> <% Installer installer = (Installer) request.getAttribute("installer"); %>

Apache Tuscany Tomcat Integration

The Tuscany Tomcat integration turns Tomcat into an SCA enabled runtime so it can run SCA contributions and SCA-enabled Web Applications.

Status: Tuscany is <% if (Installer.isTuscanyHookRunning()) { %> installed and active <% } else if (Installer.isRestartRequired()) {%> installed but Tomcat needs to be restarted <% } else {%> not installed <% }%> in Tomcat.

<% if (!Installer.isTuscanyHookRunning() && !Installer.isRestartRequired()) { %> Install Tuscany
To install Tuscany into Tomcat, click:

The Tuscany runtime is shared by all web applications if checked.

<% } else {%> Uninstall Tuscany
If remove Tuscany from Tomcat, click:

<% }%>

<% if (installer != null) { %> <%= installer.getStatus() %> <% }%>